Holy Prison

Chapter 2239: Evil means

The two strong men were comfortable, and poor Venerable Salmon was miserable, where he retched for a long time and almost vomited bile! "Hey, let's change our position!" After less than a minute of rest, the big bird between the two brawny men in front of Venerable Salmon became majestic again, and Venerable Salmon who was retching pale immediately. .

"You two, dare to come, you will be dead by then!" Venerable Salmon said angrily. "Unexpectedly, I like it!" one of the strong men laughed.

Soon, another round of offensive began. Venerable Salmon tried his best to resist, but unfortunately his resistance was too weak in front of the two strong men!

"Brother Fu Hao, let's drink here today." Chu Feng smiled softly. At this time, he had left Salmon for five or six hours. "Well, Chu Feng, I said before," Fu Hao said.

Chu Feng thought, a spatial ring appeared in his hand: "Brother Fu Hao, there are some people in it, and they are not parasitic." "Thank you!" Fu Hao took the spatial ring sage and scanned it.

After receiving the space ring, Fu Hao's eyes showed a little hesitation: "Chu Feng" "Brother Fu Hao, it is better not to say something." Chu Feng smiled lightly, "We had a good relationship before, and now we The relationship is also good, and I hope that our relationship will be good in the future!"

"Oh." Fu Hao sighed slightly. He wanted to ask Chu Feng to let go of his young master, but such a mouth is not easy to open! With Chu Feng's words, he knew that even if he spoke, Chu Feng estimated that he would not agree to it. His young master had to pay a price if he had parasitized the people of this universe!

"Brother Fu Hao, you have done a lot. The past is over. Let's start a new life in this universe." Chu Feng stood up and said, "Brother Fu Hao, I hope those people in your space ring will not offend Otherwise, they will be punished by the law enforcement team of Shenchu ​​City just like everyone else!"

"I know, Chu Feng, this time, I really appreciate it!" Fu Hao also stood up and said. "Haha, you have already thanked you." Chu Feng smiled, "Well, Brother Fu Hao, I'll go first, and if I have time, I will find you for a drink!"

After leaving Fu Hao, Chu Feng quickly reached the Tongtian Pagoda. Of the 100,000 people who had just been caught, most of the souls should be able to awaken!

When he reached the inside of the Tongtian Pagoda, Chu Feng first let everyone except the Ice Venerable Salmon Venerable leave the sacred prison space. They were watched by a hundred heavenly guards, absolutely unable to escape and resist!

"It's OK!"

In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng's faint voice rang, and in front of him, the two strong men who were sexually active disappeared in another small space in an instant.

Venerable Salmon is like hearing fairy music, he has never felt that Chu Feng's voice is as good as the one just now!

"Oh!" He vomited violently, but he was tampered with. Venerable Salmon couldn't vomit, although he swallowed a lot today!

"Venerable Salmon, depending on your condition, it doesn't seem to be very good, right? Is it because the two of them didn't do their best?" Chu Feng said with a light smile, "Or, I'll change someone for you. If there are two less If you want to, you can also call you ten or twenty at a time. In this respect, you are absolutely satisfied! Don't say you just want to eat, even if you want to take a bath, there is no problem!"

Venerable Salmon heard Chu Feng's words again and he retched. He Tang had suffered such hardships and suffered such crimes. Many women were abused by him. This was the first time he was abused!

"Chu Feng, give me a good time!" Venerable Salmon took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, his eyes flashed with resentment. If he could do it, he would definitely pounce on Chu Feng to kill him. The flesh and blood were bitten and eaten bit by bit. "The spatial ring, release the recognition of the master." Chu Feng said quietly, even though his strength was sealed, this Venerable Salmon could still do it.

"You killed me, the space ring is yours!" Venerable Salmon said coldly. "Chu Feng, Venerable Salmon is telling lies." Miao Xian'er's voice rang.

