Holy Prison

Chapter 2222: negotiation

Seeing the person next to Salmon, Yin Xiao also became nervous in an instant, but his wife, although now parasitized, still hopes to recover!

"Chu Feng, Yin Xiao, there is a big beauty, isn't it?" Salmon glanced at Yin Xiao's wife next to him and laughed. At this moment, Yin Xiao's wife was imprisoned for her cultivation. If Salmon were to kill her, It will not be a difficult thing!

In the Most Sacred Mountain, although some people are a little worried about being drawn to themselves by Salmon, they agree with Salmon’s behavior. If they can retreat from Chu Feng, it is naturally the best. result!

Samon and Ice Venerable, there are now many people in their space items. They have plans to escape to the holy mountain, but that one must be behind.

Being able to stay in the most sacred mountain, Salmon and Venerable Bing would not run out. They had seen Chu Feng's powerful search ability. Although they had a Saint-level cultivation base, they might not be able to avoid it!

"Chu Feng, give you a little time to think about it. If I am not satisfied with the answer you give me later, I will strip her first!"

"Yin Xiao, your wife’s beautiful body, it is estimated that many people here want to see it, hahaha! If the subsequent answer still makes me unsatisfied, then, I don’t mind having someone play with her on the spot. Live Erotica, of course, if no one else is willing to play, I will sacrifice myself."

Yin Xiao's face became extremely ugly. Although the woman's soul is not his wife's now, the body is his wife's body!

"Yin Xiao, your current expression is really good." Salmon laughed, "Chu Feng, three minutes, I will give you three minutes to consider. After three minutes, if you haven't returned to the sacred mountain 10 billion Kilometers away, you can see the beautiful body of Yin Xiao's wife, are you looking forward to it?"


Yin Qianqian's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind. She didn't want to affect Chu Feng's judgment because of her own words, but as a woman, how could she bear it at this time!

"Samon, give you the Tianxinzi in your hands, and Venerable Ice will give you the water heart crystals, we can leave!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

"No discussion!" Salmon said coldly.

Chu Feng sneered and said, "All the people in the first city of the gods follow the order, and within ten seconds, if Salmon still fails to discuss, immediately attack the holy mountain, no violation!"

"Swear by my sage, give an order, not kidding!"

The vast majority of the people in Shenchu ​​City responded loudly. Some people like Yin Xiao didn’t want their relatives and friends to have an accident, but they also knew that if you didn’t act tough on such things, then it’s not just It's as simple as taking a step or two, and it is estimated that you will have to step back one step after another!

"Attention everyone, prepare to attack, seven, six, five, four" Zhou Wen said loudly. Although the sky was full of anger and thunder, everyone in the holy mountain could hear his voice clearly.

Both Venerable Salmon and Venerable Ice frowned. Chu Feng had already swears by the sage, so it is absolutely impossible to change it just now, they can only step back!

When Venerable Salmon reached one in Zhou Wen's count, he still made a sound. Maybe they could feel sick to Chu Feng and the others, and make Chu Feng and the others feel sad, but if they really fight, none of them can survive!

"Chu Feng, it is impossible for Tianxinzi to give you!" Venerable Salmon said loudly. Now there are five Tianxinzi in Chu Feng's hand. Before the three, the dragon anode and the others died. From their space items, Chu Feng obtained two Tianxinzi. Among the space items, there were many strong men, and they were all locked in the holy prison.

There are a lot of those strong, but they want to rebel in today's holy prison world, they don't have that power yet, even if they work together, they can't destroy the holy prison world!

For the Most Sacred Mountain, there were originally four Tianxinzi, two dragon anodes they carried, and two left in the Most Sacred Mountain, which was safer.

Today, the Tianxinzi that Chu Feng wants are the two Tianxinzi left in the Most Sacred Mountain!

Venerable "Ice Venerable" Salmon looked at Venerable Ice, the Water Heart Crystal. It was not his own but Venerable Ice's. Venerable Ice snorted. She didn't want to give the Water Heart Crystal to him. Out.

However, if you don't give it, is it to Tianxinzi? Chu Feng made two requirements. If neither of the two requirements can be met, it is estimated that they will be turned over immediately.

Venerable Bing's voice rang, "We can give you a hundred people, you quit tens of billions of kilometers, and vowed that within one hundred thousand years, you will not attack the holy mountain!"

"Venerable Bing, it looks like you are a beauty with a thin skin. Why do you hear that, I feel that your skin is thicker than Salmon?" Chu Feng said lightly.

