Holy Prison

Chapter 2313: The phoenix freezes out

"No!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

Feng Bingning shook Chu Feng's hand and said, "Feng, don't worry, if it is a last resort, I will choose to commit suicide! If I commit suicide, it will be much less expensive to resurrect at that time. With my strength, when the situation is serious Suicide should still be achievable, but Tianwei might not be able to do it!"

"Brother Feng, Sister Bing Ning is right, but Sister Bing Ning, you are here, I will go out. I control a lot of powerful beasts, and I control the law of fate, then it will be easier for you to escape or end your life. "Lan Wen said.

Feng Bingning smiled lightly: "Sister Wen, that's not necessarily. I control the law of time, and I am not necessarily weaker than you in terms of running away and ending my own life."

Chu Feng frowned and said, "You two are arguing about something, but I didn't agree with your actions."

"Feng, this is the best course of action. Our merit points are certain. If that time is exhausted, everyone will die." Feng Bing said, "Knowing that you don't want us to go out and take risks, but we are already the quasi-dominant. With the help of the power of the Holy Prison, Mei Mei and I both have seventh-level dominance strength!"

"At this time, we don't work hard. When will we work? Ms. Wen, don't fight with me this time. Only if you are able to dominate, you may have a chance." Feng Bing condensed.

Lan Wen did not make a sound and nodded slightly. Among the eight girls, she and Feng Bingning were the only ones able to dominate the cultivation base. If Feng Bingning dies, it will take time to resurrect by then!

"Bing Ning, be careful." Chu Feng tightened Feng Bing Ning's hand. He didn't want Feng Bing Ning to go outside, but as Feng Bing Ning said, this was the best choice!

Let Tianwei appear outside, and the possibility of being captured alive by then is not small. If he dies, the merit points required for resurrection will be much more than for resurrecting Feng Bingning and the others.

Moreover, the strength of the heavenly guards is far from that of Feng Bingning and the others after they borrowed the power of the holy prison. The heavenly guards went out to lure away the enemy without even a one-tenth chance of survival. Feng Bingning's words, 100 One of them should still be there. Of course, the one percent chance of survival is also very small!

"Don't worry, my strength is better than you." Feng Bingning said with a charming smile, as she said, she glanced at Lan Wen and the others, "Sisters, great!"

When the voice fell, Feng Bingning changed her appearance and condensed her breath and appeared outside the holy prison. Needless to say, she borrowed the power of the holy prison, but she did not borrow the highest 14 times the power. Even if she borrowed the 14 times power, Because of Feng Bingning's current cultivation base, he couldn't bear it for a long time. Borrowing strength less than ten times, the time it could bear was quite long.

"Positioning, start!" Hong Yang said in a deep voice, his eyes showed confidence. Without the help of Emperor Shanhai, their positioning can sense and locate five people at once, and they are very reluctant!

Today, their positioning can locate forty or fifty people at a time. That's it. Chu Feng broke through again and again within half a year, but he was surrounded again and again, that is, the eyes of the sky are powerful, and the sky guards are very powerful. Otherwise, , He probably died early!

"Chu Feng, no...Tianwei No.1, no; Tianwei No.2, no...Tianwei No.30, no! Damn! Yin Qianqian, no; Feng Bingning, yes"

Many people like Hongyang showed joy on their faces, and they would definitely be able to locate forty or fifty people, but there were more than forty or fifty people on Chu Feng's side, so it was possible that the positioning failed.

In addition, the distance will also fail. After each failed positioning, Emperor Shanhai needs to rest for two or three days. Then, he will cooperate with other teams to locate again!

In the previous half year, Emperor Shanhai helped Hongyang to locate them more than five times, and the probability of failure was not low. At this time, the success of positioning is naturally a thing to be happy about.

"Quick, catch up!"

Hong Yang said in a deep voice, a large number of Saint-level powerhouses entered into the quasi-dominant powerhouse space items, and then the quasi-dominant powerhouses united to form a battle formation and moved forward invisibly in the direction where Feng Bingning left. There was a compass in Yang's hand, and the pointer of the compass was constantly changing little by little. This change was due to the adjustment of Feng Bingning's direction. The pointer of the compass was steadily pointing to Feng Bingning's direction!

"The eleventh team, the target is coming from your left, set a trap, trap it!"

"The Nineteenth Squad is ready, the target is in your east, it may escape to your direction, pay attention!"

"Seventh Eleven Team"

In the entire immortal burial, there are now thousands of teams of 10,000 to 20,000, and the teams are distributed in different directions. After Hongyang and the others locate the target, they will adjust the team to besiege, and Chu Feng was trapped like this before!

"Hongyang and they are hunting down."

Miao Xian'er said, she waved her hand, and Chu Feng appeared in front of them with a flat map. There was a purple light spot on the flat map. This purple light spot represented Feng Bingning, and there was another red light spot. The red dots represent Hongyang and the others! In addition to these two light spots, there are some smaller black light spots, and those light spots represent enemy teams!

