Holy Prison

Chapter 2321: negotiation

Hongyang and the others want to solve the problem through negotiation. This is obviously impossible. People are not in the hands of the beasts. How can they hand it over?

"Everyone, gather!"

Hongyang, Huang Yuan, Xuehan, Lan Zhuo, Yuanxin Monk and others jointly issued a gathering order, and the entire Chaos Profound Sea gathered at the fastest speed.

However, it has been half a month since all the people gathered, and when they saw those gathered, Hong Yang and others looked very ugly!

Half a month ago, the statistics were over 13 million, but now there are only over 9 million gathered in front of them, and there are no more than 10 million!

When Hongyang's order to gather together was passed out, they were merged one by one. This caused Chu Feng a lot of difficulty in catching people. However, it took time for the teams to merge. After the merger, the 40,000 teams, Chu Feng is not too much to eat, so, more than 13 million, only more than 9 million!

"Asshole, asshole!"

Hongyang cursed in his heart, and his heart was burning with anger. If he could mobilize the strong Hong family at this moment, he would definitely catch all the beasts!

Of the 40 million strong, there are only more than 9 million left. Hong Yang's heart is aggrieved. Of course, he is not the only one who is holding back at this moment, and none of them have a headache!

"Everyone, are they all gathered?" Monk Yuanxin said.

Lan Zhuo nodded slightly: "It should be, even if there are still leaks, it should not exceed one hundred thousand!" "Even if you add another one hundred thousand, it's not ten million." Monk Yuanxin sighed softly.

"Everyone, free to attack the Chaos Profound Sea, what do you think?" Hongyang said, if more than nine million powerful people attack the Chaos Profound Sea together, it will surely cause the Chaos Profound Sea to set off turbulent waves and chaos. The depths of Xuanhai should also be affected. Hong Yang wanted to use this method to express his attitude!

"If you attack like this, Chaos Profound Sea will kill many creatures," Lan Zhuo said. "Otherwise, we can only enter the Chaos Profound Sea together, but it's a question of whether we can meet the powerful beasts who can talk about it." Hong Yang said.

After ten minutes of discussion, "Boom!"

The attack was launched, but it was not that more than nine million people attacked at once. The initial attack was only sent by a hundred thousand saint-level powerhouses, and the terrible attack covered a large area of ​​the Chaos Profound Sea.

Within the coverage area of ​​the attack, a large number of fierce beasts died, most of them were below the Holy Venerable, and some of them reached the Holy Venerable level. The fierce beasts of the Quasi-dominant level did not die in this first round of attack !

One minute later, the second round of attacks began. Before that, there were 100,000 people. In the second round of attacks, the number of people who shot reached 200,000. The attacks were even more terrifying than before!

Nine minutes have passed, and the powerful players who have shot together have reached a million!

In the depths of the Chaos Profound Sea, on the huge tortoise, a small black cat's eyes flashed with an icy color. With her third-grade cultivation base, how could Hongyang and the others fail to sense her attack?

"Yuzhang, give Hongyang and the others a warning!" The black cat said coldly, "Asshole thing, relying on the strength of the family, deceived this king, can't be the king?"

"Yes, big sister!"

The eyes of the huge octopus in front of the black cat lit up, and its eight tentacles waved. With the wave of its tentacles, wisps of blue light appeared and then hurried away toward the distance!

The Chaos Xuanhai in front of Hongyang and the others surged rapidly, and in the blink of an eye the waves reached a height of ten thousand feet and rushed towards Hongyang and them quickly.

Lan Zhuo shouted that more than nine million people gathered together. Hongyang and the others had never thought that they would be attacked, so they had not established a good defense before. At this time, the disaster suddenly occurred, and it can now be formed in that very short time. Strong defense?

The billowing waves hit Hongyang and the others. The power of the waves didn't kill any of them, but many of them were spit out blood!

"Negotiating, I want to negotiate!" The waves came and went quickly, and Hongyang shouted as the waves receded quickly. "If there is another large-scale killing of the creatures in the Chaos Profound Sea, you are not welcome!" The cold voice rang, and the sea returned to calm next time, as if there had been no terrible attack just now!

"How to do?"

Lan Zhuo, look at me and I will look at you. The attitude of the fierce beasts is already obvious. If they attack again, it is estimated that the next attack will not be so light!

At first glance, two third-rank masters can reach three or four million strong people on their side, eleven fourth-rank masters can reach two or three million strong ones on their side; twenty-two fifth-rank masters can reach them. Hundreds of thousands of strong on their side, adding up here, it is estimated that they can reach more than six million strong on their side!

There are dozens of sixth-rank masters and more than two hundred seventh-rank masters in the fierce beasts. In addition, in the entire Chaos Profound Sea, there are many fierce beasts with the strength of the Sovereign-level Quasi-dominant level!

Really fighting, the more than nine million people on their side may not be able to gain the upper hand, after all, Chaos Profound Sea, that is the home of the fierce beasts! Moreover, there is also Chu Feng in the Chaos Profound Sea, and Chu Feng and the others cannot be ignored!

