Holy Prison

Chapter 2237: Assault to the Holy Mountain

When Venerable Salmon and Venerable Ice were entangled, Chu Feng had already reached the Holy Realm from the God Realm, the Holy Prison, after the previous upgrade, he had already upgraded again!

This time the upgrade of the holy prison naturally changed, but there were no major changes.

Tianyan, Tianshou, Tianhu, and doctors, these four have not become stronger, but they can become stronger! In the past, each of them could only receive a one-hundred-point enhancement. Now, each of them can receive two-thousand-point enhancement. If Chu Feng has two thousand strong points to enhance Tianshou, it would be a quasi-dominant level. The strong, even if they are not too far apart, they should be able to directly capture them into the holy prison space!

Like Tianhu, if there are two thousand accumulations to strengthen, the terrifying defensive power, it is estimated that more than a dozen quasi-dominant-level powerhouses can attack Chu Feng's body without hurting him!

Tianyan, the doctor, if Chu Feng has enough merit points to strengthen, they will be very powerful, but it is a pity that Chu Feng is now embarrassed!

In the next thousand years, I have obtained dozens of merit points, plus the remaining merit points of Chu Feng today, which is only 132 points. This little merit point cannot be strengthened much!

In the holy prison heavy artillery, each holy prison heavy artillery can become more powerful, but they all need to absorb energy to become stronger. Now that the power of time is not much, I want to make them full, this It's not an easy task, it takes a lot of time to simmer slowly, and until a very dangerous situation, Chu Feng does not plan to use the power of the holy prison's heavy artillery!

The Devouring Station is much stronger, and Chu Feng estimated that the seventh-Rank Dominant-level powerhouse will be able to reach it, and he is afraid that he will not be able to resist the Devouring Station! The Devouring Station is very useful. Although it is not needed for Chu Feng, Tang Ming and others, there are others who are useful, such as Menghao, Bruin!

Chu Feng brought back a large number of treasures from the side of the heaven base, but the treasures that can be upgraded are limited. Many people can only enjoy the treatment of improving the strength of the Devouring Station. It is actually very good. It is absorbed in the Devouring Station. After strength, strength can be improved a lot in a relatively short period of time!

The upgrade of the holy prison did not change much for the resurrection ability, but it did not change the strength of Feng Bingning and the others! Feng Bingning and the others could only borrow ten times the power before. The upgrade of the holy prison made them twelve times the power they can borrow. The highest of their own domain towers is still twenty times, but they can borrow other domain towers!

If it is only doubled, then this change can be said to be relatively small, but Feng Bingning and the others can summon the domain tower phantom, the holy prison will be upgraded, the summoned phantom will be condensed a lot, and the attack power and defense power will be good. Significant improvement! Borrowing power and using the virtual shadow of the domain tower, even if Lan Wen and the others have not become quasi-dominant-level powerhouses, the burst of power can reach the level of top quasi-dominance-level powerhouses, but unfortunately, The phantom of the domain tower can only be borrowed once with a long interval of time!

The virtual shadow of the domain tower, Feng Bingning and the others can only use it once every ten days. Each time can last up to one hour. If you borrow the power of the domain tower, they can borrow up to three times a day, but the total borrowing time cannot exceed three hours a day. It's the treatment only after the upgrade of the holy prison.

Before the Holy Prison was upgraded, Feng Bingning and the others could only borrow it once a day, and the borrowing time could not exceed half an hour, much worse than it is now!

The upgrade of the holy prison has brought a lot of benefits to the one hundred heavenly guards. However, if they want them to reach the dominance, it is impossible to drop a hundred heavenly guards. Before, among the quasi-dominant-level powerhouses, it is more The quasi-dominant of is stronger, and now it is strengthened again, their strength is also top among the quasi-dominant-level powerhouses.

Of course, compared with Chu Feng, the strength of those Sky Guards is still a lot worse. In the one-on-one situation, Chu Feng beats them very easily. One-on-two can also be done. Without using special treasures, one For three, Chu Feng was very strenuous. Against the four heavenly guards, he basically had nothing but to be abused. It is conceivable that a hundred of these heavenly guards have a very good overall strength!

This time the upgrade of the holy prison, the last change is the change of the holy prison world, the size of the holy prison world has not changed much, but the spatial stability has been greatly improved!


The holy realm, near the holy mountain, when Chu Feng arrived, Tang Ming and some other people immediately gathered around Chu Feng, "Boss, are you about to start acting?" Zhou Wen was a little excited and authentic, but the temple has overwhelmed them. Now that the temple is about to be eliminated, many people here are quite excited!

"Yeah!" Chu Feng said with a light smile, his order passed on, and the thousands of people on this side of Shenchu ​​City immediately pressed towards the Most Sacred Mountain!

Ten billion kilometers away, even if Chu Feng suppressed a lot of speed, the distance to the sacred mountain in just over ten seconds was only one hundred thousand meters, this little distance can be ignored!

