Holy Prison

Chapter 2221: Stalemate

"Let's do it!" Chu Feng thought, a golden light shot out from the lion king's mask, and the golden light formed a huge lion several hundred meters long in the sky.

Without any hesitation, the moment Zhan Tian appeared outside, he immediately slapped the target with a slap. The time was only one second, and it was not allowed to be wasted!

At the moment when Zhantian appeared, Longyang and they all felt a strong death threat, and that feeling was as if their hearts were being grasped!

The death threat was felt, but Dragon Anode and the others had no time to escape, or even time to raise their defenses!

Zhan Tian, ​​the power that broke out at this moment was the fifth-Rank Dominant level, and it shot so fast that it could not be clearly seen with Chu Feng's eyesight!

The defensive barrier of the gathering point is very strong, but under the attack of Zhantian, that defense is really too weak. If the defense is an egg shell, Zhantian’s attack is like a hammer hitting the egg shell. past!

With almost no obstacles, Zhan Tian's right palm stretched out to break the defensive barrier at the gathering point and smashed into the area where Dragon Anode and them were.

There are enchantments around Dragon Anode, but the defense performance of that enchantment is really mediocre. Of course, even if the defense performance is relatively strong, there is nothing to use!

With a body length of several hundred meters, Zhantian's right palm covers an area of ​​four to five hundred square meters, and the whole area of ​​Longyang anode and others may be said to be covered!

The ground shook violently, and Zhan Tian turned into a golden light and entered the Lion King's mask. It still had time to attack again, but there was no need!

It was just a palm, a palm, and the dragon anode and the others were all photographed into a blood mist. Zhan Tian didn't have any mercy, and Chu Feng didn't mean that!

Although, if you catch them alive, it will be possible to get rid of the parasites from the original owner of the body at that time, but that is very troublesome. The main problem is that the time that Zhantian can attack is too short, so short time, one palm all It would be nice to shoot them dead, but there are too many demands!

A thunderstorm sounded, and a billowing blood cloud appeared in the sky. As soon as the blood cloud appeared, it was crimson, and in a very short time it became a black cloud, so black that it was so shiny!

In the dark clouds, huge thunder snakes danced wildly, like that, as if the end of the world is just before you!

Chu Feng ignored the vision in the sky. With a move of his mind, a hundred heaven guards and Feng Bingning, Tang Ming, Hong Jun and many others appeared outside in the holy prison space.

"Linglong, take all of them to the sacred mountain, completely surround the area of ​​the sacred mountain for me, pay attention to safety." Chu Feng said, Linglong's small dragon head, instantly he became a hundred meters long. Let Feng Bingning and them all reach its back!

"Feng, you should be careful too!" Feng Bingning said loudly, her voice fell, and Linglong led them away in the blink of an eye and was very far away from Chu Feng.

The people in the settlement were taken aback by Zhantian's attack. At this time Feng Bingning and the others left, they thought of fleeing, but Chu Feng is on this side, where can they escape?

"All the people will be obedient to me. If they are not obedient, then I will have the means to punish you in a small way!" Chu Feng's faint voice rang.

There were a hundred thousand people in this settlement, and the strongest had reached the immortal level, but under Chu Feng's words, many people who were about to flee were stunned and stopped.

Of course, are there anyone who stopped and continued to flee? Of those people, none of them could escape. Those with lower strength were taken directly by the Holy Prison, and those with higher strength, Chu Feng Swallowing the World Gourd appeared in his hands and were all paid. To devour the gourd! There are only a hundred thousand people, and none of them are immortal. The immortal powers are just three or two kittens, and everyone is terrified. For Chu Feng, such a group of people No pressure!

In just one or two minutes, the 100,000 people in this settlement were all taken into the holy prison space by Chu Feng!

Chu Feng walked to the spot where Longyang had been before. That spot was the bluestone ground. At this time, a palm print two to three meters deep appeared there!

In the pit formed by the palm prints, the bodies of two people can still be seen a little bit. These two bodies are naturally Ollod and Tiya's. As for the dragon anode and their bodies, under such terrible power, they 'S body turned into blood mist, and then all into nothingness! Some things on their bodies were not damaged and remained.

