Holy Prison

Chapter 2309: Mausoleum broken

There are many things that I don't understand, but Chu Feng didn't have too much time to struggle with such problems. After all, it is a good thing to get the holy prison, Feng Bingning and the others are destined, this is not a bad thing, Yao Meng can help him before, this is also a good thing, if there is no Yao Meng's help, it is probably hanging in the land of Nine Suns!

"Everyone, think about it, is there any good way!" Outside the castle, Hong Yang said in a deep voice, already determined that Chu Feng was in the castle. If you can't enter, you will be depressed!

"Master Hong, we can work out the antidote. If there is an antidote to the pollen, but the attack from the branches, we can resist." Someone said.

Hongyang said: "This person who has expertise in this area will start researching immediately. We still need other methods. I am afraid that the antidote will not be available in half a year!"

Chu Feng has a holy prison. He is studying in the holy prison. It was Tumen who helped to study together. It took a lot of time to figure out the medicine. What Hongyang and the others said, don't say half a year, give them a hundred years. It is estimated that they can't study anything. This is because some of them in Hongyang are clones of Dominant-level powerhouses. Without this condition, they would be given a thousand years and ten thousand years. It is estimated that nothing can be researched. !

"Other Ways"

The millions of people gathered here are all thinking about it, but how can it be easy to figure out a way? Granny Huashu is the ruler of the third rank. She made this mausoleum. Naturally, she had countless considerations when she was working on this thing. If she could easily let people in, it would have lost her reputation!

Before Chu Feng was able to go in, one was to find out and understand the medicine, and the other was that there was a holy prison. If there was no holy prison, Tianwei wouldn't be able to enter even if he had the antidote!

As for whether there was a demon dream factor in the middle, Chu Feng didn't know, anyway, he came in, and the reason was not important to him.

"I hope to support it for half a year." Chu Feng muttered in his heart. At this moment, several million people have gathered outside, and there are still people gathering here. It is certain that it will break through ten million by then. If Hongyang has a way If they enter this, Chu Feng and the others will have to leave the tomb from the veins!

There is a certain danger for the earth veins to leave. The earth veins of the immortal burial ground are very powerful. There may be abnormal creatures in the earth veins. In addition, if you enter the earth veins, you may be thrown out by the earth veins. If you just enter the earth veins, If you are thrown out, you will probably fall into the crowd outside!

Therefore, Chu Feng will not enter the ground veins unless it is a last resort. This Ling tomb is very strong and large, and it may last for half a year!

As time passed day by day, Hongyang and the others were thinking of a variety of methods, but they did not take advantage of those seemingly ordinary flowers and trees!

Another method failed, Hong Yang's face sank. They have been here for four or five months, and they are only more than a month away from the exchange between the fairy burial place and the fairy burial place. If they can’t get in for more than a month, Chu Feng's words, then Chu Feng can leave the immortal burial place to the immortal burial place!

The powerhouses of Immortal Burial have basically gathered here. If Chu Feng leaves here, then Immortal Burial will be a safe place for Chu Feng for the time being!

"Everyone, do you have any good solutions?" Hongyang glanced at some of the humanities present. At this moment, they are in a fairy palace that they have built. The people gathered in the fairy palace are very important. , "Everyone, we have been here for several months and we have not yet entered. If it spreads out, this will be a joke!"

The people here are silent while watching their noses, noses, and hearts. Granny Huashu is the second-rank master, and she is the subordinate of Yaomeng, so she can't afford it! The people here, Hong Yang can afford to provoke some, other people even Wu Caishen can not provoke, his father here is almost the same!

Hong Yang snorted in his heart, he knew that these people wanted him to bring it up, so if something went wrong, he would take the main responsibility! "Everyone, I have a plan." Hong Yang said in a deep voice.

"Brother Hong, please speak." Wu Caishen said, no one said to reconcile, Hong Yang was on fire, he was not a good-tempered person.

Hongyang said: "We will not destroy the mausoleum, but just destroy the flowers and trees. In this case, Granny Huashu should be able to explain the past."

"Fart!" Many people secretly said in their hearts, if Granny Huashu can easily explain the past, they are still sitting here to discuss a bird!

Carrying some responsibilities, and spreading a certain price, may be able to explain the past, if you want to say a few words at the time, it is impossible. Granny Huashu is not such a good talker!

"This, Brother Hong, isn't it good?" Wu Caishen said in a negotiated tone, "Chu Feng will always leave when the time comes. It's the same if we solve him elsewhere."

