Holy Prison

Chapter 2325: A dream come true?

Chu Feng breathed a sigh of relief. Just now the space collapsed. He felt the threat of death. Many tree roots did not escape from that space and were destroyed. Some of the tree roots he had escaped were also destroyed, but he moved within the roots. It was not destroyed at the same time as the root of the tree at a relatively long distance!

"I'm sorry." Chu Feng left the giant tree and said to the giant tree. Without that space, the vitality of this giant tree has dropped a lot.

However, compared with other trees, the vitality of this giant tree is still very strong. There is no accident, and death should not be possible.

"No need."

An old voice rang, and on the tree trunk in front of Chu Feng, a face unexpectedly appeared. It was the face of an old man.

"Chu Feng, believe in your own feelings!" The old face on the trunk said with a smile, "Believe in your own feelings, it will be good!"

Chu Feng quickly said, "Who is your Excellency, and why do you recognize me? What does it mean to say this, and who made you say it?"

"Everything depends on you. Chu Feng, you have to be careful, be careful." The old face on the trunk disappeared, and Chu Feng's holy consciousness scanned and scanned with the sky eye, but nothing was found. This tree, in his opinion There is nothing special anymore, but what just appeared cannot be an illusion!

"Chu Feng, who are you talking to?" Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind. "Xian'er, you didn't find it just now?" Chu Feng said strangely into the holy prison space.

"Discover, what discovery?" Miao Xian'er said. She only saw Chu Feng say apologize before saying something inexplicably.

Chu Feng frowned. This is abnormal, absolutely abnormal. It just appeared, but Miao Xian'er didn't notice anything!

"It can't be that I have hallucinations." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, the exchange just now was clear!

"Feng!" Feng Bingning was a little worried. After so long, she had already recovered. "It's okay." Chu Feng shook his head. He told Feng Bingning and the others about the conversation he had just heard. After hearing him, Feng Bingning and the others were surprised.

"There is such a thing." Miao Xian'er said strangely, "The sky's eye was clearly scanned at that time, how could it not find anything?"

Chu Feng thought of the silly laughs and strange noises many times before. This time the situation was similar to the previous situation.

"Don't talk about this for now, let's take a look at what we got." Chu Feng said, as he said that the small dark blue stone he got before appeared in front of him.

When I was outside, the eyes of the sky were so close that I noticed a little abnormality in this little stone. Once inside, Chu Feng and the others could clearly feel the abnormality of this little stone!

Faint spatial fluctuations spread from the little stones. The space around the little stones is affected. You know, the holy prison space is very stable, and the spatial fluctuations from the little stones can actually affect the holy prison space. , This is not that simple!

"Believe my own feelings... Is it true that the previous guesses are true?" This thought flashed in Chu Feng's mind before the sage was about to examine the little stone.

"If the previous guess is true, then my feelings, or thoughts, or really have some use." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart.

"Husband, what do you think? Don't check it yet?" Yilian said. At this time, their sacred knowledge did not reveal the treasure.

For some things, the sacred consciousness automatically recognizes the master after scanning. This one is not simple, and Feng Bingning and the others don’t want to come up with a "first move first".


Chu Feng spoke. He closed his eyes as he spoke. From that space fluctuating, Chu Feng felt a little bit that there might be a world in this little stone.

It's just that this feeling is not strong, and he has no idea about the size of the world inside, so Chu Feng needs some time to think about it!

"Among the stones is a world that can be integrated with other worlds, and can accelerate the integration of other worlds... The world is very big, not a small universe, but a large universe. In the world, there is a world that can make the holy The strong are safely promoted to the quasi-dominant-level genius treasure!"

This thought was turning in Chu Feng's mind, and he repeated it over and over again. After ten minutes passed, Chu Feng had repeated it countless times, and he had strengthened it to the point that he already thought those were real!

Such a process is a kind of psychological suggestion, it can also be said to be a kind of hypnosis, which ordinary people can't do, but it can be done for a strong person like Chu Feng.

It's just that the result of hypnosis is not necessarily true. It is impossible for mortals to achieve what you want, and it is also a cloud for a powerful person like Chu Feng.

After ten minutes passed, Chu Feng's eyes suddenly opened. His eyes were staring at the little stone, but the focal length was so far, he seemed to be looking at the magnificent world among the little stones!


When Chu Feng thought, the sacred consciousness instantly entered the little stone. There was indeed a space in the little stone, which seemed boundless and huge.