Venerable Salmon's face changed slightly, and his strength was imprisoned, and his control over his expression was much weaker. "Venerable Salmon, you see, you still like that kind of life, don't you?" Chu Feng said with a light smile, "We will continue to let the two of you just come to serve you later, and we will replace you with a new person tomorrow. , Also doubled!"

"In the future, eight people will be transferred to you. Your strength will be sealed, and you will be hungry, but rest assured, they will definitely feed you! If you feel less, transfer one hundred and eighty people easily! What's the matter, you can't get your stomach hungry, right, Venerable Salmon, are you looking forward to your future life?"

Venerable Salmon imagined such a scene for a moment, but after thinking about it for a while, he felt that his stomach was churning! "Chu Feng, you are really a demon!" Venerable Salmon said bitterly.

"Devil? Where am I evil?" Chu Feng smiled lightly, "You are not a good thing. No matter what you do to you, it is not an exaggeration. For the two young men just now, they would be grateful from the bottom of their hearts. I, the taste of a saint-level powerhouse, is that something that ordinary practitioners can taste?"

"Speaking of the devil, I can't compare to you. How many of the women you insulted are innocent. You can't count it, right? The fruit of today is the cause you planted in the past!"

Venerable Salmon said solemnly: "It seems that even if I let the people in the space ring come out, you won't let me go!" "Yes, you should receive some punishment!" Chu Feng said quietly, " However, if you are more honest, you will be punished less, otherwise, hehe!"

Chu Feng's laughter made Venerable Salmon chill in his heart, "Venerable Salmon, choose, obediently dismiss the Lord, or stay here to enjoy it in the future." Chu Feng smiled.

"You swear that I will kill me after I lift my confession, and I will lift my confession, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible!" Venerable Salmon said in a deep voice. "Really, in this case, you are the latter of choice. Venerable Ice, it's not that I want to torture him all the time, but his own choice, right?" Chu Feng chuckled.

"Although there is a little trouble, Venerable Salmon, you have all been in the world of holy prison, and when I can't let your spatial ring unrecognize the Lord?"

As Chu Feng said, the nine-colored light of his thoughts enveloped the space ring on Venerable Salmon’s finger. As the nine-colored light enveloped, Venerable Salmon immediately felt that his connection with the spatial ring was much weaker. !

The two burly men just now reappeared, and there were eight other burly men who appeared with them. Ten of them looked at Venerable Salmon with excitement.

"Listen, feeding Venerable Salmon will be your task in the next time. Don't let Venerable Salmon be hungry, understand? His current strength is imprisoned. If he eats less, definitely I will be hungry!" Chu Feng said quietly.

"My lord, the task must be completed!"

"My lord, leave this task to us, it's true!"

"If ten people can't feed him one, we'll live in vain!"

Ten strong men spoke excitedly one by one. Poor Venerable Salmon, his complexion became extremely ugly at this moment, and the thought of feeding on that every day "Oh!"

Just after thinking about it, Venerable Salmon immediately retched! "Bernie, don't do this when you come, Venerable Salmon can't vomit, how uncomfortable." Chu Feng said.

"Yes, yes!" The brawny man named Bernie hadn't answered yet, Venerable Salmon said quickly, if he could vomit, he would be much more comfortable!

"Look, Venerable Salmon has opinions! Let Venerable Salmon vomit in the future, don't you know? However, the waste is not good. After vomiting, let him eat it back." Chu Feng said quietly.

Hearing Chu Feng's words, Venerable Salmon's face turned green all of a sudden, and he vomited, and then eaten it back, it would be better not to vomit.

"Yes, my lord!" Bernie said with a chuckle, "I still know how to care for people, Venerable Salmon, we will take good care of him, and we will never leave him hungry!"

"Chu, Chu Feng, I'll let them go! Please, give me a good time!" Venerable Salmon's expression is extremely ugly and authentic. He has a foreboding for the rest of life, and it must be better than death!

"Be active first." Chu Feng said quietly. Venerable Salmon gritted his teeth, the light of the spatial ring in his hand dimmed a little and fell off his fingers!