"We have already, have we lost?" A quasi-dominant powerhouse sighed softly. When he said this, Hong Yang and the others' faces became even more ugly!

Defeated and lived for many years, Hongyang and the others did not fail once or twice, but such a failure is a bit shameful! In the previous failure, at any rate, Tumeng World still had a point of safety, and there were much fewer people at that time. Hongyang and the others could find a reason for themselves; this time there was no safety point. This time the people who chased Chu Feng, even more It's up to 40 million!

Thinking of Chu Feng leaving alive at that time, Hongyang and the others felt as if someone was holding a whip and whipping them on their faces!

"No, Chu Feng absolutely can't leave the Lord's Purgatory alive!" Hong Yang roared in his heart, he glanced at Lan Wen and the others, and he read almost the same meaning from Lan Wen and their eyes.

"There is a fierce beast that can be the master, please come out!" Hongyang's voice passed into the Chaos Profound Sea far away, and after more than ten seconds, no fierce beast came out to bird him.

"I am the Hong Family Hongyang, I don't want to conflict with you, I need to occupy your territory, and I hope to be accommodating one or two!" Hong Yang said solemnly.

After Hongyang finished speaking, he looked at Huang Yuan, and Huang Yuan took a deep breath and said loudly: "I am Huang Yuan, the young master of the Huang family. I am sorry for the offense before, and I want to borrow your territory and hope for accommodation! "

"I am Lan Zhuo, the young master of the Lan family"

Hongyang and the others reported their names one by one. The official name is different from the previous ones. The beasts can ignore it before, but after officially reporting their names, if they have not paid any attention, the Hong family will wait for The face of the family will definitely take action against those fierce beasts!

"Don't let go of the people caught before, our Chaos Profound Sea's fierce beasts will not attack you. Afterwards, there must be no retaliation. Agree?" A faint voice rang in Hongyang's ears.

Hongyang and the others are overjoyed. There are more than nine million people. As long as the fierce beasts do not move, they believe that there is still great hope for catching Chu Feng or killing Chu Feng.

"Where are the rest?"

Lan Zhuo and the others all agreed. This is a condition for the family's face to come back. In their opinion, it is quite good. What they don't know is that at this time, deep in the Chaos Profound Sea, the face of the black cat Showing a humane sneer.

What the black cat said was that the beasts of our Chaos Xuanhai would not attack Hongyang and the others. Now Apsi and the others have followed Chu Feng, it can be said that they are no longer the beasts of the Chaos Xuanhai.

If Hongyang and the others enter the Chaos Profound Sea, with their strength, it is only for Chu Feng to continue to arrest people!

"Attention everyone, a group of 10,000 people will immediately enter the Chaos Profound Sea, catch Chu Feng or kill Chu Feng in the Chaos Profound Sea!" Hong Yang's voice rang, "The group that found Chu Feng immediately reported Chu Feng location!"

The grouping proceeded quickly, and more than nine million people were divided into more than 900 groups. Hongyang actually wanted to have more people in one group, but there are not many more than 900 groups. If there are fewer groups, the fishnet will be bigger!

More than nine million people entered the Chaos Profound Sea quickly and mightily, and Chu Feng did not immediately use the power of the beast to "play" with Hong Yang and the others.

Without using the power of the fierce beasts, facing a team of 10,000 people, it became very difficult for Chu Feng to catch people, and a few months passed and he encountered a little danger.

In the beginning, Hongyang and the others were still a little worried. They kept in touch with each other. After a few months, they felt a lot of peace of mind. In their opinion, the situation was finally back on track!

Over the past few months, Chu Feng has not used those powers that dominate the fierce beasts, not in the past few years, and still not in the decades!

Time flies, Chu Feng and Hongyang have been "playing" for a hundred years in the blink of an eye!

"It's almost done." Chu Feng opened his eyes in the holy prison space and said in a low voice. He spent most of the past hundred years practicing in the holy prison space, playing with Hongyang and the others, mainly from the sky. Wei came forward.

For a hundred years, Hongyang and the others have been able to say that most of their wariness towards Chu Feng has been put down, and they think they have a good understanding of Chu Feng's strength.

In Hongyang's opinion, it was only a matter of time before they caught Chu Feng!

"Xian'er, act!"

Miao Xian'er smiled and said, "playing" for a hundred years. At this time, if you are really serious, you will naturally try your best! Within a day, hundreds of thousands of powerful people entered the holy prison space.

Three days later, two million strong people were arrested; ten days later, there were six hundred teams captured by Chu Feng, that is to say, six million were captured by Chu Feng!

The connection in the Chaos Profound Sea is a troublesome thing. When the team is only 10,000 people and the strength is not too strong, they are rarely connected to each other. If you locate Chu Feng, the main team that Hongyang and others belong to will send Orders to go out one by one let the teams go to the designated place to besiege!

In these ten days, it goes without saying that Hong Yang had not located Chu Feng and the others, so there was no order to be sent.

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