Holy Prison

Chapter 2308: Flower Tree Granny

"Save people!" Hongyang shouted loudly. In the blink of an eye, many powerful players shot, but their shots did not save the lives of 10,000 people in the tenth team!

Under the eyes of everyone, all 10,000 people from the tenth team died within two or three seconds. The powers of the holy master and the quasi-dominant were the same!

Sovereign-level powerhouses and quasi-dominant powerhouses can definitely be regarded as strong people, but under the power of the dominion-level powerhouses, they are also as vulnerable as babies!

Hong Yang said angrily, he didn't really care about the lives of those people, but in front of him, 10,000 people died like this, and he was very frustrated!

"What killed them?"

"It seems to be floral!"

"It's not the fragrance of flowers, it should be pollen! The pollen of those flowers fell on them ignoring the defense, causing them to immediately poison themselves!"

Quite a few people are talking about it, and many people have a look of horror on their faces. It's not easy to live until now, they don't want to lose their lives in a muddle!

"Huang Jian, don't you want to explore the path? Explore the path!" Hong Yang said in a deep voice.

Huang Jian's face changed slightly and his heart became angry. He was not allowed to go when he didn't know the horror here. At this time, he knew the horror here, so let him explore the way. This is too bullying!

"Master Hong, this place is very evil, or, let's discuss it again? If too many people die at once, I can't explain it." Huang Jian said.

"You try it again." Hong Yang said quietly. He was very angry. If Huang Jian said it again, he wouldn't mind killing Huang Jian to dispel his anger!

"Everyone is ready!" Huang Jian said in a deep voice. Someone in his team deliberately withdrew, but no one dared to raise it at the moment. If it is raised, it would be blamed for Huang Jian to kill it!

Just 10,000 people died in the action, if 100,000 people acted together, the possibility of defense is still not small! Although it seems to ignore the defense, in fact, the defense is not completely ineffective.

A hundred thousand people are prepared, and each of the strong will come up with something to deal with poison, and while providing defense for the battlefield, their own defense is also elevated to the extreme!

"Let's go in!" Huang Jian shouted coldly. If he succeeded in entering, if Chu Feng was killed, he made up his mind that he would never give the holy prison he got to Hongyang and the others!

In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng felt a little nervous, if 100,000 people passed without death, then his trouble would be a lot more.

Under Huang Jian’s order, a hundred thousand people immediately moved forward. Around the battle formation they formed, scarlet flames were burning, and the flame temperature was extremely high. If the quasi-dominant powerhouse fell into it, it would be a blink of an eye. Will be burned clean by that terrifying flame!

"Block out most of them!" Many of Hongyang and others felt relieved. At this moment, they carefully checked, some pollen entered Huang Jian's body through the flame, but it was relatively rare. The pollen entered Huang Jian's body and Huang Jian and the others controlled Huang Jian and none of them died of poison!

At this moment, the branches of those trees moved. When Tianwei entered, there were fewer branches that were alarmed. At this moment, all the nearby trees attacked together!

Every branch is a seventh-rank attack, dozens of hundreds of branches attack together, so the power is terrible! Chu Feng was shocked. If there were so many branches attacking Tianwei before, Tianwei would have died long ago!

Chu Feng estimated that there was only one sky guard before, and a little branch in the distance would not be alarmed. Now, Huang Jian and the others are entering in large numbers!

Moreover, Huang Jian and their flames also caused relatively large damage to those pollen. Before Tianwei took detoxification, it did not harm those pollen.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of hundreds of attacks fell on the defensive formation formed by Huang Jian and the others. They were poisoned by pollen, and they suppressed it, but their strength was much weaker. How could they be able to withstand such a strong one at this time? attack? The attack fell on the defensive formation, and thousands of people were directly shaken to death in the blink of an eye!

Many people screamed, the attacking power came. They did not suppress the pollen poison in the body. As a result, they were not shaken to death by the attacking power, but the pollen poison spread in the body!

Huang Jian yelled. At this time, they were less than one-third forward. In this state, how could they pass the passage to the castle? Hearing his order, the whole team immediately retreated, but the terrible branches did not let them go immediately but continued to attack them, and a lot of pollen got on them!

In a short time, Huang Jian and the others retreated. Most of them screamed in pain. The skin and muscles of some people continued to fall off, and some people hurriedly sat on the ground to heal their injuries, but many of them did not save. Their lives.

Hongyang and the others did their utmost to treat them, but after one minute, Huang Jian and his team of 100,000 people only had 50,000 people, and after three minutes, the remaining 50,000 people had only 30,000 people left. , The lives of the last 30,000 people should have been saved, but many of them have been hit hard!

