Holy Prison

Chapter 2324: Treasure hunt, hard work

In the Sovereign Purgatory, there are many places that the Sky Eye did not scan before. Many of these places are more dangerous for the Sovereign-level and even the quasi-dominant-level powerhouses.

But for Chu Feng, there is no danger in many of those places. Heavenly Shield can defend against fifth-rank high-level attacks. This defensive power is not a little bit stronger than that of general quasi-dominant-level powerhouses!

The Sky Eye could find locations that could not be scanned. With the defenses of Heavenly Guardian and powerful Heavenly Hand, Chu Feng did not spend too much time looking at a location on average.

In the constant search, half a year passed in a blink of an eye. On average, one day, Chu Feng checked two or three locations. In half a year, he had checked hundreds of locations!

There are hundreds of hidden locations, and treasures are naturally there, but Chu Feng hasn't discovered the treasures that can promote the holy masters to the quasi-dominant level.

"A good tree, there is something abnormal." Chu Feng muttered in front of a huge tree. It was a huge tree with a height of over 100,000 meters, and its trunk was 3,000 meters in diameter, let alone Chu Feng. Now, even if Mount Everest is in front of it, it is just a humble mountain bag.

"This tree, I am afraid that it will last longer than many Saint-level quasi-ruling-level powerful people!" Looking up at the giant tree, Chu Feng said with emotion. He has seen many giant trees, but they are so tall. , It was the first time I saw it!

Scanned by the eyes of the sky, the roots of this tree are a little bit strange. It seems that they are not rooted in the soil, but rooted in the void!

When Chu Feng was close to the giant tree, his body easily merged into the giant tree. After entering the giant tree, Chu Feng immediately descended, and in a short time he reached the root of the giant tree.

Randomly found a thick root, Chu Feng continued to advance, every time he advances, the root of the tree becomes smaller. After a few minutes, the branches have become only one or two meters thick, for a huge tree with a height of 100,000 meters. , A root of one or two meters thick, that is already very subtle!

"That's how it feels... Passed!"

Chu Feng's eyes lit up, and the scenery scanned by the sky eyes changed. It was still in a forest just now, and now it's a huge lake outside!

"Chu Feng, treasure!"

Miao Xian'er's surprised voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind, and the eyes of the sky scanned the treasure, and there were a lot of treasures, one by one lying quietly on the bottom of the lake!

"So many things, this lake is not simple." Chu Feng was surprised. It was obvious that those things were not naturally produced by this lake but someone died and the baby fell on this side!

In the lake, there are thousands of various treasures, and there are hundreds of space rings. In this case, it is strange that this lake is simple!

"Xian'er, is there any threat?" Chu Feng said.

"No, very calm." Miao Xian'er said strangely.

Chu Feng's body was imaginary, and the next moment he left the roots of the tree and got into the lake. The calm water of the lake immediately caused a little ripple.

"Chu Feng, be careful!" Miao Xian'er said in surprise. The sky-eye scan didn't find it just now. But at this moment, there are three or four-inch-long fishes in the lake. They can be said to be very petite, but one by one. They all have sharp teeth in their mouths, and you can see that they are not kind!

The strength of each little fish is not too strong, it is just an ordinary immortal level, but there are really a lot of them, and there are tens of thousands of them all at once!

The strength of a Saint-sovereign-level powerhouse is much stronger than that of a general indestructible-level powerhouse. One can deal with hundreds of general indestructible-level powerhouses. If there are thousands of them, there will be minor problems; the quasi-dominant-level powerhouse, Thousands of problems are not big, and tens of thousands will have pressure, and tens of thousands will pop up at once, which is a lot of pressure!

"It actually affects speed!"

Chu Feng was surprised that he was a strong man who was about to dominate the pinnacle. With his cultivation base, he should have thrown away the piranha fish at once, but Chu Feng actually failed to do so, his speed slowed down a lot. And the speed of those little fishes in this lake is much better than that of the general indestructible powerhouse!

When one party is weakened and one party is strengthened, Chu Feng's speed will not be much stronger than those piranha fish!


Chu Feng tried to escape, but it didn't take long to escape, and tens of thousands of piranha fish appeared in front of him, each of which was similar in strength to the previous ones.

"No wonder there are a lot of treasures left on this side." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, with the horror of those piranha fish, it is estimated that the general quasi-dominant will not be able to support it for much time!

Chu Feng's thoughts of Heavenly Shou appeared, and with the tyranny of Heavenly Shou, several thousand piranha fish disappeared immediately. Those piranha fish are only ordinary immortal grade. When they are close, Tianshou connects. Sixth-Rank Dominant-level powerhouses can be caught in the sacred prison space. Isn’t it easy to catch those piranha fish?

