Holy Prison

Chapter 2322: Advanced Killer

Lan Zhuo frowned.

"Brother Lan, what's the problem?" Xue Han next to him asked. Lan Zhuo said: "I just contacted a dozen teams, but half of them didn't reply."

"Is there such a thing?" Hong Yang suddenly appeared in front of Lan Zhuo. The things that happened a hundred years ago have faded a lot in his mind, but he has not forgotten!

"Yeah." Lan Zhuo nodded, "I'll contact some other teams to see! If there are still many teams that can't be reached, then I am afraid that something is wrong!"

"Hurry up!"

Hongyang was a little impatient and authentic, and a little ominous premonition appeared in his heart. Lan Zhuo hurriedly contacted. Long-distance contact consumes more energy. Twenty minutes later, Lan Zhuo sent information to a hundred teams. Within an hour, 30 of the hundred teams returned information. Time In the past hour, the number of messages returned increased by five!

"Thirty-six!" Hongyang said with an ugly expression. There were only thirty-six responses in two hours for a hundred teams. This is absolutely abnormal!

Replying to the message is very labor intensive. In the case of a long distance, it takes a lot of time from sending out the message to receiving the message, but it should not take more than two hours! No information came back for two hours. There is only one possibility. There was an accident in those teams, and it was definitely not a natural disaster!

With dozens of teams distributed in different directions, the possibility of all natural disasters in just ten days is close to zero!

"Statistics, count now!" Hong Yang said with a sullen face. "Already in the statistics." Lan Zhuo said, his information was sent to the direction of Chaos Xuanhai one by one, and the teams in those directions would count the nearby teams, and then they would pass the information to Lan Zhuo and his team!

Two or three hours have passed, and the latest statistics have come out.

At any rate, there were nine hundreds of thousands of people before, but now there are less than four million people left, which is less than one-tenth of the original 40 million!

"Okay, very good!" Hong Yang gritted his teeth, his fists clenched, anger burned in his heart, and the sea water on his body was constantly turning into nothingness!

"We are only afraid that we made a mistake!" Xue Han said in a deep voice, they are not stupid, if they have not found an abnormality when this happens, then there may be some problems with their IQ!

We talked with the fierce beasts before, Hongyang and the others believe that the fierce beasts will not go back, since there is still such a situation, Chu Feng should have shot!

The reason for not taking action for a hundred years is to let them relax. Indeed, they also relax. As a result, they have lost more than six million in ten days!

"We, we lost, it's incredible." Lan Zhuo smiled bitterly. There were only more than three million people left. He didn't believe that these three million people could catch Chu Feng. If not handled properly, the last three hundred people More than 10,000 people, it is estimated that it will not take much time to be all caught by Chu Feng!

"Withdraw! Let's withdraw the immortal burial." Hongyang took a deep breath. Withdrawal means that failure is a foregone conclusion, but it is better than getting caught by Chu Feng!

With Apsi, it is relatively easy for Chu Feng to evacuate from Chaos Profound Sea, but it is not so easy for Hongyang and the others. It took several days for Chaos Xuanhuo to not be caught by Chu Feng. The earth left the Chaos Xuanhai to the place where they had gathered before.

"Heh...two million!" Hongyang was extremely enthusiastic. During the few days of evacuation, nearly two million people were arrested by Chu Feng. Only two million people escaped!

Forty million changed to two million, and most of the powerhouses who escaped were terrified. For Chu Feng, they had an invincible feeling in their hearts!

"Everyone, go!"

Lan Zhuo issued the order. After half a day passed, they had left the Chaos Profound Sea a long way away. Even if there were two million people, they would not dare to defend against the Chaos Profound Sea and wait for a million years to pass.

In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng had a happy smile on his face. It was not easy. After arresting so many people, his merit points finally reached 120,000.

One hundred thousand can upgrade the Holy Prison, but it is more dangerous if one hundred thousand upgrades, so Chu Feng did not choose to upgrade the Holy Prison when he exceeded one hundred thousand merit points.

Now, it's okay! Hongyang and the others actually shrank to the fairy burial. Under such circumstances, he has a lot of places to upgrade safely!

"Apsy, go to the devil blood!"

Chu Feng passed the order, and after half a day, he had reached the level of demon blood. "Xian'er, let the holy prison upgrade!" Chu Feng said in his mind.

The upgrade will take about one to two thousand years. This time is not short, but Chu Feng does not lack this time now. A million years have passed since more than 100,000 years, and there is still a long way to go!

"Okay, you can't use the holy prison during the upgrade process, you should be careful." Miao Xian'er said. "Well, Hongyang and the others are afraid that they don't have the guts to come over!" Chu Feng said with a light smile. There are only two million people left. It is possible for Hongyang and the others to scavenge in the immortal burial. To the devil blood side, maybe Very little sex.

