Holy Prison

Chapter 2314: Dominate the beast

Two days have passed, Hongyang and the others have been led far away by Feng Bingning. At that distance, Chu Feng appeared outside and it was basically impossible to locate it!

Leaving the sacred prison space, Chu Feng went outside and then hurried away towards the Primal Chaos Profound Sea. Today's immortal burial is too dangerous, and the way out is to get the blood or the corpse!

Many strong men with devil blood and demon corpses have arrived at the fairy burial, but there are also many people who are still in devil blood and demon corpses. If Chu Feng arrives on the other side, many people can be caught. If Hongyang and the others react, they will chase them again. , Chu Feng believed that he should have caught a lot of people, after all, the people of Demon Blood and Demon Corpse would not be too vigilant now!

If someone blocked it, it would be impossible for Chu Feng to go to the Chaos Profound Sea for five or six days, but the people who blocked it were attracted away, and there was no one to block him, and Chu Feng was on the Chaos Profound Sea in a day.

"Bing Ning, be careful!"

Chu Feng turned his mind and body secretly. Behind him is now the wavy Chaos Profound Sea. Chu Feng can no longer stay on the side of the Immortal Burial. Through the Chaos Profound Sea, he can get the devil blood!

The devil blood is to the east of the fairy burial, and the demon corpse is to the south. Chu Feng is now to the east of the fairy burial. Hongyang and the others are brought to the west of the fairy burial by Feng Bingning!

Taking in his mind, Chu Feng turned around and looked at the Chaos Xuanhai in front of him. The Chaos Xuanhai sea water was gray-white as a whole, some areas were black, some areas were white, the black and white areas were not small, and there were also a few places. The sea water is colored, blue, green, yellow, red, purple, many kinds!

In the past few years, from the devil blood, the demon corpse, and many people to the immortal burial, Chu Feng’s heavenly eyes are often open, and he naturally heard a lot of news. In addition, among the millions of people he caught, some Many came from the side of the devil blood and the demon corpse! Therefore, even though Chu Feng had never entered the Chaos Xuanhai, he still had a good understanding of the Chaos Xuanhai.

The horror of the Chaos Profound Sea lies in two points. The first is the fierce beasts. There are many powerful fierce beasts in the Primal Chaos Profound Sea. There are many fierce beasts at the Sovereign-level quasi-dominant level, and there are also a few fierce beasts at the master level. , Among them, the powerful Domination-level fierce beasts may have the cultivation base of the fourth, fifth or even the third grade! The second point is the natural danger.

The Lord's Purgatory is huge, and this space will never reincarnate. This is against the rules between heaven and earth, and achieving this is not easy.

The reason why the Sovereign Purgatory has made three is for stability, and the Chaos Profound Sea can absorb some destabilizing forces. Those destabilizing forces will erupt in the Chaos Profound Sea to form various terrifying environments, such as It is said that in the Chaos Profound Sea, a terrifying storm is formed, and when such a storm appears, the ordinary Dominant-level beasts in the Chaos Profound Sea may be strangled!

There is a holy prison, and now that the holy prison is at a relatively high level, Chu Feng is not too afraid of the fierce beasts in the Chaos Profound Sea. What he is more worried about is the naturally formed terrifying force! In these days, he has heard people talk about the fact that in the Chaos Profound Sea, all the former masters of ranks 3 and 4 have died!

Chu Feng moved, his figure was like a sharp arrow shot into the Chaos Profound Sea, if it goes well, at his speed, he can get the devil blood in about half a month.

If a problem does not occur smoothly, maybe he will be trapped in the Chaos Profound Sea!

If he has been trapped for 900,000 years without being discovered, it would be a happy event. When the time is up, he can leave the Chaos Profound Sea, and if he is trapped, he will be discovered.

Half a day passed, Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind, and a domineering beast came over, but it was only a seventh-rank dominion-level beast!

"Seventh-Rank Dominant? This is stress-free." Chu Feng smiled in his heart. With the strength of the Heavenly Hand, the seventh-Rank fierce beast can be directly collected into the holy prison space as long as it gets close!

As for the attacks of the seventh-grade fierce beasts, there is the defense of the heavenly guards, does that need to be worried? Heavenly Shield can withstand the high-level attacks of the fifth rank, the seventh-rank fierce beast, and the outbreak of the beast-rank, then at most a sixth-rank attack can erupt!

The body of the attacking beast was more than 100 meters long and looked like a huge crocodile. Each of its sharp teeth was more than ten meters long, and a fierce and disdainful light flashed in its eyes.

However, the disdain in its eyes quickly turned into shock. In its eyes, Chu Feng was just a little bit that could be killed casually, but when the attack fell on Chu Feng, it didn't hurt Chu Feng a bit.