Hongyang frowned and said, "Brother Wu, do you really think that way? Chu Feng killed us. This is a rare opportunity. Have you missed such an opportunity? Brother Wu, you are like this, but you have nothing to bear! I don’t have a little care for things, this is not very good, Brother Wu, do you think this is the truth."

Wu Caishen was shocked. His father was a relative of Hong's family. If Hongyang didn't take care of anything by then, it would have a big impact on his future.

"I think so, but if you insist, Brother Hong, I will fully support you!" Wu Caishen laughed. "What about you, talk about your views." Hongyang glanced at the other human beings.

Both Wu Caishen and Hongyang agreed. Except for the dominance-level powerhouse clones, the two of them have the highest status here. They both agreed. Although the others were afraid of Granny Huashu, they all agreed!

The clones of those Domination-level powerhouses are invisible. In such an occasion, they will never reveal their identity.

The previous agreement was that the Sovereign-level and Quasi-dominant-level powerhouses can enter, and if the Domination-level powerhouses enter as a clone, there is no evidence that the Su Family and the Xuanyuan Family will not say anything. If there is a Domination-level powerhouse stupid enough to reveal, The Su family and Xuanyuan family didn't seize the opportunity to teach a lesson!

"Very well, since everyone agrees, then let's destroy those flowers and trees!" Hong Yang said in a deep voice, "Everyone, pay attention to confine the surrounding space!"

Wu Caishen added: "There is still a circle of people on the periphery. The ground veins of the immortal burial will flow. Chu Feng may enter the ground veins and leave at that time. This confinement space cannot be done!"

"Yeah!" Hongyang nodded, and their orders were passed. Soon tens of millions of powerful people started to take action. About a million people still gathered nearby, and more than nine million people spread out to make the neighborhood very large. The range is imprisoned, if Chu Feng appears within this range, he will be spotted immediately. When that happens, he will definitely attract a tyrannical attack in a very short time!

Hongyang gave the order, and immediately a powerful attack fell on some flowers, plants and trees, but their attacks were blocked by those flowers, plants and trees, and a large amount of pollen flew towards Hongyang and them.

Someone screamed, Hong Yang and the others had made a strong defense, but the pollen was very abnormal, and some people were still getting pollen into their bodies!

"The poisonous person is suppressing it!" Hong Yang said in a deep voice!

There is no need for Hongyang to remind, those people were suppressed, but it didn't take long for someone to die. Hongyang and the others attacked the flowers and trees, and the lethality of the pollen was greatly improved from the previous foundation!

"Attack, keep attacking for me!" Hong Yang roared. Under such circumstances, there are still people dead, and his heart is very angry. "If you kill those flowers and trees, it will be fine!"

Hongyang and the others attacked quickly. The branches of the trees stretched far to attack Hongyang and the others. At the same time, there were strong rhizomes under the ground and attacked them!

"These guys really attacked forcibly." Chu Feng muttered in his heart in the holy prison space. He still knows Hong Yang's character well, he is not the kind of person who can be calm!

It takes a lot of time to detoxify the pollen. Wu Caishen's words should be calm, but it is not Wu Caishen but Hongyang who has the most power to speak outside!

People continued to die, and it didn't take long for the flowers and plants in the mausoleum to be damaged. After all, Hongyang and the others' attacks had reached the level of the third rank!

The defenses of flowers and trees are very strong, but they can't withstand the continuous bombardment of Rank 3 attacks!

The flowers and plants near the main entrance were cleaned up in a short time, but this is not the end. There are a lot of flowers and plants in other parts of the castle, and the flowers and plants from other places are quickly transferred over!

The crazy confrontation lasted for half an hour, half an hour passed, and the confrontation was over. Hongyang and the others died of no fewer than ten thousand people, and all the flowers and trees in the tomb were cleared!

"Huang Jian, you can take someone in first." Hong Yang's eyes fell on Huang Jian and said. Huang Jian hurriedly shook his head and said, "Master Hong, this defense was broken by Master Hong for the Lord. I have no reason to take the lead, so let Master Hong lead someone in first!"

Before, Huang Jian rushed in. Hongyang didn’t allow it. He still had ideas in his heart. At this time, he didn’t have the kind of rush to grab. There were too many dead people around here. Huang Jian didn’t want to become himself. one of them!

People are like this. When they have benefits, they rush to catch up. After discovering that they may die if they want to get benefits, they immediately change their attitudes. No benefits are important!

"Huang Jian!" Hong Yang narrowed his eyes. Huang Jian belonged to the Huang family, and the Huang family slaughtered the sky. Of course he wanted Huang Jian to take risks and not his own people!

"Brother Hong, threaten me from the Huang Family, it's not good." A faint voice rang, Huang Yuan's voice, this guy also rushed to this side!

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