As time passed day by day and year after year, Chu Feng practiced quietly, and there were no signs of the escalation of the holy prison, so there was no threat!

Five hundred years, one thousand years, one thousand five hundred years!

In a blink of an eye, more than 1,600 years have passed, Hongyang and the others stayed in that place without moving. They had no intention of looking for Chu Feng.

In the eyes of Hongyang and the others, Chu Feng did not appear, did not attack, that is, waited in secret, as long as they couldn't stand it, they would slaughter them fiercely!

Earlier, the people outside were notified to leave the Holy Venerable Purgatory. It was not that Hong Yang had never thought about it, but after discussing it, they gave it up.

If they have been here for a million years, they will last for a million years. If they leave early, in the eyes of many people, they are fleeing!

Although they don't have much face in their current state, there is no need to be worse on the basis of today!

Emperor Shanhai was beaming with joy. He was breaking the passage to the Tongtian Pagoda at this time. It would be easier to get to the Tongtian Pagoda, but Chu Feng had a large formation on the Tongtian Pagoda. Due to the influence of the formation, Emperor Shanhai couldn't pass from this side so easily!

"It would be troublesome if there is no hostage in hand to capture Chu Feng. If there is a hostage, there is still hope to capture or kill Chu Feng!" Emperor Shanhai said softly with the cold light in his eyes, "Holy Prison is very powerful. If you are in prison, then it will be developed!"

"You are indeed developed!"

At this moment, a smile that was not a smile sounded in the ears of Emperor Shanhai. With this sound, dozens of ruling beasts appeared outside, as did all the heaven guards, Feng Bingning and their daughters, and Bi Feng. Appearing outside, Chu Feng is also among them!

Ten days ago, the upgrade of the holy prison was completed, and Chu Feng didn't find Hongyang and the others for the first time, but instead found the Emperor Shanhai who was some distance away from Hongyang and the others!

The aura of Emperor Shanhai has been locked in the eyes long ago, so finding Emperor Shanhai is not too difficult!

With a deep cry, Emperor Shanhai shot immediately and fled immediately, but the attack he broke out was only Rank 4, how could he break the trapped formation made by Chu Feng and the others?

"I want to resist!"

Chu Feng sneered, the range of the trapped formation kept getting smaller, and the Emperor Shanhai was trapped in a small space of about ten cubic meters in a short time.

"Emperor Shanhai, you have two choices. The first is to die immediately, and the second is to be caught by me. I should not kill you for the time being. I will give you one minute and one minute. If you do not seal Your own cultivation base, you never have to do that." Chu Feng said quietly.

"Hmph, I didn't expect this Emperor Yingming I to be planted in the hands of a child like you. However, don't be proud of you. You will not have a good result if you offend so many powerful people!" Shanhai Dijun sneered as he said. While swiftly sealing his own cultivation base on one side, between death and being arrested immediately, he naturally chose to be arrested!

Chu Feng smiled lightly and said: "That's my business, you don't have to worry about your heart!" Thirty seconds later, the Heavenly Hand appeared, and the Emperor Shanhai was taken into the sacred prison space by Chu Feng!

"Unexpectedly, there is a channel hidden here." Chu Feng said softly. He waved his hand, and the spatial channel that had not been fully opened immediately began to collapse. In just over ten seconds, the spatial channel completely collapsed from this side. Cannot go directly to Hongtian Universe!

"Master Chu, what to do with Hongyang and the others" said one of the three fifth-rank fierce beasts. "Don't worry, you don't need to deal with them." Chu Feng said. He said that all the fierce beasts were collected by him in the sacred prison space. After a little chat, Bi Feng and the others, Feng Bingning. Female, the ninety-eight heaven guards and Chu Feng all entered the holy front space, and the outside heaven guard brought the holy prison towards Hongyang and them.

Knowing the location of Hongyang and the others, Tianwei didn't spend much time getting close, "Feng, there is not much possibility to catch them." Feng Bing condensed.

In the sacred prison space, in front of Chu Feng and the others, the outside image was displayed. Hongyang and the two million people gathered and did not separate!

"Well, it is possible for them to move. If they gather together to defend, it is really difficult to grasp." Chu Feng frowned, two million, this is not a small amount! "Think about it all and see if there is a good way to do it, Hongyang and the others, it is best to deal with them together, let them have a long memory!" Chu Feng said, "Hongyang and the others, this If I don’t kill them, I just caught them. I must catch them. There will be a lot of benefits by then!"

Zhong Tao said helplessly: "It is still possible for those fierce beasts to help out. Otherwise, we can't figure it out. They are two million, and we, less than two hundred."

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