Holy Prison

Chapter 2235: Strengthen

The relationship between Chu Xiang and Tu Ying, and Chu Yang and Yang Yu had been approved by Chu Feng and Tu Meng Yang's family before, so the final confirmation was just a cutscene. There was no accident that Chu Feng visited Tu Meng and Yang's family.

"Husband, I have one thing." Song Ye said after leaving Yang's house and returning.

Chu Feng stretched out his arm and hugged Song Ye's slender waist and smiled: "My wife has something to do directly." Song Ye said authentically: "Do you want me to tell me, you guess first."

"Melosa!" Chu Feng thought about it for a moment. The relationship between Chu Shi and Mu Yun has now been determined, but it's not a long time yet, and Song Ye shouldn't be involved in this aspect.

In addition to this, the only important one is Melosha. Nuwa suffered such a disaster because of Melosha! He had taken Melosha out of his body before, but Melosha is not dead, nor has she left the holy prison space.

When Melosha was taken out of Shaoye's body, Chu Feng promised one thing, that is, not to let Melosha leave for the time being, and that she would let Melosha leave the holy prison in the future!

Therefore, in these years, Melosha was in the holy prison space. It was not easy for him to kill Melosha. He could only kill Melosha after leaving the holy prison!

In the past, Chu Feng's strength was relatively low. He didn't dare to let Melosha go out. As soon as she let out, she would have slipped away. Now, Chu Feng's strength is already extremely strong!

Feiye nodded slightly, Melosha was a big thorn in her heart. Although she didn't hurt her much, she hurt her mother Nuwa!

"Don't worry, I'll take care of her!" Chu Feng said with a light smile, "I don't care about that now. Let's expand the holy prison world first! Melosha can't escape."

"Okay!" Feiye nodded with a smile on his face. As long as Chu Feng hadn't forgotten, she didn't have any objection to postpone a little bit, she had been here for so many years.

Soon, a piece of micro-chapter appeared outside, Feng Bingning and the eight women surrounded Chu Feng in the middle, and the power of the nine micro-chapters entered Chu Feng and his body, and then gathered in Chu Feng's body. Then came out from the top of Chu Feng's head.

"Attention, time has to be accelerated, as before, 100,000 times faster!" Chu Feng smiled lightly, his voice fell, and after three seconds, time acceleration was activated!

As soon as the power of time acceleration was activated, the light that emerged from the top of Chu Feng's head immediately became stronger, and the light was quickly absorbed by the holy prison, and the world of the holy prison that absorbed the power continued to grow!

Three years, five years, ten years!

Ten years have passed, the light on Chu Feng’s head has gradually weakened. In a few minutes, the light on Chu Feng’s head has completely disappeared. At this moment, within the nine badges, there is no power at all. In Chu Feng's hands, the nine badges became much more common than before!

"Unexpectedly, it took ten years to **** it clean." Chu Feng opened his eyes and smiled lightly. The Holy Prison has become stronger, and the speed of absorbing power is much stronger than before!

It took less than one-tenth of it for about three years before, and now it has absorbed a little more than nine-tenths of power in ten years, and the speed has increased several times!

"Feng, the stability of the space does not seem to be improved." Feng Bingning shot, a little crack appeared in the space. "This kind of spatial stability is fine. The spatial stability of a single place has not improved much, but the overall spatial stability of the holy prison world has been greatly improved! Today's holy prison world is a master-level powerhouse who wants to destroy It is estimated to be difficult." Chu Feng smiled.

Before this upgrade, the holy prison world was no smaller than Hongtian Universe. After the upgrade, the holy prison world was already more than ten times the size of Hongtian Universe!

"Brother Feng, the Holy Prison World is this size now, Hongtian Universe, what should we do? If you become a master, you can only merge into one universe, right?" Lan Wen said.

Chu Feng smiled lightly: "As long as the two universes are sufficiently connected, then it is okay. I was born and raised in this universe, and the holy prison is my treasure. The holy prison is strong enough to satisfy the two universes to establish sufficient contact. However, it takes a lot of hard work to make the two worlds close to one another!"

"I don't understand" Lan Wen shook her head. Her current strength is still a little bit lower. Of course, the more important thing is that she didn't understand this aspect before.

"Hehe, you will understand by then!" Chu Feng smiled, "I'm thinking about a question now, should I integrate Hongtian Universe? If I don't integrate it, you, Panshi and others, may become Master, if I integrate the Hongtian universe, the possibility of you becoming a master is much lower!"

Miao Xian'er said: "Chu Feng children's shoes, as long as you become stronger, we will be safe at that time, if your strength cannot become stronger, we are all in danger!"

"Master Pan must be able to understand. If you can become the second-rank master, even if you have a firm foothold, it will not be too late to think of ways to improve our strength at that time!"

