Holy Prison

Chapter 2236: Merit points, over a thousand

"An increase of twenty-five points." A smile appeared on Chu Feng's face. He was quite satisfied with this. It was only one point. There were ten points in the God Realm. In this case, the God Realm side would get two hundred points. The merit point should not be a big problem!

"Fatty, Xiao Mingzi, I will withdraw first, you guys prepare a bit, after I come back, let's go to the side of the Holy Mountain!" Chu Feng smiled lightly.

Tang Ming said, "Boss, where do you go now? It hasn't been a thousand years. You made an oath before, but it was a thousand years. If this time passes, it is not easy to attack."

"It's not so good for an all-round attack, but shouldn't it be a good knock?" Chu Feng smiled, "A lot of knocks, we can know some of the weaknesses of the Most Holy Mountain, and at the same time, it can also reduce the defense of the Most Holy Mountain. Quite a lot! After a thousand years, depending on the situation, launch a full-scale attack!"

"It's true, hit more to get them all injured. It is estimated that one-third of the defense will be removed when they reach the ground." Tang Ming said.


Chu Feng's voice disappeared. He had to go to Tang Ming to get all the other people they arrested into the holy prison space. If the holy prison can be upgraded again, it will be cool!

For one point in Shenguang City, there are a total of nine points in the God Realm. In less than half a day, Chu Feng ran all of those nine points, and the remaining nine points were a total of two hundred and three merit points. , Plus the previous forty-six points, Chu Feng's merit point, it reached two hundred forty-nine points and exceeded the original one hundred and sixty-three points!

"One hundred points in the mortal realm, hope not to let me down!" Chu Feng muttered in his heart, he quickly reached the mortal realm, and the first one to arrive was the earth of the mortal realm!

The earth has now become the center of the mortal world. This is a sure thing. Many people who have come out of the earth now have a high status.

"Dad, mother!" Chu Feng shouted with a smile. Chu Zhen and Mo Xiu, the two of them did not reach the holy master level, but with the support of Chu Feng's massive treasures, they just reached the holy king. The level of cultivation base, after leaving the earth for many years, after Chu Feng returned from the side of the heaven base, they returned to the earth.

This time, the arrests in the Mortal Realm were mainly due to their failure to do things for their sons, and what they did was good deeds to accumulate virtue and blessings. Naturally, they did their best to do well this time!

"Son!" Chu Zhen walked out of the vegetable garden and laughed. They had a very leisurely time for two or three years after things were done. They started planting and ordering vegetables. When they were fine, they were basking in the sun, or Chu Zhen was killed by Mo. Before Xiu pulls out to go shopping, they still have to practice hard. Nowadays, they don’t have to work hard. With their talents, under the current conditions, the cultivation base of reaching the Saint King level is already the culmination, unless Chu Feng’s strength Higher, can completely improve their talents!

"Dad, your days are not bad." Chu Feng laughed, Chu Zhen and the others had a good time. He is a son, and he feels comfortable!

"Feng'er, Bing Ning and the others haven't come down together? It's almost time for dinner. Let's eat together." Mo Xiu washed the dishes that she had just picked. With her cultivation skills, those dishes can be dried and cleaned with a wave of hands. Net, but there are some things that are more comfortable and more sensible to do!

"Mom, they are in my sacred prison space right now, but they won't come out anymore, and they are busy adapting to their strength now." Chu Feng smiled.

When the holy prison is upgraded, Feng Bingning and the others can borrow ten times the power, so the strong power can be borrowed. If they don't have much practice in normal times, they can't use the powerful power!

"They won't come out if they don't come out for the time being. Xiaolong is coming back soon. Our father will have a few drinks later." Chu Zhen laughed. Chu Long has also been in the mortal realm for the past ten years. There are a lot of errands everywhere. Although Chu Zhen and Mo Xiu also ran a lot, they only ran between key planets.

When Chu Zhen's voice fell, Chu Long's voice rang in Chu Feng's ears. He was on a planet not very far from the earth, and he came over immediately after receiving the news of Chu Feng's lower realm.

The family happily ate a meal, and Chu Zhen handed over a spatial ring to Chu Feng. That spatial ring was collected by Chu Feng into the sacred prison space, and then, a large number of people from that spatial ring Leaving appeared on the first floor of the 18th floor of the Holy Hell! The first layer is the one with the lowest punishment, and it is on this layer when it comes out. If there is a higher level of guilt in it, then it will immediately be laid down to a deeper level!

"Xian'er, how much?" Chu Feng asked quickly in his mind. He could also call up the information to check by himself, but he was more used to asking Miao Xian'er directly.

Miao Xian'er said with a smile: "It's not bad, after 10 points, the merit point has risen by 12 points!"