Countless people were terrified and horrified. This was too terrifying. It was a 100,000 Saint-level quasi-dominant-level powerhouse. It took less than three seconds to enter, and this was the result!

The people outside were very scared. In the holy prison space, Chu Feng was also shocked. He caught a lot of master-level powerhouses, and there were also master-level powerhouses he killed, but he had less experience of master-level power before. The horror of the strong, now he can feel it, this mausoleum is only the tomb of the third-rank master-level strong, it is so terrible!

"The things made by the third-rank masters are so terrible, the words of the second-rank masters, the first-rank masters," Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, third-rank masters, second-rank masters, but he has caught a lot of them!

Before the trip to the Land of Nine Suns, Chu Feng had captured several third-rank and second-rank masters. In the land of Nine Suns, his third- and second-rank masters added up to eleven!

"The holy quasi-ruler is a scum. If you dominate, it is still very strong." Chu Feng said in his heart that the strength of the 6th and 7th ranks is not particularly powerful, and the strength of the 4th and 5th ranks is very strong. The third rank, that is considered to be a strong one among the dominance level powerhouses, the second rank dominates, there is not much in the whole world.

As for the first-grade masters, there are only three of them now, which is pitiful!

"Master Hong, sorry, come by yourself." Huang Jian said with a sullen face, his luck was good, 100,000 people died of 70,000, he is not one of those 70,000!

"Yeah." Hongyang nodded slightly. Huang Jian and the others had too many dead. He didn't care about Huang Jian's attitude at the moment. "Brother Wu, what do you think?" Hongyang looked at Wu Caishen.

Wu Caishen said softly: "If it can be destroyed, I think it is best to destroy it directly."

"Can't be destroyed directly." Hongyang shook his head, "I think of who made this tomb. Think about it carefully and look at the flowers and trees. You should also be able to remember who made it. "

"Flowers and trees?"

God of Wu Cai looked at the flowers and trees carefully, "Brother Hong, is this mausoleum the mother-in-law of Huashu?" Wu Caishen said in surprise, mother-in-law Huashu, that is not someone who can easily provoke him.

"Nine to all." Hongyang frowned. Granny Huashu is the master of the pro-monster dream, and can even be said to be a subordinate of the master of the demon dream. She used to be the third-rank master, but now she has become the second-rank master!

Such a character, even Hongyang doesn’t want to get involved. The Hong family is strong, but the relationship between the Hong family and the Su family and the Xuanyuan family is not very good. If the relationship with the Yaomeng is not good, some In terms of things, the Hong family suffers! He demolished the mausoleum here today to provoke Granny Huashu. Even if he gets the holy prison, he probably won't have any good rewards when he goes back!

"Then we really can't demolish it." Wu Caishen said. He couldn't help but trembled when he thought of some of the information of Granny Huashu. Now that the tomb is demolished because of his proposal, he is afraid that his father will not be able to protect him, Huashu. Mother-in-law, that is a well-known cruel and cruel character, and she is not afraid to cause trouble!

Wu Caishen's father is the second-rank master and a disciple of Hongyi. This status is high enough. The average second-rank master dare not provoke Wu Caishen's father. If Huashu grandmother dare not only provoke, but also dare to kill!

Wu Caishen remembered that a pro-Tutian master provoked Granny Huashu, but she was slaughtered by her. Tu Tian did not come forward because of a bad reason, but some of his staff came forward, but Granny Huashu was strong and his people came forward. There is a bird, and that thing finally came to no end!

"Mr. Huashu, it turns out that this Ling tomb was made by Ms. Huashu. Now it's interesting." Chu Feng's eyes lit up in the holy prison space. He knew some information about Granny Huashu.

"The previous branch attacks weren't particularly violent. There would be no reason for this." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart that his relationship with Yaomeng should be barely good. When it was dangerous before, Yaomeng also specially notified. After a moment, those branches' attacks were merciful, it is really possible in this respect!

Chu Feng had never met with Granny Huashu, but he had a little contact with Yaomeng, and Yaomeng had transmitted sound to him, perhaps a little breath remained!

"Senior Demon Meng, why did you help me?" Chu Feng rubbed his temples. This problem had troubled him for a long time. He didn't think it was Yang Yu's factor. "The destined people before were Bing Ning and the others. Why? If it’s a coincidence, then this coincidence is too much! It’s also a big coincidence that the Holy Prison fell into my hands."

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