To be able to show it so clearly, it was natural to rely on the Sky Eye's lock. For some of the people in those teams, Chu Feng didn't catch them even if he had a chance. When Sky Eye locked them, he could know the movement of a team! For a team like Hongyang and the others, Chu Feng locked several people, Hongyang, Huang Yuan, and Wu Caishen were all targeted by Tianyan!

If they are closer together, Chu Feng can even know the images of Hongyang and the others, but Chu Feng has not done that all the time. Hongyang and the others are strong. If he observes here, Hongyang and the others are likely to be Found an exception! After being found to be abnormal, Hongyang and the others will definitely have some countermeasures, which will not be good for him!

"We deviated and chased and killed Sister Bing Ning. There was a blockade in front, but Sister Bing Ning could explode at a faster rate and should be able to escape before the blockade was completed."

"Sister Bing Ning's advancement speed has slowed down a bit, and it is estimated that she has encountered some trouble... Very good, the speed of advancement has increased again, faster than before, it seems that Sister Bing Ning has borrowed strength with all her strength."

Miao Xian'er said softly. Just now, Feng Bingning did have trouble. She encountered a long-range attack. After borrowing her strength, she was able to resist the seventh-rank strength, but that long-range attack was not weak. Under the long-range attack, Feng Bingning received some damage.

"The induction is still there. The distance seems to be farther away. Our attack is weakened and blocked." Hongyang said in a deep voice. The compass in his hand can set the direction, but the distance can only be estimated. They When he went out of his long-range attack, he had a very strong fourth-rank attack power, but when he got to Feng Bingning's side, his power dropped to seventh-rank, just within Feng Bingning's tolerance.

If there is still a Rank 6 when attacking Feng Bingning's side, then it is estimated that Feng Bingning's cultivation base will not be able to bear it.

Hongyang and the others did not attack again. They probably now know the defenses of Heavenly Guardian. Heavenly Guardian can defend against general fifth-grade attacks. In the case of a long distance, their attacks are ineffective!

Ineffective attacks are a waste of power. In such a hunting process, Hongyang and the others will naturally not waste power!

What Hongyang and the others didn’t know was that Feng Bingning was already far away from the Holy Prison. The Heavenly Guardian of the Holy Prison simply couldn’t provide her with any defensive and protective distances. But Tianyan, Feng Bingning and the others borrowed their power. The effective distance is longer! Among the several types, Feng Bingning and the women have the longest effective range of borrowing power. Basically, as long as Chu Feng does not leave the holy purgatory, Feng Bingning and the women can borrow the power of the holy prison outside!

Ten minutes later, Chu Feng and the others felt a little loose. Feng Bingning should have broken through the blockade. Fifteen minutes later, Hong Yang's face sank, and the compass pointer in his hand was constantly shaking. This situation shows Feng Bingning's distance. They are far away, and soon this positioning will completely fail!

"How could this happen, why is Feng Bingning so fast?" Huang Yuan frowned. "It must have borrowed the power of the sacred prison, they can borrow the power of the sacred prison! Chu Feng was reluctant to act outside before, it seems that we can't help it at this moment!" Wu Caishen said with a light smile.

Hongyang's sullen expression healed a little bit: "Chu Feng asked Feng Bingning and the others to act outside. At that time, we might catch them!"

"Brother Huang, Brother Wu, I will catch Feng Bingning and the others, Feng Bingning, Lan Wen, and Miao Xian'er, three of them belong to me, how about?" The light in Hongyang's eyes flashed, and the women he played with were not He knows how many, nowadays ordinary women, he doesn’t feel much after playing. Chu Feng, the enemy’s woman, is interested even if she looks a little bit worse. What's more, Feng Bingning and the others, all of them are Top big beauties!

Huang Yuan nodded and said solemnly: "I'm mine, Yilian Yinqianqian Miao Feiying, and if I get Chu Feng's daughter and granddaughter, I want two or three!"

"It seems that Song Ye and Qinying belong to me, haha!" Wu Caishen laughed, and his laughter could be heard by Hongyang, the two of them, and Emperor Shanhai.

Dijun Shanhai's faint voice rang in their ears: "What is the division? Let's join together at that time. Gather Chu Feng's woman, daughter, and granddaughter together. Then we will have fun together."

"Emperor, are you also interested?" Hong Yang smiled. "Normally women are not interested in this seat, but Chu Feng's daughters and granddaughters have granddaughters. This seat is really interested in letting them taste the sharp guns of this seat!" There was also a glimmer of light in the eyes of Emperor Shanhai, and his words fell. Yang, they all laughed.

Huang Yuan said cruelly: "At that time, we'd better catch Chu Feng and play in front of him. This will make you feel better! After we have played, we will reward them again. I think there will be a lot of them! "

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