Holy Prison

Chapter 2290: Intermediate killer

"What to check?" Miao Feiying asked strangely.

Miao Feiying and the others were not worried about the woman Chu Feng liked. In terms of appearance, all of them were far better than the blonde woman.

As for early adopters, Miao Feiying and the others are not worried. Over the years, Chu Feng has encountered women who are more prettier than the blonde. Chu Feng has never been in a mess before.

"Something went wrong just now," Chu Feng said. He told Feng Bingning and the others about the situation just now. "Brother Feng, will it be affected by Senior Lin Tian's evil thoughts?" Lan Wen said, "Now that the holy prison is being upgraded, it is possible to have a little influence."

"I don't rule out such a possibility, but I think it's a little bit less likely. Please check it then." Chu Feng said, "You guys go play first, it's okay."

Yin Qianqian said: "Husband, you might as well take her back to the Holy Realm to check it out. Here your spiritual consciousness is affected, and the scanning power is much weaker!"

"Alright." Chu Feng nodded slightly. With a move of his mind, the woman disappeared. However, it seemed that he was still there, and ordinary people nearby would never notice his disappearance.

It is generally impossible for ordinary people to reach the Holy Realm, but that is only a general situation. With Chu Feng's ability, there is no problem in bringing an ordinary person to the Holy Realm.

As soon as he arrived at the Holy Realm, Chu Feng scanned it carefully with his sage consciousness without any delay, "It's just an ordinary person." After half a minute, Chu Feng frowned slightly and said in his heart, such an ordinary woman, his holy You can scan clearly in the blink of an eye. For fear of omissions, Chu Feng only scanned for half a minute, but still nothing was scanned.

After raising his own mental state cultivation level, Chu Feng used his mind to scan, and the results of the scan showed that this blonde woman is indeed an ordinary person!

"Brother Feng, what's the result?" Chu Feng returned to Earth in less than three minutes, and Lan Wen asked quickly when he returned. "She should be an ordinary person. No, when the holy prison is upgraded, please check and try again." Chu Feng said, the blonde woman was still standing obediently at this time. She didn't know that she had just gone to the holy realm. Turned a bit.

"It's better to check carefully." Feng Bing said, "I just checked the information of this woman. Her name is Na'an. She has no relatives or close friends. There should be no problem missing for some time."

"Bing Ning, take her in, delay her a little time and give her some compensation at that time." Chu Feng said, the upgrade of the holy prison will take some time, but it doesn't take too long. It should be possible in ten years. This time is not short for ordinary people. With the missing time, in exchange for Chu Feng's little compensation, if you say this, there are more than ten trillion people on the entire earth, I am afraid that few will disagree.

You know, although most of the people on the earth can't embark on the path of cultivation, under the abundant spiritual energy, the average person can live for three hundred years without any problems.

If you have money, you can think of other ways to get genetically optimized things or medicinal pills. The average person can live for 500 years without any problems. Although ten years is not short for ordinary people, it is not particularly long.

Feng Bingning nodded and put the woman into her own space treasure. Nearby Zhou Wen and the others could see clearly, but ordinary people would not realize that someone was missing.

"Sister Bing Ning, come here soon." Tang Wan cried out in the sea. "Here." Feng Bingning responded and Lan Wen and the others quickly returned to the sea.

"Boss, didn't you find it?" Tang Ming said.

Chu Feng shook his head and closed his eyes and said: "No matter what the problem is, the answer will always be found at that time. Any problem will be solved. Let's not talk about this. Don't let this spoil our rare holiday! "

In a blink of an eye, ten years have passed. In these ten years, it can be said that Chu Feng has had the most relaxed ten years. Most of the time he spent most of his time traveling around with Feng Bingning and their women.

As for training, Chu Feng’s cultivation base has now reached a bottleneck, and his cultivation level does not need to deliberately work hard. At the level of the integration of Hongtian Universe and Holy Prison World, when Chu Feng is turning around in Hongtian Universe, It can also enhance the integration of Hongtian Universe and Holy Prison World!

With the joint efforts of No.1 and Chu Feng, the degree of integration between Hongtian Universe and the holy prison world has increased relatively quickly, but it will take a lot of time to achieve complete integration!

In the past ten years, there are two more things worth mentioning. The first one is that Mu Yun and Chu Shi fell in love for a long time and finally came together. Under the witness of many people in Chu Feng, they became husband and wife; The second, Chu Han's wife of their four sons, Chu Shi, Chuxin, and Chu Yu's four daughters, were all pregnant with children.

There were a lot of things before. Chu Han and the others didn't want children. They all wanted them very much in their hearts. There was nothing more to do at this time, so naturally they wouldn't delay.