In the pit, there are some treasures of the dragon anode and the others. The treasures are sinking into the bluestone one by one. The power of Zhantian only destroys those people and does not damage those treasures.

At the beginning, Chu Feng wanted to get it, but the Lian Tian Ding that was auctioned off by the Dragon Anode was in it. However, under the other two things, Lian Tian Ding was nothing.

The other two things, one is a fan with a flaming fan, you can see that it should be Tiya at a glance; the other is a golden ring with a diameter of about ten or twenty centimeters, which is naturally Ollod’s treasure , These two things are the weapons of dominance. If Tiya and the others burst out with dominance-level power, Chu Feng will be in big trouble, but they don't have that opportunity!

"Your treasure, I laughed at it." Chu Feng said in a low voice, his heavenly hand appeared while he thought, and in the blink of an eye all the treasures in the pit were collected by him!

Chu Feng knew where the Most Sacred Mountain was. His figure faded away, and he appeared far away in the next second. After seven or eight space jumps, Chu Feng had already arrived near the Most Sacred Mountain!

Many quasi-dominant-level powerhouses died, and even two masters died. The heaven and earth vision naturally appeared on this side. Some people in the Most Holy Mountain were panicked, and some of them felt uncomfortable and wanted to escape, but this will Where can I escape to? Feng Bingning and the others have already arrived. More than one hundred saintly-level powerhouses, several quasi-dominant-level powerhouses, and many immortal-level powerhouses have completely surrounded the most sacred mountain, don’t Speaking of people, a fly cannot leave!

Among the most sacred mountains, there are still many strong people at this moment, and they are worried that Chu Feng will come and attack the most sacred mountain. Ice Venerable and some other strong will stay at the highest sacred mountain. Among the most sacred mountains, the indestructible powerhouses There are tens of thousands of people, and there are also tens of thousands of immortal powerhouses, but how can such strength stand against Chu Feng and the others?

Speaking of Chu Feng, there are still fewer people on their side, but a Sovereign-level powerhouse is worth a lot of ordinary Immortal-level powerhouses. There are 10,000 immortal people on the Most Sacred Mountain. It is estimated that the powerhouses at the level of Chu Feng could not beat the more than one hundred saintly-level powerhouses on Chu Feng's side. What's more, there are still many quasi-dominant level powerhouses on Chu Feng's side.

Hongjun, Pangu, Master Tianhen, Feng Bingning, Mu Yun, Taochen, the captain of the knife team Kuanglong, here are seven quasi-dominant-level powerhouses, plus Chu Feng, that is eight quasi-dominance Class powerhouse!

Not to mention other people, it's just Chu Feng, he alone can compare to many ordinary quasi-dominant powerhouses, and the strength of the most sacred mountain is much worse than them!

Among the most sacred mountains, the face of Ice Venerable was gloomy at this time. Now in the most sacred mountains, there is no quasi-dominant-level powerhouse, and there are only two saint-level powerhouses, one is her and the other is Sa Venerable!

There are several experts at the Saint King level, and there are many experts at the Immortal level, but Venerable Ice knows that with the power of the most sacred mountain, it is impossible to stop Chu Feng and the others for long.

"What kind of power is it, so terrible." Venerable Ice said in his heart, the sky is so terrifying, Feng Bingning and the others arrived, she knew that Dragon Anode and they must have died in an instant about a minute or two ago, Venerable Ice What she thought was that many people in Chu Feng and Shenchu ​​City had died, so she didn't escape!

At this moment, Venerable Ice only prays that the two masters of the dominance level will survive. If this is the case, there may be some hope in the Holy Mountain, and she still has hope to survive!

"Venerable Ice, the lord is afraid that they are all dead, I have a plan." Venerable Salmon’s voice came into Venerable Ice’s ears. Usually Venerable Ice hates Venerable Salmon coming to her. Yes, now she doesn't care about it anymore, her life is almost gone, what's the use of being proud.