Salmon's voice rang, Chu Feng and the others did not conceal anything about their actions. The Salmon in the Most Sacred Mountain knew it clearly.

With Chu Feng's current strength, there is no need to engage in any conspiracy. Although the Most Sacred Mountain is powerful, Chu Feng has the confidence to destroy it instantly!

"Venerable Salmon, don't come here without problems." Chu Feng smiled lightly. While he was talking, a sound transmission passed into Venerable Ice's mind: "Venerable Ice, Lin Shui begged for you, you will lose Freedom, but I won’t kill you! One small condition is that today on the sacred mountain, not many people can die!"

"Lin Shui...The Heart of Water? How can I trust you?" Venerable Ice said with joy, if he could not die, then it would be better not to die even if he loses his freedom!

If freedom is temporarily lost, as long as Chu Feng dies in the future, it is still possible to recover. If he dies, there will be nothing!

"Well, Lin Shui is the heart crystal of water. I swear by the sage, this is not a lie! I know that you and Venerable Salmon have captured a lot of people among the space treasures, think of a way to delay Venerable Salmon one A little bit of time." Chu Feng said through voice.

"His strength is not weaker than mine. It is difficult. I will do my best. I can only get two or three seconds at most!" Venerable Ice said through a voice transmission. She had already believed in Chu Feng. With Chu Feng's strength, absolutely It's impossible to swear by the sage casually, otherwise, don't think of becoming a master-level power when the time comes!

"Two or three seconds, enough!"

Venerable Ice revealed a look of shock in the depths of his eyes. A thousand years ago, Chu Feng and the others might not have been able to break the defenses of the Most Sacred Mountain in a quarter of an hour. Now two or three seconds are enough. Chu Feng's strength must have improved extremely. Many, if it weren't for Lin Shui, Venerable Ice knew that he would be dead this time!

"Chu Feng, I will show you a person!" In the Most Sacred Mountain, Venerable Salmon whispered. He said that a person appeared beside him, that person, the chain entangled in his body!

Chu Feng was slightly startled, and it was Fu Hao who appeared beside Venerable Salmon! Back then, he thought he owed Fu Hao a favor, and then there was no contact. He didn't expect that Fu Hao was actually **** by Venerable Salmon!

"Chu Feng, do you think I don't know the relationship between you and Fu Hao?" Salmon laughed and said, "Because of Fu Hao, you were able to return to this world alive. Tell yourself, are you owed? Fu Hao a little favor?"

Fu Hao's strength was imprisoned, but it was okay to speak, "Venerable Salmon, Chu Feng does not owe me favors. I helped him, but he also helped me. Without his help, I would probably be dead now. Chu Feng, you don't owe me anything, but I am a person of the abyss. Some of the most sacred mountains are not parasitic. I hope you can be merciful!" Fu Hao said.

"Okay, you can shut up!" Venerable Salmon whispered, his voice fell, and Fu Hao's mouth could not be opened immediately, his strength was sealed, and he could not speak without his mouth.

"Chu Feng, although you have helped each other, you are admitting that if it weren't for Fu Hao to help you, you can't return to this universe alive, can you?" Venerable Salmon smiled lightly, and he appeared with a knife. He put the knife on Fu Hao's neck after he lost his hand, "Chu Feng, return it to me obediently!"

Chu Feng said coldly: "Venerable Salmon, Fu Hao is a man of the abyss, you are like this, too much!" "Hahaha, too much? Nothing is too much to survive!" Venerable Salmon He laughed and said, "Chu Feng, give you ten seconds, if you don't retreat for ten seconds, I will kill him!"

"Do it in five seconds!"

Chu Feng's voice sounded in the minds of everyone on the side of Venerable Bing and God Chucheng, "Do it!" Five seconds later, Chu Feng shouted out loudly. At that moment, Zhan Tian appeared outside. Hundreds of heaven guards, they all appeared outside!

Venerable Bing took action. Her target was not Chu Feng and the others, but Venerable Salmon who was right next to her. Venerable Salmon put her mind on resisting attacks from outside, so she didn’t think that Venerable Ice would attack him. !

In the blink of an eye, Venerable Salmon was frozen. In order to survive, Venerable Ice did his best this time. When Venerable Salmon’s power was used elsewhere, Venerable Salmon was sure to freeze for three seconds. no problem!

A huge explosion sounded, and the strong defense of the Most Holy Mountain was not supported. Chu Feng's attack was too violent! Even if it was only the attack of Zhantian, the defense of the most sacred mountain may not be able to stop it now, not to mention the thousands of powerhouses in the city of God, as well as the one hundred heavenly guards who use the power of the holy rank!

Tianwei can now use the power of the quasi-dominant level, but Chu Feng did not do that, there is no need! To deal with today's most sacred mountain, let the heavenly guards use the power of the quasi-dominant level, it is to kill the chicken with a sledge knife! !

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