As soon as Chu Feng waved his hand, the space ring was in his hands. The power of the holy prison broke the defense of the space ring in a very short time. There were thousands of people in the space ring, and Yin Qianqian's mother was also among them. However, this For a while, Yin Qianqian's mother soul has not yet awakened!

"Venerable Ice, although you may not be able to awaken your soul, but you also get an outside interview." Chu Feng said quietly, "Be good, do you understand?"

"Understood!" Venerable Bing said honestly, she is very arrogant, but at this moment, she definitely does not dare to pose in front of Chu Feng, and she does not have the qualifications to pose in front of Chu Feng!

"Bernie, you take care of Venerable Salmon!" Chu Feng said quietly. After he said that he appeared outside the holy prison space, and Venerable Ice was brought out by him. The person in that space ring soon All the land was released by Chu Feng!

Some people like Yin Xiao Yin Qianqian were in the holy prison, and soon, many of them also appeared outside. "Mother!" Yin Qianqian saw that his mother was excited, and Yin Xiao was even more excited, but on the surface, he was still relatively calm.

"Qianqian, my father-in-law, should be able to awaken, etc." Chu Feng said. Yin Xiao nodded slightly: "Well, I have been waiting for so many years, I can still afford to wait for this little time! Chu Feng, thank you!"

"Uh, father-in-law, look at what you said, this is what I should do." Chu Feng said quickly, no matter how strong he is, Yin Xiao is his elder.

"Haha, thank you, you deserve it." Yin Xiao said. He looked at Yin Qianqian. The combination of Chu Feng and Yin Qianqian, if he had not been parasitized at the beginning, I am afraid that he would not agree. Chu Feng has There are several wives, but looking at what Yin Qianqian looks like now, he knows that Yin Qianqian is living happily.

Chu Feng smiled and said: "Father-in-law, it's not a question of being improper, it's an unnecessary question. Qianqian has followed me. I should save the mother-in-law, so I should!"

"Dad, don't be polite with Chu Feng, otherwise, his tail will be up to the sky!" Yin Qianqian smiled. "Haha." Yin Xiao chuckled and didn't say much. He held Yin Qianqian's mother's hand, and his eyes were full of tenderness. In this life, he will be Yin Qianqian's mother as a woman!

Chu Feng did not leave and quietly began to practice. His mother-in-law awakened on this side. It wasn't great for him to leave, and there was nothing urgent outside at this moment!

Every god, the **** realm, and the holy realm are basically done now! Basically, it is because there are more than ten Dominant-level powerhouses and more than 20 Quasi-dominant-level powerhouses in Hongtian Universe!

"The connection between the holy prison world and Hongtian Universe can be strengthened. When the time comes, the connection will be stronger. I know where the master and quasi-dominant in the holy prison world are hidden. It shouldn't be too difficult!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, if he knew With those positions that dominate and quasi-dominate, he can go directly to arrest people!

A quasi-master should get him some merit points, if he catches a master-level powerhouse, he should get more merit points!

If you happen to run into a strong and evil master-level powerhouse, then you can get thousands of merit points if you catch people!

The amount of merit points obtained is related to the influence of the things done. Even if it is a very powerful master-level powerhouse, if he does less evil, he will not have many merit points. On the contrary, A person with relatively low strength, if his existence would harm a lot of people, Chu Feng would get more merit points when he caught people!

Generally speaking, Chu Feng gets more merit points for catching the villains with higher strength, and the vast majority of those with higher strength have great influence! A low-strength villain, let go of killing, may not kill many people in a lifetime, and a strong, high-status person may be ordered to continue, and countless heads will fall!

For example, this time Chu Feng, with one order, there will be hundreds of billions of people unlucky! Of course, Chu Feng is not a villain, those who are arrested are the villains!

The connection between the holy prison world and the world of Hongtian Universe was strengthened, and only Chu Feng could only talk to Yin Qianqian, and then Chu Feng closed his eyes and began to practice quietly!

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