Holy Prison

Chapter 2238: Salmon Venerable

Among the Most Sacred Mountain, except for some people in the space ring of Venerable Salmon, basically everyone contributed to the defense of the Most Sacred Mountain.

As a result, the defense of the Most Sacred Mountain was broken, and they all suffered heavy losses in an instant!

Fortunately, Longyang had protective measures when they established the formation. Otherwise, the formation will be broken, and the terrifying power will be transmitted into the bodies of many people, which will make them die instantly!

Outside of the Most Sacred Mountain, thousands of Chu Feng and the others entered into the Most Sacred Mountain in a blink of an eye. No one killed anyone, and everyone just used the technique of imprisonment.

The one hundred guards did not use the power of the quasi-dominant level when they attacked before, but now they used the power of the quasi-dominant level. In the blink of an eye, all the people in the holy mountain, including the Ice Venerable Under Chu Feng's control!

When Chu Feng thought, Heavenly Hand appeared outside. Venerable Ice, Venerable Salmon and the others couldn't resist at this moment. In the blink of an eye, all the people in the holy mountain except Fu Hao were caught by Chu Feng. In the sacred prison space, the one hundred quasi-dominant level guards who disappeared with them!

In the holy prison world, the ice on the surface of Venerable Salmon was shattered. He was about to get angry with Venerable Ice, and suddenly discovered a problem. It seemed that he was no longer in the Most Holy Mountain!

In the next instant, Venerable Salmon discovered the second problem, that is, the power in his body was completely sealed and could not be used!

"Venerable Ice, what are you doing?" Venerable Salmon roared, his power could not be used. At this moment, he can still speak, "Where is this place?"

"Venerable Salmon, welcome to the world of holy prison!" Chu Feng's faint voice sounded in the ear of Venerable Salmon. "Holy Prison World" Venerable Salmon's expression changed. He looked at the space ring in his hand. There were many people in the space ring, but he had no power at all to break the space. Ring!

The blood splashed, and the hand of Venerable Salmon wearing the space ring was directly cut off. The spatial ring wanted to fly back to Venerable Salmon, but it just flew back a little bit before being frozen and unable to move!

"Chu Feng, let me go, I die, this space ring will also be broken, and all the people inside will die! I tell you, there is Yin Qianqian's mother inside!" Venerable Salmon said in a deep voice.

"you die?"

Chu Feng's figure appeared in front of Venerable Salmon and slapped him, "Pop!" The light slap in the face sounded out, and there were five fingerprints on Venerable Salmon's face immediately!

"Without my permission, do you think you can die if you want to die in this?" Chu Feng smiled lightly, "Venerable Salmon, are you taking the initiative to unlock the space ring or let me come? If you want me to do it, before you die, I'm afraid you will suffer a lot more!"

"Chu Feng, I will remember this slap!" Venerable Salmon wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with a grinning smile, "I die, and they will die too! I am not dead, you want to break the space ring, no Possibly! Venerable Ice, you, you actually started on me. If you have a chance, let me see if you have a chance!"

Venerable Ice was right there, and when she heard Venerable Salmon's words, her face was cold and she slapped her face immediately. "Slap!" There was a crisp slap in the face, but it was not Venerable Salmon who got the slap, but Venerable Ice slapped Chu Feng, "Venerable Ice, do I agree with you to beat Venerable Salmon? ?"

"You" Venerable Ice was angry, but under Chu Feng's icy gaze, she immediately suppressed her anger. At this time, she had no capital to fight against Chu Feng!

"Venerable Ice, release all the people in your space ring." Chu Feng said quietly. "Yes." Venerable Bing took a deep breath. Chu Feng had already sworn an oath before, and she was not worried about lying to her. At this time, be a little bit obedient. There is absolutely no harm in it! If you don’t obey, you’re lightly beaten, and you’re wronged if you are killed!

Although Chu Feng took an oath before, if she is not obedient, then it is okay for Chu Feng not to abide by the previous oath. Venerable Ice does not want to give Chu Feng a chance!

In a short time, Venerable Ice released all the people in his space items.

Venerable Salmon said coldly.

Venerable Ice did not answer, Venerable Salmon, she just pretended not to hear it! "Venerable Salmon, give you another chance." Chu Feng said with a faint smile, "I haven't tortured people properly for a long time. If you obediently, then you will suffer less torture by then. On the contrary, You will have a lot of fun in the future!"

