Holy Prison

Chapter 2307: Siege

"Stop, right here, locate it!" A quasi-dominant strong whispered quietly. Following his order, the team of 100,000 people immediately stopped.

The road in the Immortal Burial Ground is relatively spacious, but it seems a bit crowded when the 100,000 people gather here.

"Lao Huang, this is it? Isn't it going a little further? This is not very far from the location we had previously located." Another quasi-dominant powerhouse said.

This team is pro-Huang family, most of the teams in it are pro-Hong family and pro-Tutian, but there are also pro-first-class families and second-class families!

After all, the controller is aloof, the first- and second-class families are also very powerful, such a thigh holding, generally can live very nourishing!

"Just here, it's better to be more cautious. If you go over it a little bit, Chu Feng may miss it!" The quasi-dominant surnamed Huang said that the quasi-dominant is a member of the Huang family. Of course, in the Huang family, the status is far lower than that of Huang Yuan!

"Well, let's be here. This castle here is estimated to have strong positioning interference. If it is far away, it might be missed." The quasi-dominant powerhouse said, the castle he was looking at at this time happened to be Chu Feng and their castle!

In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng showed a look of helplessness on his face. If they are separated a little, they may fail to locate. If they are so close, 100,000 strong people will work together. The probability of positioning failure is estimated to be very low!

"Feng, don't worry, it's only half a year, this castle, blocking for half a year shouldn't be a big problem, if we can't stop it, we can also leave!" Feng Bing condensed.

In this castle for decades, Chu Feng and the others have already figured out this castle. It was not easy to enter this castle, and it was not very difficult to get out!

The castle has an above-ground part and an underground part. The underground part is connected to the ground vein. If there is no way to approach the hell, it will take a long time. Now Chu Feng and the others already know that even if it is confined by space, Chu Feng and the others can escape from the ground vein. Such ground veins cannot be banned!

Moreover, the space confined here is not very useful! The ground part is not difficult to imprison all around, but such a castle has a huge underground part, and the entire castle is imprisoned. This will definitely be met with fierce resistance from all the resistance forces of the entire castle!

Some brothers will say that if you gather enough power, you can destroy the entire castle directly outside. This can be done if the gathered power is enough, but no one will do it if it is not a last resort!

Destroying the tomb, this is a big enemy! Moreover, destroying a tomb is definitely not just offending a strong friend and relatives, but offending many people!

There are a lot of people buried in this immortal burial place. Every relative and friend of the deceased does not want to "sleep" with their relatives and friends here. If a tomb is demolished here today, it is possible that the tombs of their relatives and friends will be demolished tomorrow. Demolished! Here, forced demolition is absolutely prohibited!

In fact, Chu Feng and the others have been here for decades, and none of the tombs have been destroyed. Chu Feng and the others paid attention when they attacked, and when others acted, they also paid attention!

"Didi, Didi!"

With a crisp voice, outside of Chu Feng's castle, many people heard this voice and their eyes lit up. This voice represented a successful positioning!

"Right in front of you!"

Many people looked at the castle where Chu Feng and the others were located. The location information showed that the direction was this one, but the distance was not very far!

The castle covers a relatively large area, and if the distance is not very far, the chances of Chu Feng and others being in the castle are extremely high!

"Sure enough, the positioning has been made." Chu Feng muttered in his heart.

Huang Jian waved his hand and said solemnly, this one hundred thousand people team, he is the captain! However, not everyone in the team is loyal to him. Some people seem to be loyal to him, but in fact they are not.

Therefore, a lot of messages were sent out very quickly, and as those messages were sent out, the teams that received the messages immediately gathered to this side!

Wu Caishen’s team has arrived, and Hongyang’s team has also arrived. The two teams have a number of hundreds of thousands, but the quality is much higher!

Every team, the number of people can reach 100,000, no matter how much positioning, it will not be stronger! If there were more people and stronger positioning, they would have gathered a bigger team!

Joint attacks, joint positioning, etc., also have a limit, and it won’t work if you exceed the limit! Positioning, attacking, and defense are three aspects. Among them, if there is a suitable treasure for defense, the most people can be combined, the attacking power is less, and the positioning, the power that can be combined is even less!

"Which team can be repositioned, try again!" Hong Yang said in a deep voice. As a member of the Hong family, his status is extremely high. When this was said, the leader of a team immediately responded.

It didn't take long for the positioning results to come out, and Chu Feng was positioned once again. At such a close distance, the possibility of failure was extremely low!