An average of 10,000, tens of thousands of piranha fish were caught per second, and in less than ten seconds, they were all "invited" by Chu Feng into the world of holy prison!

Chu Feng thought again. At the bottom of the lake, those treasures that had no owner were quickly collected into the holy prison space. It didn't even take ten seconds!

"Xian'er, search carefully."

Chu Feng commanded, he said that the entire lake was wandering around. Chu Feng estimated that this lake should have a good treasure, and it may be a treasure that can make people promote from the holy sovereign level to the quasi-dominant level!

"Chu Feng, no." Miao Xian'er said. After Chu Feng turned a few times, Tianyan had already scanned every part of this lake.

"No? Impossible!"

Chu Feng said in surprise, "Xian'er, continue to scan, I walk a little closer, so the intensity of the scan can be much greater!"

Miao Xian'er said with a smile, anyway scanning consumes Chu Feng's power, as long as it doesn't last too long, it is not a big problem for Chu Feng.

The second scan ended after ten minutes, and nothing was found!

Chu Feng said in a deep voice. His instinct told him that this lake should not be that simple. It can't be scanned twice, which doesn't mean it can't be scanned three times or four times!

The third time ended in an hour, no gain!

The fourth pass took ten hours, and then Chu Feng started the fifth pass. The fifth scan lasted for five full days, without any gain!

"I don't believe it, there must be a problem with this lake!"

Chu Feng said solemnly, "Chu Feng, I have searched very closely" Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind. "Xian'er, it can be denser, can't it?" Chu Feng smiled. If the scan is denser, it will take longer each time. When he was hunted down before, Chu Feng didn't have time to do this. Now, he doesn't lack time!

"Just do it with you." Miao Xian'er said helplessly, "If you are tired, take a rest. If there is a baby, the baby will not run away there."

"No need to rest for now!"

Chu Feng started the sixth time, and the sixth time took Chu Feng a full three months. "Damn it." Chu Feng muttered in his heart and quickly started the seventh search!

The seventh time was a failure, and the eighth time was also a failure. The eighth time took Chu Feng a full 20 years. This is incredible to Feng Bingning and others, but Chu Feng is sometimes more stubborn. Believe that there are hidden treasures in this place, you will not give up easily!

"It's the ninth time! The last time, if you still can't find it, then count as a treasure, and a treasure that has no relationship with me." Chu Feng took a deep breath and immediately plunged into the ninth search.

In the ninth search, the scanning distance of the holy prison was reduced to the minimum, and the scanning intensity was mentioned to be the highest. This state consumes Chu Feng’s mental power. He has to rest every two or three hours, and three or four hours at a time. You have to rest four times in one day!

Chu Feng estimated that it would take two to three hundred years to scan the entire lake and take three to four hundred thousand rests to scan the entire lake again!

Behind the strong, there is a lot of effort. Under Chu Feng's search state, two or three hundred years will not pass easily, but he still chose to look for it!

After hard searching, the time came to the tenth year of the ninth search.

"Huh, this place"

A hint of surprise flashed in Chu Feng’s eyes, and there was a little spatial fluctuation in the scan results of the holy prison. The little spatial fluctuation was extremely weak, that is, the place where the spatial fluctuation appeared was very close to Chu Feng, otherwise it would only be far away. At a distance of more than ten meters, it is estimated that the scan of the holy prison will not be able to find, and the treasure Chu Feng will also win or lose!

"Husband, I didn't expect you to discover the anomaly." Miao Xian'er said in surprise, "You get closer, and the holy prison will check it carefully!"

The spatial fluctuations came from a small stone, which was the size of a thumb, and looked very ordinary in dark blue.

"Go directly into the holy prison space for inspection," Chu Feng said. He lifted the small stone easily as he said, but when he was about to put it into the holy prison space, he didn't succeed!

"Heavenly hands!"

Without using the Heavenly Hand to fail, Chu Feng used the Heavenly Hand with his mind, and the Heavenly Hand grasped the small stone. This time, the small stone did not resist being held by the Heavenly Hand and was collected into the Holy Prison Space.

The small dark blue stones had just been taken away, and countless red lightning appeared on the top of the lake where Chu Feng was located. It is estimated that this space will shatter in a very short time!

Chu Feng escaped at the fastest speed into a tree root that looked a little transparent in this space. He had just entered, the space began to collapse, and the tree roots quickly left this space!

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