In terms of cultivation level, Chu Han and the others are all at the Sovereign level. It is not easy to improve such strengths. The husband and wife are both Sovereign level cultivation bases. When a child is born, the talent for cultivation will not be much worse! Besides, even if the talent for training is poor, with the methods of Chu Feng and others, will the cultivation base be weak by then?

On this day, when Chu Feng accompanied Feng Bingning and the others to go shopping, the magical voice suddenly rang in Chu Feng's mind. "Magic Shu, the upgrade is complete?" Chu Feng said in his mind.

"Yeah." Demon Shu said with a smile, "Chu Feng, you quickly enter the holy prison. This time the holy prison is upgraded, we have a little special discovery."

Chu Feng, Feng Bingning and the others said that they immediately entered the holy prison space. Chu Feng is not worried about Feng Bingning's safety. Each of their cultivation bases has a holy superior level, borrowing the power of the holy prison. Under the circumstances, the strength of each of them could reach the Quasi-Dominator level, and even Chu Feng could not beat her when Feng Bingning, who had the strength of Quasi-Dominator level, borrowed his power!

"Magic Shu, what surprise?"

Entering the holy prison, Chu Feng said quickly. "To the third domain tower." The magic boy's voice rang, "the 33rd floor of the third domain tower."

Chu Feng nodded and quickly reached the 33rd floor of the No. 3 Domain Tower. "The Dragon Steward." Chu Feng said in surprise. When he reached the 33rd floor of the No.3 Domain Tower, under the further guidance of Moshu, Chu Feng quickly arrived in a luxurious manor. The Dragon Steward he is very familiar with!

Steward Long, that is Tianlin, that is Lin Tian's evil thoughts, Chu Feng was happy, if Lin Tian's evil thoughts were controlled, that would be fine!


Without waiting for Demon Shu to speak, Chu Feng quickly discovered something wrong. The Dragon Steward in front of him seemed to be slightly different from the previous one in terms of intelligence.

The Dragon Steward in front of him seemed a little dazed.

"Magic Shu, where is Xian'er?" Chu Feng said. When he arrived here, Miao Xian'er did not appear.

"Chu Feng, you still have me who has a conscience. I got a little hurt, during the rest, you can let the magic Shu speak to you." Miao Xian'er had some weak voices.

Chu Feng was slightly startled, Miao Xian'er was actually injured in the holy prison upgrade. Such a situation should be in a big conflict with Lin Tian Yinian!

"Magic Shu, what's the matter?" Chu Feng asked quickly.

Magic Shu said: "Holy Prison Level 17 has been upgraded to 18, and Level 18 is upgraded to low-level slaughter, and now low-level slaughter is upgraded to intermediate slaughter, these levels, the speed of improvement is very fast, and the dragon steward is a little uncontrollable. In the process of holy prison upgrade, Steward Long jumped out to make trouble. Naturally, Xian'er and I would not let him go after him and just beat him. Finally, Steward Long couldn’t resist it, splitting out a part of the power to attack. Xian'er was the first to suffer a serious injury."

"The main body of the Dragon Steward was slipped away by him. Now I don't know where it is, but the split power is controlled by us." Magic Shu said. "That's him?" Chu Feng said.

Mo Shu nodded: "Yes, it's him. The attack broke out and he was affected a lot. Chu Feng, is this useful for you?"

"I don't know yet, but there should be some." Chu Feng smiled, "Magic Shu, you did a good job, Xian'er's injury shouldn't be a big problem, right?"

"No, it just takes some time to recover." Mo Shu shook his head. "Steward Long, let’s not talk about it. What surprises are there in the upgrade of the holy prison this time?" Chu Feng was a little expectant. Before the holy prison was a low-level butcher, now it has been upgraded. The holy prison is not a low-level but an intermediate. Kill it!

This time, Chu Feng was a little bit injured in the battle with Lei Qing and the others. There were only eleven sixth-seventh-rank masters, only forty quasi-masters, and tens of thousands of immortal-level powerhouses worked hard for so long. It was only done with the help of many people from Feng Bingning and the others. When the time comes, the Holy Venerable Purgatory will be very troublesome.

Sovereign Purgatory, Chu Feng estimates that the number of hostile Sovereign-level powerhouses who will enter by then will not be less than five million, and the quasi-dominant level powerhouse will only be more than a thousand in the world of Tumeng, of which only a few hundred are hostile. In the next year, in the holy purgatory, Chu Feng estimated that there would be thousands of hostile quasi-dominant powerhouses!

As for ruling the strong, Chu Feng knows the previous agreement that the ruling strong cannot enter the Holy Venerable Purgatory, but he is sure that there will definitely be a clone of the dominating strong at that time, the clone or only the quasi-dominant cultivation base, but it will break out In terms of power, it may not be impossible to burst out Domination-level power!

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