"Accepted a part of the people from the Most Sacred Mountain, they let us leave with Chu Feng" Venerable Bing's eyes lit up, and there are now tens of thousands of people in the Most Sacred Mountain.

Among the tens of thousands of people, some of them were good people before they were parasitized, and some of them were relatives and friends of some people on Chu Feng's side!

"Just do it!" Venerable Ice immediately agreed.

"Kidnapping" people is very easy. Those who are "kidnapped" know that if they are "kidnapped", they may escape.

With the cooperation of the "kidnapped", in a short period of time, Venerable Ice and Venerable Salmon each received two to three thousand people! It's not that they don't want to collect more, but they know that if they collect more, then Chu Feng will definitely not let them go. If they collect less, the people who collect it are more important, and the chance of escape is higher!

As for where to go after escaping, the Ice Venerable and the others have not had time to think about it. They will escape first, and then they will be able to survive!

When Chu Feng arrived, it was such a situation. The lives of Venerable Bing, Venerable Salmon, and even some people in the sacred mountain threatened Chu Feng and them to retreat!

If the threat can work, it would be the best for the Ice Venerable. When Chu Feng and the others retreat, it is still safer to stay on the Most Sacred Mountain.

At that time, if another quasi-dominant-level powerhouse awakens, and a dominant-level powerhouse wakes up from a deep sleep, the most holy mountain may not have the day to turn over.

However, how could Chu Feng give Venerable Bing such a chance to them?

"Venerable Ice, Venerable Salmon, your heads, there is no problem now, use your killer as a threat to retreat." Chu Feng said quietly.

Venerable Ice and the others were in the most sacred mountain at this time, tens of thousands of meters away from Chu Feng and them, but they could clearly see each other and hear each other's voice.

"Chu Feng, you must know that many of our people on the sacred mountain may regain their souls. Many of them are relatives and friends of the people on your side!" Salmon whispered, he said. After beckoning, he was immediately taken to his side by himself, and that person Chu Feng knew that he was from the Feng Clan.

"Look, do you recognize it? A woman of the Feng clan, she looks so watery." Salmon touched that woman's face, "Chu Feng, the defense of the Most Sacred Mountain is not weak. I admit that the Most Sacred Mountain cannot stop it. Your attack, however, is no problem blocking you for a period of time. During that period, enough such people will die!"

A cold light flickered in Feng Bingning's eyes, and Feng Yao and others looked at Chu Feng. "Samon, you and Venerable Ice can leave, but you can’t take any of them away. In addition, the Tianxinzi in the Most Sacred Mountain, you must stay behind, and Venerable Ice, the water you got Xinjing, stay!" Chu Feng said quietly.

"Impossible!" Bing Ning said coldly.

"Then there is nothing to say, you all die!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

"Chu Feng, I think you should think more about it." Salmon said as he touched the head of the Phoenix woman, her hand suddenly tightened, and the head of the Phoenix woman was suddenly in Salmon's hand. Squeezed and exploded, the blood flew shallow, and Salmon's hands were stained with the blood of that Phoenix woman!

"Chu Feng, you see, you made me nervous. When I was nervous, a lively life was gone." Salmon smiled strangely. He said that he raised his hand and stretched out his tongue and licked his fingers. The blood, "The taste is not bad, Phoenix blood, it really tastes much better than ordinary blood!"

"Asshole!" Feng Bingning gritted his teeth, and many people on Chu Feng's side were angry.

Chu Feng didn't look angry at this moment, and there was no other expression on his face at this moment, it looked a little scary.

"Sammon, you angered me. If you and Venerable Ice run away, 70% of my power will be on tracking you. You have only a dead end!" Chu Feng's cold voice rang.

Venerable Salmon laughed, "Chu Feng, if there are many people buried together, even if they die, it won't be that scary, is it?"

Salmon said and beckoned, and another person appeared beside him, "Chu Feng, do you know this person?" Venerable Salmon laughed.

"Mother!" Yin Qianqian exclaimed. The person who showed up was not someone else, it was Yin Qianqian's mother and Yin Xiao's wife. However, at this moment, she was in a parasitic state, strictly speaking , Now that is not Yin Qianqian's mother!

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