"It's really here, very good!" Hong Yang said in a deep voice. Wu Caishen’s eyes flickered, and Hong Yang was here. If the holy prison burst out, the chances he would get would be much smaller. His father was the master’s disciple, and Hong Yi’s disciple, but Hong Yi had three thousand disciples. Hongyang was offered the Holy Prison, and he was offered the Holy Prison, the result is completely different!

Wu Caishen’s father is still more important to Hong Yi. If he can be offered the holy prison, then he may become Hong Yi’s first disciple by then!

Here, a little bit more entangled is the Huang family Huang Jian, he represents the Huang family, and now the Huang family is close to the blood slaughter, he naturally does not want the holy prison to be obtained by Hongyang, but here, his status is poor. Hongyang and the others are far away, and there is no confidence in fighting against Hongyang and the others! If Huang Yuan is here, he will have much more confidence. First-grade dominates his son, this status is very high!

"Destroy directly?" Someone whispered. When he said this, he was immediately glared at by many people. Destroying the tomb, such a precedent cannot be set here!

There are a lot of people here, many of whom have seniors, and have relatives and friends buried here. If a precedent is set, then the tombs of their relatives and friends may also be destroyed!

Wu Caishen said with a chuckle: "If you find someone, we don't need to be too eager. We still have half a year. Can't we get in and kill Chu Feng?"

"It's definitely possible!"

"Find a way to enter and destroy directly, I am the first to disagree!"

"It’s impossible to directly destroy it. This tomb is buried by the third-rank master. The creator heard that it is also the third-rank master. If it is destroyed directly, there will be a very powerful curse at that time. Our joint defense is very strong, but that curse It may not be resistant!"

"If you want to destroy it, you can only destroy it by Chu Feng, we can't go there!"

Quite a few people said that they would not agree to direct destruction, even if it was Hongyang's request, not many people responded to the call to take the initiative to destroy the tomb!

"Master Hong, Master Wu, let me explore the way for you first." Huang Jian said. "Go away." Hong Yang said quietly. If Huang Yuan was here, he would be more polite, an ordinary Huang family, where would it be in his eyes.

Huang Jian was annoyed, but he found this place, but now there seems to be nothing wrong with him on this side! "Master Hong, this is not great, this place" Huang Jian bit his head.

"Huang Jian, do you want me to say it again?" A fierce light flashed in Hong Yang's eyes, and the little Huang Jian, even if he beheaded, would be no trouble!

Even Huang Yuan has a lower status than Hongyang, not to mention Huang Jian. Huang Yuan's father is the first-rank master, and Huang Jian's father is also the master, but only the sixth-rank master!

"Damn thing." Huang Jian cursed secretly in his heart and stepped aside. He didn't dare to swear, and his expression didn't change much. He knew some of Hongyang's temper. If he continued to persist, then he You have to die! It won’t work if you don’t hold on for a while, if you don’t hold on for a while, Huang Yuan won’t give him a good face when he returns to Huang’s house by then!

"Team ten, go!" Hong Yang said in a deep voice. He glanced at Wu Caishen. Wu Caishen didn't want to, but he didn't have any opinions on his lips. He angered Hongyang, and he didn't have any good fruits. After all, his father is a disciple of Hongyi. If Hongyang troubles him, his father can't help!

Hongyang's team consisted of ten teams in total, and one team looked like 10,000 people. Hongyang ordered it, and the tenth team immediately defended and moved towards the passage in front of the castle!

Chu Feng muttered in his heart, there is no cure, not to mention 10,000 people, even if 100,000 people join defense to enter the passage, it is estimated that they will all be buried in it!

Defense is useful for the trees on both sides of the passage, but it is useless for the flowers on both sides of the passage. The pollen of those flowers can be said to ignore the defense!

Before, a group of thousands of people only passed through the main road outside, because the speed was so fast that the flowers were attacked. As a result, thousands of people were poisoned and killed. Hong Yang and the others did not know this scene, but Chu Feng knew.

"Good defense!"

The captain of the tenth team said in a deep voice, and a yellow halo appeared on one of their personal bodies. This was their performance in raising their defense to the limit.

As the tenth squad approached, many flowers moved during the scan of the sky, and invisible pollen drifted out from the flowers. The yellow halo was not blocked. Everyone in the tenth squad was on the body for a short time. It is stained with a lot of pollen.

"What's going on, hurry up." Hongyang said unhappily, and the tenth team's forward speed slowed down.

"Young, young master." The captain of the tenth team turned his head, and a few words came out. His face actually fell from his face, **** and terrible. Other people are not much better, one by one. People are terrified, they are frantically increasing their strength, but at this moment, the strength becomes extremely difficult to mention!

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