Holy Prison

Chapter 2289: Aftereffects?

Blue sky and white clouds, sea water, beach.

Chu Feng lay leisurely on a beach chair. Near him, Tang Ming, Zhou Wen and others were also lying leisurely. Many people in Shenchu ​​City were also on this side.

At this moment, Chu Feng has already left the land of Nine Suns. Naturally, No. 1 is the class that took Chu Feng in the past, and No. 1 is a clone of Chu Feng, and has a quasi-dominant cultivation base. He takes the side of the land of Nine Suns. The class is no problem.

Chu Yu's words were resurrected in the sacred prison space, the second floor of the medical clinic and the heavenly guard had been strengthened, and the sacred prison was now in the process of upgrading. With the gradual escalation, there is no heaven and earth vision now. .

"Boss, this is life, hehe!" Zhou Wen turned his head and smiled. "Guests, don't you live a bad life? It should be impossible. I think you should be big people." Zhou Wen and a seductive waitress beside Chu Feng smiled authentically. She is a staff member of this beach, just An ordinary person doesn't know Chu Feng's identity.

"Big guy? No, it's the big guy on your left, haha!" Zhou Wen smiled. "Come on, big people or not big people, no matter what kind of person, just live happily." Chu Feng said with a light smile, "beauty, give me a glass of ice water."


The waiter quickly turned around and poured water on Chu Feng. "Jie Jie" Chu Feng's face changed slightly. He seemed to hear a strange laugh, and the waiter who poured water on him seemed to show his face. Weird smile.

"You" Chu Feng said.

"Guest, what else do you want?" The waitress asked with a smile, her smile is very bright, not a bit weird, and nothing gloomy.

"It's okay." Chu Feng shook his head and said.

"Xiao Mingzi."

Chu Feng's voice rang in Tang Ming's mind. He just paid attention to this side. If there is anything weird, he should feel it too.

"Boss, what's the matter?" Tang Ming said.

"Xiao Mingzi, you just stared at this side, did you find anything wrong?" Chu Feng said. "No? What's wrong, no." Tang Ming said strangely.

"It's okay."

Chu Feng closed his eyes, and he recalled the feeling he had just now, and that feeling faded a lot, making Chu Feng feel like the truth and illusion. "Something is wrong, there must be something wrong." Chu Feng secretly said, he is more confident of his own strength, with his cultivation base, under normal circumstances, the possibility of hallucinations is definitely better than ordinary lottery players. The jackpot is much smaller!

"Xian'er, did you pay attention to the outside just now?" Chu Feng said in his mind. "No, why?" Miao Xian'er said strangely, "I pay attention to what I'm doing outside at this time. If you are traveling and enjoying this side of the earth, what dangers can you encounter?"

"Something strange just happened."

Chu Feng said in his mind what had just happened, "With my cultivation base, I thought it wasn't because I was dazzled just now, but the woman was scanned by my sage, and there is nothing unusual!"

"At that time, the holy prison will be upgraded, you let her enter the holy prison, and the sky eye will scan and try." Miao Xian'er said, "if there is no problem."

Miao Xian'er said softly, "If she has no problems, then Chu Feng, you have a little problem. After all, Tang Ming didn't find any problems just now."

"You died before and came back to life. Although the examination did not find any sequelae, it does not mean that there is really no sequelae."

Chu Feng frowned slightly. He felt that there would be no gain from the examination. In this case, as Miao Xian'er said, the resurrection had sequelae!

"Strange thing, even if there are sequelae, how can such sequelae appear? It is incredible to have such hallucinations." Chu Feng said in his heart.

The strange laughter just now and the strange smile that seemed to appear on the waiter's face gave him a gloomy feeling. It was not too strange for ordinary people to have such hallucinations. Chu Feng had such hallucinations, which was abnormal.

There is a fear of some things in his heart, and sometimes it feels gloomy. What fear does Chu Feng have? In the Hongtian Universe, he has nothing to fear, ghosts or whatever, only they are afraid of Chu Feng, where is Chu Feng afraid of them? When the heart is full of courage, it is not easy to feel that kind of feeling. Chu Feng's courage is more than that!

"Boss, what's the matter?" Zhou Wen said through the voice, he found that Chu Feng's expression seemed a little wrong. "It's nothing, I'm thinking about something." Chu Feng said, "Enjoy your life."

"Boss, what's the matter? Can we help? If you can help, just say a word." Zhou Wen said. "Will I be polite to you? Look at your beauty." Chu Feng said.