Such a space can be called the universe! However, it is a little bit different from what Chu Feng just thought. The universe in the stone is just a small universe and not a large universe. It is about the same size as the Hongtian universe, much smaller than the holy prison world.

Chu Feng's mind spread. In a very short time, his mind spread to every corner of the universe among the little rocks. In some of them, Chu Feng found treasures!

"Xian'er, your cultivation level can be improved a bit." Chu Feng said calmly, ten or twenty fruits appeared in front of him. Chu Feng has a strong instinct to eat one of these fruits, and Miao Xian'er and the others have reached it. Those who have attained the holy sovereign level may be promoted to the quasi-dominant level!

The surface is calm, but at this moment, Chu Feng's heart is full of waves. Is this a coincidence? He thought that there was a world inside, but it turned out to be a world inside. He thought that there were treasures that could improve the cultivation of a saintly powerful person, and there were really treasures inside!

Although he was thinking of a big universe, and the small universe in the little stone was not in line with what he thought, but when the sacred consciousness entered it, Chu Feng had a feeling that this universe can be integrated with the holy prison world, or with The fusion of Hongtian Universe, the integration of the three worlds together, is much faster than the fusion of the two worlds of the Holy Prison World and Hongtian Universe. This is exactly the same as what Chu Feng thought!

"It's just that the size of the world is different. Is it because I don't have enough power?" This thought flashed in Chu Feng's mind, "What the **** is going on!"

"Could it be that I was really in a dream, in a dream of a demon dream?" Chu Feng was in a state of confusion. He had had this idea before, and he didn't care too much at that time.

But, if it's not the case, how to explain what's in front of you? If it is a coincidence, then this coincidence is too coincidental!

If all this is just a dream, what happens after the dream wakes up? Is everything gone? Chu Feng's eyes swept across Feng Bingning and their hearts and smiled bitterly. If this is a dream, he is willing to dream for a long time without waking up, but if that is the case, he wants to continue, can he continue?

"Feng, what's the matter?" Feng Bingning said strangely, "These things can promote Xian'er and the others to the quasi-dominant level? You don't seem to be particularly happy."

"How can you be unhappy?" Chu Feng smiled, with a strong mind, and Chu Feng suppressed all his distracting thoughts in an instant!

"Xian'er, which one of you will try first? There are a total of fifteen. You don't need to eat two. Eating one should allow you to break through and become the quasi-dominant!" Chu Feng glanced at Miao Xian'er and other women.

Miao Feiying was the first to speak: "I'm here, what I understand is poison, even if this thing is a little bit poisonous, it's not a big problem not to tell me."

Chu Feng rolled his eyes: "Feiying, your husband, I will still make poisonous fruit for you to eat?" "Humph, who knows, maybe you are in love with another little sister again." Miao Feiying said softly. .

As she spoke, Miao Feiying picked up a red fruit and threw it directly into her mouth. The red fruit is not the size of a ping-pong ball, so it is no problem to eat it in one bite.

"So hot."

Miao Feiying said, fine beads of sweat appeared on her body, and the billowing energy rushed around in her body. Every time Miao Feiying absorbs some energy, her body is a little bit tyrannical. Shengge trembles gently and absorbs those powers. Without deliberate practice, many insights continue to emerge in Miao Feiying's heart!

"Sisters, this fruit is non-toxic, and it should really make us a quasi-dominant powerhouse." Miao Feiying said, she closed her eyes and practiced straight after she said a word. Following her practice, The sentiment that emerged in her heart immediately increased a lot.

"Qianqian, please use it." Chu Feng said. Miao Feiying's condition can be clearly seen by Chu Feng. Chu Feng estimates that Miao Feiying can break through and become a quasi-dominant in a few decades. As for what he can achieve after the breakthrough It depends on Miao Feiying herself. The difference in strength between the quasi-dominant is huge.


Yilian, Yin Qianqian, Miao Xian'er, Feiye, and Qinying all took one fruit and ate it. There were nine of the fifteen fruit missing six!

"Bing Ning, Wen'er, pay attention to Feiying and the others on this side." Chu Feng said. "Brother Feng, what are you doing?" Lan Wen said.

Chu Feng chuckled: "Of course, this little stone is a treasure. I have to make good use of this treasure. If I make good use of it, maybe it won't be too far away to become the master!"

Feng Bingning and Lan Wen's eyes lit up, "Feng, what is this thing, our sacred consciousness can't get in." Feng Bingning said, they didn't enter the sacred knowledge at first, but they tried after Chu Feng’s sacred knowledge entered. But their sacred knowledge was blocked from the little stone!

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