"Feng, Xian'er is right. At this time, you should take care of yourself first. Otherwise, if you have a problem, the entire Hongtian universe will probably have a big problem." Feng Bing condensed.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Well, okay, we have been here for ten years, and it's time to go out. It's time to deal with the matter of the Holy Mountain!"

In ten years, the upgrade of Sky Eyes and other things naturally ended long ago, and all the Sky Guards had been strengthened. As expected by Chu Feng, the 100 Sky Guards had all reached the quasi-dominant level!

If it is an ordinary person, from the holy sovereign to the quasi-dominant, there is a chance of failure in the middle, but for the Tianwei, there is no chance of failure for their strengthening!

One hundred heavenly guards are all quasi-dominant. Moreover, each of them has a treasure, and each of them is very powerful. Such a team will be the devil of many enemies!

With Chu Feng's previous strength, if a hundred heavenly guards joined forces, he would only use the Lion King mask. Now, if a hundred heavenly guards are connected, using the Lion King mask will not necessarily defeat them!

The power of the fifth rank is unstoppable even if the sky guards form a formation, but Chu Feng can only use the fifth rank power for a little time. In that little time, Zhan Tian is estimated to be able to break through the big formation and kill some. Tianwei, but the possibility of killing all is very low! If the guards are enemies, afterwards, he will have to withstand the frantic attacks of the remaining guards!

In the holy prison heavy artillery, eight hundred and twenty holy prison heavy artillery can now kill a saint king-level powerhouse or even a saint-class powerhouse with weak defense with one shot.

If there are more heavy artillery in the holy prison, even the quasi-dominant-level powerhouse can be killed. As for the master, the seventh-rank master is also possible!

On the side of the Most Sacred Mountain, if there was a strong attack before, it is estimated that many people would die on the Most Sacred Mountain. Now, on the Most Sacred Mountain, some people even want to die, I am afraid that there is no time!

If it is bad luck, if some of the more important people die, then there will be the resurrection ability of the holy prison, and now the time to solve the holy mountain is ripe!

Soon, Chu Feng and the others went outside.

"Boss, you are still alive." Zhou Wen laughed, and soon he and Tang Ming appeared on the side of Chu Mansion. Ten years later, they had already done what Chu Feng explained before. .

"Xiao Mingzi, what's the situation?" Chu Feng said to Tang Ming without a bird. "It's done, the mortal realm and the **** realm have all completed a major rectification." Tang Ming said with a smile, "but there is a small problem that the arrest is a little bit more."

"How many did you catch?" Chu Feng said, the more he caught, the happier he was. If those people were put into the sacred prison space, his merit points would definitely improve a lot on the basis of the current blackjack!

Blackjack, there is nothing wrong with this. Chu Feng and the others have been in the sacred prison space for the past ten years, but because of his orders, the gods and mortals have changed greatly, and he has gained a lot of merit points. normal!

"In the God Realm, more than 30 trillion people have been arrested. In the Mortal Realm, more than 100 million people have been arrested by the God Realm!" Tang Ming said.

"Really a lot." Chu Feng said quietly. He didn't feel too surprised by such a number. There are more than 100,000 super cities in the God Realm, and the average population of a super city exceeds 100 billion. In fact, the number of people arrested is less than one-fifth percent of the total population. Among the 500 people, there is a wicked person. This probability is not high. It can even be said that this probability is relatively low!

In the case of Fanjie, isn't the population only 100 million times that of the gods? It's normal that the people arrested are more than 100 million times the people arrested by the gods! However, there are indeed a lot of people arrested. The people arrested by Mortal Realm are more than 100 million times that of the God Realm, that is, at least 30 trillion people have been arrested. This is an astronomical figure!

At the position of Chu Feng, one of his orders affected countless people. This time, the number of people arrested exceeded one trillion!

"Give me the location, I'll go to collect people first." Chu Feng said, he was a little impatient to get some merit points, and now there are too few blackjack merit points.

If you get more than one thousand merit points, then the holy prison will be upgraded, then that would be great! At 1,000 o'clock, Chu Feng estimated that there was still a little hope, after all, this time, there were a lot of people caught!

As Tang Ming said, he immediately passed the location information to Chu Feng, "Boss, here!" Zhou Wen threw a space ring to Chu Feng. Shenguang City was one of the ten points of the God Realm. The people are in the space ring that Zhou Wen threw to Chu Feng.

Chu Feng put the space ring into the holy **** world and then released all the people in the space ring on the first floor of hell. There are many people in them, but it is impossible to destroy the holy **** world. He will appear in the **** of holy **** world. In the middle of the world, their strength will be greatly suppressed, even if they are not suppressed, they will not be able to destroy the current world of holy prison!

"Chu Feng, your Merit Points have increased by twenty-five, and you have already reached forty-six!" Miao Xian'er had a little bit of joy sounded in Chu Feng's mind!

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