"I was arrested by you, there is nothing to say, I am not afraid of death, and I am afraid of a little torture?" Venerable Salmon sneered, "Chu Feng, don't think about awakening my soul, that is impossible. The soul of this body has already been completely swallowed by me. It is impossible to break the spatial ring through such a method!"

"Hehe, I like your bones to be harder. I hope your bones will stay hard." Chu Feng smiled lightly. He said that two strong men appeared next to him. The two strong men suddenly saw Venerable Salmon. The eyes glowed, Venerable Ice is a stunning beauty, but their eyes didn't stop on Venerable Ice!

There are so many people in the holy prison, and there are definitely not a few people who like to be so special. The two brawny men who appear next to him now only like men!

To be more precise, they like to play with men, not to be played with, appearing here now, they have recognized Venerable Salmon.

"Tsk tsk, Holy Temple Salmon, Lord Lord, is he ours?" One of the two brawny men said with joy, their eyes saw a chill in the heart of Salmon!

Chu Feng nodded slightly, "Chu Feng, you can't be like this!" Venerable Salmon said loudly, "This body is not my body, you are like this, but it contaminates this body!"

"Heh...this body still needs to be contaminated?" Chu Feng said quietly, "You are not a good thing, your parasitic guy is not a good thing! Venerable Salmon, in fact, I don't have any at all. Thinking of awakening the soul of your body, there is no need, I will still catch it after awakening!"

"Venerable Salmon, don't be afraid, our brothers will love you well!" another strong man said, and he walked towards Venerable Salmon, his eyes flashing with excitement, a lot of trouble , But they really haven't engaged in the strength of the holy sovereign.

"Stop, Chu Feng, if you let them come closer, I will definitely find a chance to blew myself up by that time. All the people in my space items will die!" Venerable Salmon said in a deep voice.

"You two, play well with Venerable Salmon! Venerable Ice, just watch it on this side!" Chu Feng said quietly. I do not want to see!

When Chu Feng left, the two brawny men beside Venerable Salmon immediately let go, "I will be behind, and you will face first?" one of the two brawny men smiled.

"Don't come here!" At this time, Venerable Salmon felt fear in his heart. He did a lot of things with women, but he hadn't been done by men.

"Haha, my uncle likes this kind of wanting to refuse!" One of the two strong men laughed and said that he waved the wind blades with his hands, and there was a treasure in the body of Venerable Salmon. It's just ordinary clothes. Under those wind blades, all the clothes on Venerable Salmon fell to the ground!

"Get out of the way, or I will explode!" Venerable Salmon roared. "Blow yourself? You have no power now. Are you capable of blew yourself in front of our brothers?" The other strong man said as soon as he reached out his hand and touched the white flower of Samon Venerable Patriarch, "Hey, it feels good, I don’t know. How do you feel later!"

Soon, the clothes of the two brawny men were taken off by them, "Ah!" Venerable Salmon really thought of exploding at this time, but without the slightest strength in his body, he found that he could not explode at all. !

If the soul exploded, Venerable Salmon felt obstructed, and he could not break the obstruction when his power was completely imprisoned. "Break me!" A strong man caught Venerable Salmon. Although Venerable Salmon resisted with all his might, how could he resist those two strong men with good strength at this moment?

"Ah!'Venerable Salmon roared, and behind him, the strong man had already pierced his big bird into the poor chrysanthemum of Venerable Salmon.

"Good call!"

The voice of another strong man rang, and his speed was very fast. Before Venerable Salmon's opened mouth was closed, he slammed into Venerable Salmon's mouth and stabbed deep into his throat!

Venerable Salmon was very frightened. He had never suffered such a shame and shame in his entire life! With force on his mouth, Venerable Salmon wanted to bite off what was in his mouth, but he forgot that his strength is now banned, and his strength is banned, where is there such power to bite off?

"Really good!"

One after the other, the two strong men quickly attacked, only looking at the intoxicating looks on their faces, they would think they were doing beautiful looks!

Venerable Bing didn't leave at this moment. She looked terrified. For Chu Feng, she had a new understanding. Chu Feng got together, it was really terrifying!

Half an hour later, the anger in Venerable Salmon's eyes seemed to burn through the world, but it only seemed that his anger did not have that power!


The two burly men said to attack faster, half a minute later, Venerable Salmon felt choked, and a warm current entered his throat. After playing with countless women, he naturally knew what it was!

"Want to vomit? Give it to the uncle, it's not good to waste it!"

A part of the liquid went directly into Venerable Salmon’s throat, and part of it was in his mouth. Venerable Salmon just wanted to vomit, pinched his mouth and swallowed it abruptly!

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