"Don't you, mine." Chu Feng said quietly, "Sammon, listen, if there are two conditions just now, if one is missing, the most sacred mountain will be given three thousand people, two less, and ten thousand. People, given to people, must have at least ten more important ones! We can withdraw from tens of billions of kilometers. I can guarantee that within a thousand years, there will be no more than ten people attacking! As for a thousand years later, let’s talk about it, I am not interested in signing a long peace agreement with you. With this condition, you can consider it for a minute, and you can do it, not let it down!"

"Listen, everyone, one minute later, if the Holy Mountain does not agree to this condition, it will attack immediately. Again, with Shengge as a testimony!"

The faces of Salmon and Venerable Ice both turned ugly. They actually wanted to threaten Chu Feng with the Saint Grid's oath, but they were a little afraid. They didn't expect to be threatened once, and now they are threatened by Chu Feng. one time!

Chu Feng's strength is now strong, so Chu Feng is full of confidence. In the words of Salmon, if they swear or something, the battle will break out immediately if they don't agree with Chu Feng! Therefore, Chu Feng is better at oppressing Salmon and the others, and Salmon and the others can only suffer a little.

However, if Chu Feng and the others can retreat, it is also an opportunity for Salmon and the others. One thousand years, there may be some turning points. After a thousand years, if there is no turning point, they will hold a lot of people, and there will be no Fewer cards.

This step is inseparable from Chu Feng's toughness at the beginning. Salmon's tone was very tough before. If Chu Feng gave in at that time, Chu Feng and others would have to step back several steps in a row, thinking that there was only one. Thousands of years, still want to have something to get?

In that case, three words, think beautifully!

"Venerable Ice, look," said Venerable Salmon. In his opinion, Tianxinzi must never be given away. If Tianxinzi is given away, the number of Tianxinzi in Chu Feng's hands will definitely reach six, or even more than six. So, if Chu Feng re-established the rules of heaven and earth again, think about them, they won't have good fruit!

As for the Water Heart Crystal, it is not that important in the eyes of Venerable Salmon. Chu Feng and others already have a lot of such things, and now Chu Feng has several quasi-dominant powerhouses. With one more Water Heart Crystal, Chu Feng and the others will not increase much!

What the Venerable Salmon did not know was that the Water Heart Crystal was a 4S-level mission of Chu Feng. The Death Heart was obtained, but I don’t know how long and how long it will be. If the Water Heart Crystal is obtained, it is ice. If the Venerable takes the initiative to disintegrate, it will definitely be much easier to submit by then!

The reason why the heart of death is difficult to return is that, on the one hand, Catherine is a strong quasi-dominant; on the other hand, Catherine was killed by Chu Feng with a sword. The heart of death belongs to the separation after death, not Catherine's release of the master!

"Venerable Ice, if there are three thousand people, it is still within our range. If we give ten thousand people, our bargaining chips will be much less." Venerable Salmon said through the voice, "Although the water heart crystal Good, but it is still not as important as our lives. Only when we are alive, we will have the chance to avenge and get a lot of treasures!"

Venerable Bing nodded imperceptibly. She compromised. Chu Feng's conditions were not too unacceptable. Moreover, he had sworn an oath by the Holy Grid, and the above conditions had not been changed.

"Venerable Salmon, those ten people," Venerable Ice said through a voice. "Ten people cannot win the Most Sacred Mountain. The reason why Chu Feng said that is probably because he wants to keep attacking and try the loopholes of our Most Sacred Mountain, but he is delusional. Today's Most Sacred Mountain is not The most sacred mountain before." Venerable Salmon said in a voice transmission.

Now that there are thousands of people outside, Chu Feng and others cannot break the Most Sacred Mountain all at once. Venerable Salmon doesn't believe that ten people will break the Most Holy Mountain by then.

There is one thing that Venerable Salmon doesn't know. He doesn't know. Chu Feng just used the power of the Lion King's mask, and he won't be able to use it in a short time, and he can use it at that time.

However, at that time, if Zhantian can break the Most Sacred Mountain, Chu Feng is uncertain, and even if it can break the Most Sacred Mountain, things have to be considered carefully. Otherwise, there will be many people in the Most Holy Mountain. Die, like Yin Xiao’s wife, it’s okay to die one or two, die a lot, and destroy the Most Sacred Mountain is also a failure.

Die less. If he becomes a strong master at that time, he can bring people back to life. This should be achievable. He will die a lot. Unless Chu Feng reaches the level of the master, he will dominate the strong. It is very unrealistic to want to resurrect a large number of people in a time!

"Venerable Salmon, Venerable Ice, remind you that the time is almost here, and there are still the last ten seconds, everyone pays attention and prepares to attack." Chu Feng said quietly.

Salmon's icy voice rang: "Chu Feng, we have agreed to your terms. The Water Heart Crystal will be given to you, and in addition, we will give you three thousand more!"

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