"Hey, okay. Boss, what do you think of the female drop on the left front? It's choppy, that chest, that leg, not bad." Zhou Wen commented with a smile.

Zhou Wen's words were heard by the blond stunner and the brawny man beside him, "Boy, where's the fuck? Lao Tzu's girl, you can look at me?" The brawny man stared at him with a fierce look.

There was a strange look in Chu Feng's eyes. The brawny man was just an ordinary person, and he actually stared at Zhou Wen. "Jie Jie" Zhou Wen was so busy talking to the brawny man that the blonde woman looked at Chu Feng. Coming over, at the moment she looked over, Chu Feng seemed to hear a strange laugh, and a strange smile appeared on the blonde woman's face.

"Xiao Mingzi, that woman, have you noticed something wrong?" Chu Feng transmitted the sound to Tang Mingdao, and Tang Ming was also paying attention to the strong man and the woman now.

"Boss, there is nothing wrong, but her man has some problems. He has a little background and dares to shout at the fat man." Tang Ming said.

"Strange, strange!"

Chu Feng secretly said in his heart that Tang Ming didn't see or heard anything. There is no need to ask Zhou Wen what he said. He must have seen nothing and heard nothing!

"Did I really have sequelae after I was resurrected?" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart. His divine sense scanned the woman. That woman was just an ordinary woman. She probably had practiced a little bit of boxing, but she didn't embark on the path of practice. This path is not something that everyone can follow. Today, most people on the earth are ordinary people.

Among ordinary people, one out of ten is suitable for training. Today, there are more than ten trillion people on the earth, and everyone has access to a lot of exercises, but the practice can achieve a little bit of less than one trillion. , For many of these people, in their lifetimes, even the cultivation base of the Golden Core Stage cannot be reached. The Golden Core Stage is much lower than the Black Iron Level.

Today there are two levels on the earth, one is Jindan, Nascent Soul, Out-of-Aperture, Distraction, Combination, Crossing Tribulation, Mahayana, and the other is Black Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, etc. One level is not something ordinary people can reach. Mahayana is only equivalent to the silver elementary and intermediate level. The combination of crossing the catastrophe is approximately equivalent to the bronze level, and the Yuan Ying out of the body is approximately equivalent to the black iron level!

"I have practiced, my aptitude is too bad, I can't accomplish anything, I just practiced ordinary punches and feet." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, such an ordinary woman's smile just made him feel gloomy, it is really weird!

Feng Bingning walked over. At this moment, she had vilified herself a lot, but she still looked more beautiful than the blonde woman next to the strong man.

"Yes, she and I want it, just treat it as you apologize to me!" The strong man swept over Feng Bingning's eager gaze. "Only one eldest sister?" Miao Feiying's voice rang out. She came out of the sea at this moment. She also vilified her a lot, and she was also more beautiful than that blonde woman.

"It's really good, you, I want it too! Boy, I advise you to get acquainted, don't look at the many people here, the uncle will call out at random, and hundreds of thousands of people can come immediately!" the strong man threatened, "These two A little girl, I want it. I haven't seen such a high-quality girl in a long time, luck!"

Chu Feng patted his palms, and thousands of people around him immediately gathered. The face of the strong man "I, I" turned pale at this time. He didn't expect the visitors around him to take pictures one by one in Chu Feng. After the palms gathered, he was not stupid, knowing that he had kicked on an iron plate this time.

"My fault, my fault, she gave it to you." The strong man pointed to the blond woman beside him and said quickly. "She stay, you go away." Chu Feng waved his hand. It's just an ordinary person. He is not interested in fighting an ordinary person. However, it is certain to punish him secretly. The part will always be the same as that of a small earthworm.

The burly man said he left quickly, but he didn't want to stay here, and then he was beaten by thousands of people. "Let's go away." Chu Feng said. The people who had gathered quickly dispersed. They gathered in twos and threes and chatted and drank ordinary wine. How can ordinary people tell that they are all saints?

"Chu Feng, did you fall in love with someone?" Miao Feiying asked. At this time, the blond woman stood aside obediently and was sent out by the brawny man. She didn't feel much sadness, even a little bit of joy in her heart. .

"Chu Feng, did you fall in love with others?" Miao Feiying said through the voice transmission. At this time, the blond woman stood aside obediently and was sent out by the strong man. She didn't feel much sadness, and she even had something in her heart. A little bit of joy.

"How can she be as beautiful as you?" Chu Feng chuckled, his voice was only heard by Feng Bingning and the others, but the blond woman could not hear him, "It's just that I have a little doubt, keep her, and check when the time comes. a bit."

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