Holy Prison

Chapter 2291: Ruling Heaven Sword

"Chu Feng, you fellow, what surprises do you want?" Mo Shu said in an aura, "Holy Prison has heavenly eyes, heavenly hands, medical clinics, and heavenly guards. It is already complete!"

Chu Feng smiled and said: "There is no complete range. In the holy prison, time acceleration can be carried out, but the time acceleration speed is relatively slow, and it consumes merit points. This is not good."

"In terms of attack, Tianshou can attack, but it's okay to catch people. If you attack, to be honest, it's not particularly powerful." Chu Feng said.

For example, if the hand is strengthened to the second floor today, if you catch people, if the distance is close, the quasi-dominant-level strong can directly be caught in the holy prison space, but for the dominant-level strong, the power is weak. The Holy Prison has been upgraded, and if it is strengthened to the third level, when the distance is close, the Seventh-Rank Master should be able to directly grab into the Holy Prison space, but the weak attack aspect has not changed.

When Chu Feng's cultivation base was low, the weak attack of the Heavenly Hand did not show up. When his cultivation base was high, this aspect would show up immediately.

"In terms of defense, Heaven Guard’s defenses are actually not particularly powerful. Many of the Domination’s weapons have such defensive capabilities and even stronger. The Holy Prison can withstand strong pressure, mainly because the Holy Prison has that huge The holy prison world, of course, this is inseparable from the holy prison itself. Tianyan and the medical clinic, these two are really powerful." Chu Feng said.

"I feel that the holy prison is missing something."

Magic Shu said: "What is missing?"

"The means of direct punishment." Chu Feng said, "Some wicked people are inconvenient to catch, or there is no need to catch them. They are like that. I think it is better to punish them directly! The wicked are likely to be powerful, so the holy prison, I think It should have a strong offensive ability, this does not refer to the holy prison heavy artillery."

The power of the holy prison heavy artillery is huge, but Chu Feng felt that it was used by Lin Tian to save his life at the critical moment, and it was not an ordinary attack method.

Holy prison heavy artillery is indeed a powerful means of attack, but when encountering a powerful enemy, use the holy prison heavy artillery? In that case, it would be detrimental to the development of the master of the holy prison. The holy prison's heavy artillery should be used only as a last resort. In the case of Tianshou, it is obvious that they are better at arresting people!

"Holy Prison's heavy artillery is pretty good," said Demon Shu.

Chu Feng smiled lightly and said: "The holy prison heavy artillery mainly relies on the energy absorbed in ordinary times. It has no requirements for the user's cultivation base. It should be used for emergency relief, or for long-range attacks when the target is really not found. use!"

"Congratulations, there are no surprises in this upgrade," Mo Shu said with a smile, "Of course this is impossible. You are right, the holy prison upgrade, there is an attack method, but Chu Feng, this is for you , It doesn't actually have much effect now, your current cultivation base is too low!"

With a wave of the magic hand, in front of Chu Feng, a colorful holy sword appeared: "Chu Feng, this sword is called the Judgment Heaven Sword. You can incorporate it into your weapon. After integrating it, your weapon will become As part of the holy prison, as the number of slaying wicked people increases, the power of the Judgment Heaven Sword will continue to increase!"

"Judging the characteristics of the Heavenly Sword, when it kills the wicked, it can burst out with stronger power! If the Jujue Heavenly Sword becomes stronger, the more people who commit evil, the stronger the oppression it will face, and the stronger it will be against the enemy. It has oppressive power, and at the same time it can explode with stronger power." Mo Shu laughed.

Chu Feng’s eyes glowed, and what he is more worried about now is a problem. Yin Ming has grown to this day, and it is very difficult to continue to grow. Even if he becomes the master, Yin Ming may not be able to become the master, but Yin Ming can become the master. It is estimated that the weapon of dominance at that time will be the weapon of low-level dominance. At that time, with Chu Feng's cultivation base, the device of low-level dominance may no longer be suitable for him.

If it is judged that the Heavenly Sword and Yinming will be merged, Yinming will become a part of the Holy Prison, and this problem will be solved. Killing the wicked can improve it. Chu Feng likes this!

"Magic Shu, being a part of the Holy Prison, what are the advantages and disadvantages of this? In addition, this ruling heaven sword must be integrated with other things to exert its power?" Chu Feng said.

Magic Shu smiled and said: "Holy Prison is made by mastering the stone, and it is comparable to the general quality of the master. If it becomes part of the Holy Prison, then the quality of low-quality items will continue to improve."

"Even if it can't reach the level of the holy prison body, it will be much better than the general dominating device. As for the disadvantages, if the holy prison is taken away by others, the same things will also be taken away. The Heavenly Judgment Sword, it is intentional and intangible, and it needs a carrier. Swords can be used, and other things can be used."

Chu Feng nodded slightly with a thought, Yin Ming appeared in his hand: "Magic Shu, let Yin Ming merge with this Triumphant Heaven Sword."