"Twelve o'clock!"

Chu Feng's eyes lit up. There are a hundred points in the mortal realm. If every point has twelve points, then the total of one hundred points will be 1,200 points!

Of course, this is basically impossible. This side of the earth is the most important point. This side must exceed the average level. The average level is ten points. Chu Feng is very satisfied. If there are no ten points, but eight points, then Very good, one hundred points, one point eight points is eight hundred points, plus the more than two hundred points he already has, the total is more than 1,000 points!

"Dad, I have something to do, so I will withdraw first!"

Chu Zhen nodded slightly, and Chu Feng's figure disappeared in the blink of an eye. His heart was very excited at the moment, and if the Holy Prison could be upgraded again, it would be cool.

There was danger when upgrading from level 17 to level 18. This time it only took such a short time. If you upgrade, there will be no danger!

The second point, six o'clock; the third point, five o'clock; the fourth point, there are only four points! Chu Feng felt a little bit cold in his heart, but the fifth point gave Chu Feng a surprise. This point actually allowed him to get 13 points, which is more meritorious than that point on the earth. !

A hundred points are distributed in the Mortal Realm one by one. It is not easy to run them all once. Three months later, Chu Feng ran all the 100 points!

On average one point, the merit obtained is a little over eight points. Adding up to a hundred points, Chu Feng gained 815 merit points. Adding the previous two hundred forty-nine, Chu Feng’s merit number exceeds one thousand!

One thousand merit points can upgrade the Holy Prison. Chu Feng thought before when the Holy Prison would be upgraded, but he didn't expect the upgrade to come so quickly this time!

Speaking of which, this time the upgrade is so fast, it is inseparable from the strength of Shenchu ​​City and the strict enforcement of Shenchu's laws. If Chu Feng is a lonely person, how can he catch so many people in such a fast time? ? In the mortal realm, the **** realm, the holy realm, so many places, he would break his leg!

"Xian'er, can the holy prison be upgraded? If possible, upgrade immediately!" Chu Feng said in his mind, if the holy prison can be upgraded now, then there is no need to worry about things on the side of the holy mountain. , Melosha's matter can also be slowed down a bit, those are not very urgent matters.

"If the conditions are met, it can be done naturally." Miao Xian'er said with a smile, "It's just Chu Feng, the future upgrade of the holy prison will not be so fast, only slowly!"

"how long?"

"It takes about a thousand years!" Miao Xianer said. Chu Feng frowned and said: "Xian'er, can you use time acceleration?" "No." Miao Xian'er's answer did not surprise Chu Feng. You could not use time acceleration when the holy prison was upgraded. Nothing has changed now!

"Do I need to be still, or can I move around?" Chu Feng said.

"You can act, the upgrade of the holy prison will not have many visions." Miao Xian'er said. "That's good." Chu Feng nodded slightly and let out a sigh of relief. If the Holy Prison upgrades for a long time and there are terrifying visions, it will be very cheating. The upgraded visions may attract many. enemy!

Returning to the God Realm, Chu Feng brought a lot of people from Shenchu ​​City to the side of the Most Sacred Mountain. Before they had something to leave, there was nothing at this moment. It was better to surround the side of the Most Sacred Mountain!

After using Zhantian to have some fun for Salmon and the others, Chu Feng returned to the gods and wandered around. Tang Ming and the others caught many people, but there were more or less fish that slipped through the net, and idleness was also idle. So, if you catch some fish that slip through the net, Chu Feng's merit points can continue to improve!

After confirming the upgrade of the holy prison, Chu Feng's merit points are only 64 points. This merit point is very small, and if he dies in the holy purgatory, he will not be able to be resurrected!

Previously, Chu Feng and Salmon had agreed that within a thousand years, he could interrupt ten times. As a result, after a thousand years, Salmon and the others had a miserable life!

The defense of the Most Sacred Mountain was destroyed by Chu Feng and the others as soon as it recovered. Many people suffered from internal injuries that were not healed last time, and new injuries appeared!

In their hearts, Venerable Salmon and the others scolded Chu Feng thousands of times, but such scolding obviously had no effect on Chu Feng!

In thousands of years, Chu Feng has been transferred to almost every place in the God Realm, and merit points have not been obtained too much, but there are also six or seventy points!

"Thousands of years are up, Chu Feng and the others have not come to negotiate terms, they are afraid they want to attack the Most Sacred Mountain!" Among the Most Sacred Mountain, Salmon was unsure.

In the main hall, Venerable Bing was equally disturbed. They lived for a long time, but long alive did not mean that they were not afraid of death. Many people who lived a long time were even more afraid of death!

Like the Ice Venerables, they are afraid of death, they still want to reach a higher status, they want to control the universe, and the world!

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