Without any hesitation, the fierce beast that attacked Chu Feng turned around and fled. Its experience tells it that those who do not move are stronger than it, and there is absolutely no good result if you don't escape!

"Hey, want to escape?" Chu Feng smiled, and Tianshou appeared and grabbed the tail of the huge crocodile. "Oh!" The crocodile beast roared, attacking Chu Feng one by one, but in Tianhu Under the defense, its attack didn't hurt Chu Feng a single bit. The sky hand grasped its tail. Not only did it not escape, it was dragged back a lot!

"Be honest, otherwise, die!"

Chu Feng's voice sounded in the mind of the crocodile beast, possessing dominance level strength. Chu Feng believed that even if the beast had a low IQ, there should still be some.

In response to Chu Feng, the crocodile beast attacked even more frantically, "I really don't shed tears without seeing the coffin!" Chu Feng said softly, the heavenly hand tightened, and the next moment the crocodile beast and the heavenly hand disappeared!

Chu Feng also disappeared and entered the holy prison. The surrounding environment of "Woo" suddenly changed. Seeing Chu Feng, the crocodile beast's head was pressed to the ground, and the fierce color in his eyes disappeared and replaced with begging for mercy. Lulu, this guy is not an idiot. Chu Feng can get it here. It shouldn't be difficult to kill it!

"Is that great? I haven't done it yet." Chu Feng's voice rang in the crocodile beast's mind, and the big head of the crocodile beast quickly nodded.

"Demon blood, fairy burial, demon corpse, do you all know?" Chu Feng said.

The Crocodile Fierce Beast nodded again. It has lived in it for countless years. If you don't know this, it's a fart. "Can you get the devil blood?" Chu Feng said.

Many people from the devil blood and the demon corpse to the fairy burial, they all use a method to control a fierce beast, and then let the beast carry them over.

However, those people generally control the holy beasts, which are slower and prone to danger. They do not have the power to control the master-class beasts!

Crocodile Fierce Beast shook his head and nodded, "What do you mean? Does your master-level fierce beast all have territories and must pass through the territories of other fierce beasts?" Chu Feng said.

Soon, Chu Feng got an affirmative answer. In the Chaos Profound Sea, the holy beasts have no sense of territory. They will not be driven away when they enter the territory of other beasts. There are quasi-dominant beasts. A certain sense of territory, but they only guard against other quasi-dominant-level beasts, not against holy beasts.

As for the dominion-level fierce beasts, the consciousness of the territory is relatively strong. If a dominion-level fierce beast enters the territory of another dominion-level fierce beast, it is likely to break out if it is found.

The crocodile fierce beast began to shake his head, because it had to pass through other territories that dominated the fierce beast, and then immediately nodded because it thought of the Chu Feng in front of him, whose strength was stronger than it!

"Can you send a message?" Chu Feng said.

A deep voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind, "Bang!" In the next moment, Heaven's hand slammed a fist on the head of the crocodile beast.

"Your uncle, you can talk, you pretend to be a fool!" Chu Feng cursed.

After being punched by the heavenly hand, the head of the crocodile beast was a little confused. A few seconds later, he said helplessly: "Wisdom is no better than human beings.

"Chaos Xuanhai, how many dominion-level fierce beasts are there, and what are their strengths? To be honest, if I find out what you say is false, do you want to steam it or braise it?" Chu Feng said with his eyes. Shrinking the body of the fierce fish and beast, the original body of a hundred meters shrank to ninety meters.

"By the way, your name, say something."

The crocodile said: "Apsy, I said, you promise not to kill me then?"

"It's no good for me to kill you. You don't have to say it. I will grab another one to find out. Actually I have talked about the benefits. It seems that your wisdom is not low." Chu Feng said.

Apsi said with some pride: "My strength is not high in the Chaos Profound Sea, but wisdom, it can be ranked in the top five! Sir, if you kill me, then you will find other beasts, they It's not like I can communicate with you more conveniently!" "The disobedient, no matter how smart, it is a curse." Chu Feng said quietly.

"Be obedient, I must be obedient." Apsi hurriedly said, it saw the fierce light in Chu Feng's eyes. If it is not honest at this time, it is estimated that there will be no good fruit. "My lord, I will say immediately, you can't kill me then. what."

"In this Chaos Profound Sea, the total number of dominant beasts is now 306. Among them, there are two adults with third-rank dominating strength, eleven adults with fourth-rank strength, 22 with fifth-rank strength, and sixth-rank strength. Fifty-two, all the rest is Rank 7 strength! There are many ways to go to Demon Blood, and the nearest road will pass through the territory of a Rank 6 guy. If you go around a bit, you can skip it. From the site of the seventh-grade fierce beast to the devil blood!"

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