Demon Shu said that the colorful sword of tailoring techniques instantly turned into colorful light and plunged into the Yin Ming in Chu Feng's hand. There were colorful rays of light flashing on the Yin Ming, and mysterious patterns appeared on the Yin Ming sword. On the body, the lines are extremely light, and if you don't look carefully, you won't see those lines.

"Chu Feng, it will take about a thousand years to complete the integration." Mo Shu said.

Chu Feng nodded and put Yin Ming away: "Magic Shu, what about the next upgrade of the holy prison? How many merit points are needed, and how many merit points can be strengthened by the heavenly hands?"

"Now the Holy Prison is an intermediate weapon. From intermediate to advanced weapon, the merit points required are 100,000. The Tianyan Tianhe Medical Clinic and Tianshou each can strengthen 30,000 merit points, and all four are strengthened to The strongest, you need 120,000 merit points, your current merit points are a little bit close to half the distance." Magic Shu said.

Before Chu Feng had more than 63,500 merit points, the strengthening clinic and Tianhu used three thousand five hundred, and then resurrected Chu Yu and they used some more. Now they have less than sixty thousand merit points but only fifty thousand merit points. Nine thousand.

"One hundred twenty thousand, plus one hundred thousand, two hundred twenty thousand, my merit point is a little more than a quarter." Chu Feng sighed helplessly.

"It takes a long time to accumulate merit points. You have so many merit points in a short time. That's not bad." The magical boy rolled his eyes and said.

Chu Feng didn't accept Mo Shu's words immediately but thought about it.

It's only fifty-nine merit points. This should be carefully considered. Strengthening requires merit points. At that time, he will have to leave merit points for resurrection!

"Fifty-nine thousand merit points, at least fifteen thousand are reserved for resurrection. In this case, only forty-four can be used. The vision of the sky eye is very important, but the capture of the sky hand is more important. Some, natural protection, are also very important!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, four, each of which is actually very important. In contrast, the medical clinic is slightly less important.

"The Heavenly Shou has been strengthened to the highest level. When the seventh-rank ruler, or even the general sixth-rank ruler, can be directly admitted to the holy prison, this must be strengthened with all efforts! There is no safety point, and the holy priest's purgatory will be one early If you find the enemy little by little, your chances of surviving will be much higher. The Heavenly Guard also needs to be strengthened."

After half a minute of deliberation, Chu Feng said: "Magic Shu, give me the strength of Heavenly Hand, Heavenly Eye, and Heavenly Guard, Heavenly Hand strengthens 30,000 merit points, Heavenly Eye strengthens 10,000 merit points, Heaven Protector, strengthens 4,000 merit points. On the basis of the previous foundation, the Heavenly Guard will further strengthen four thousand merit points, and the general sixth-rank attack should be able to withstand it?"

"Yes, this problem is not very big, but it can only withstand the general sixth-Rank attacks. Basically, the Heavenly Guardian cannot withstand the sixth-grade perfect attack. The Heavenly Guardian is not broken and can be used again and again. If it is damaged, It will take a long time to recover, and the damage to you is not small." Mo Shu reminded.

Chu Feng frowned. Sixth-Rank Consummation couldn't be resisted. This was a little bit weak, and the chances of the Heavenly Guard being broken would be high.

"Chu Feng, are you sure?" Mo Shu said.

Chu Feng said: "Magic Shu, how long does it take to strengthen? If you strengthen five thousand merit points, can you withstand the attack of the Sixth Stage Great Perfection?"

"Sixth-Rank Great Perfection, it should be possible, but the fifth-Rank attack is definitely not good." Mo Shu said. Chu Feng frowned and said: "That day, the guardian will strengthen five thousand merit points. Leave ten thousand merit points for resurrection. It should be enough for resurrection! By that time, you should be able to get in by catching more people. A lot of merit points."

The trip to the Lord’s Purgatory was a big crisis for Chu Feng, but from another perspective, it might not be a big opportunity. At that time, a large number of pursuers will enter the Lord’s Purgatory. Among those people, there must be no Less sin is serious, catch them or behead them, Chu Feng can get no less merit points!

As long as you get enough merit points, the Holy Prison can be upgraded again at that time, and quickly upgrade again and again, it is not so easy for the Dragon Steward to seize the control of the Holy Prison!

"Just leave 10,000 merit points? Chu Feng, you use 1,300 merit points once you die in the land of the nine suns." Mo Shu frowned. In the previous words, 10,000 merit points were left, and Chu Feng felt it. Very good, but one thousand three hundred merit points were deducted in the Land of Nine Suns, which is too cruel.

Chu Feng nodded: "Yes, it should be ok to save 10,000 merit points. There were still some special situations in the Land of Nine Suns. That time, it was eleven real dominance-level powerhouses who did it at a reasonable price. If the Lord dies in Purgatory, he will be resurrected once, it shouldn’t need as many as 1,300.”

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