Holy Prison

Chapter 2333: Is it true or illusion?

"Senior Huang Peng, Huang Yuan is not dead, even if he died, he can be resurrected. You are the master of the first-rank, I don't think it is very good to make such a move." Chu Feng said solemnly.

Huang Peng said quietly: "The ants offend, just kill them, what's wrong? Seeing that you still have some good luck, so I gave you a chance, don't know what is good or bad!"

"Senior Huang Peng, you used to be good brothers with Senior Su Jiang. I think your mind is not so small, right?" Chu Feng said, "Perhaps, you came mainly for the holy prison? If it is for the holy prison. Come, why don't you just kill me!"

"It's a little trouble to kill you. You surrender to me. I will give you a lot of time so that you can get along with your wife and children, and friends. Then you will still have to die." Huang Peng said quietly, " This is good for you, and good for me. You'd better choose this way. You still have one minute!"

Chu Feng took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Senior Huang Peng, the time you gave me is too short. You have to let me think about it. Give me three days, how about?"

"There are still fifty-five seconds!" Huang Peng said quietly.

"Two days, just two days!"

"Fifty-two seconds!"

"One day, Senior Huang Peng, one day, absolutely can’t be less, if you still don’t agree, you don’t need to count down, just shoot!" Chu Feng said solemnly, "I’m just an ordinary mortal, go. Going on the path of training, becoming a **** and holy, founding the city of God, and unifying the Hongtian universe, my life has been wonderful, not in vain!"

Huang Peng said quietly: "There is still half a minute, half a minute has passed. If you don't surrender, one of Feng Bingning and the others will die. If you submit, you will die in a meeting in the future, Feng Bingning and the others will not!"

"Give me one day to think about it, otherwise, you can do it now! I have a saying, Senior Huang Peng, remember it, as long as Bing Ning died, you'd better kill me as soon as possible, otherwise the whole Huang Family, don't keep the chickens and dogs!" Chu Feng said coldly.

Huang Peng snorted coldly: "Very well, Chu Feng, I didn't expect you to threaten this seat. You probably don't know how to write the word regret! In the last thirty seconds, you kneel and beg for mercy, they can avoid Die, otherwise, two of them will die, your wife will die one of them, and the four of Bifeng will die one!"

Chu Feng looked at Feng Bingning and the others. Feng Bingning and the others were sucked in front of Chu Feng by Huang Peng from a relatively long distance, only ten meters away from Chu Feng.

Feng Bingning's eyes were full of concern, but fear was nothing. They couldn't open their mouths to speak. The cultivation base was also imprisoned by Huang Peng at the moment!

"Let you listen to Feng Bingning and their voices!" Huang Peng said.

"Feng, don't kneel!"

"Brother Feng, we are all right. As you said, our life is wonderful. Having children, grandchildren and grandchildren is not a terrible thing even if we die!"

"Captain, you are a broom star, come here with you this time, and you have lost a lot of money." Zhong Tao said with a light smile, "Leave us alone, Zhao Ling will help us figure out a solution when that time comes!"

"Captain, the most regrettable thing now is that the wine collected hasn't been finished yet. What a pity!" Qin Yue said helplessly.

"Husband, we are not living together. It would be nice if we could die together." Yilian smiled authentically.

There was no begging for mercy, no compromise between Chu Feng and Huang Peng, none of the twelve people, "There are still the last three seconds." Huang Peng waved Feng Bingning and they were unable to speak.

"Three, two, one!"

Chu Feng said loudly, and a slight smile appeared on Huang Peng's face: "Chu Feng, it seems that you have figured it out. Kneel down and beg for mercy, and they can all survive, otherwise, they will have to die immediately!"

"I'm making you slow, just want to tell you three words old, beast, beast!" Chu Feng spoke very quickly and idly.

"Okay, very good!" For a moment when Huang Peng's face was cold, Qin Ying and the yellow light around Qin Yue's body condensed a small knife, the knife rotated, and blood spattered from Qin Ying and the others!

"Brother Chu, I love you!"

"Captain, if you are alive, help me take care of my family!" Qin Yue shouted. Chu Feng clenched his fists and his eyes were red, his legs trembled, but he did not kneel down.

"Ying'er, Qin Yue!" Chu Feng yelled in his heart, watching Qin Ying and Qin Yue being cut to death by the small knife formed by yellow light a few meters in front of him, Chu Feng's heart was cut like a knife!

"Big Brother Chu"

Two or three seconds later, Qin Ying yelled and wanted to say something, but before she finished her words, the yellow light shrank. In a very short time, Qin Ying and Qin Yue were both crushed into a small ball. .

The spheres are only the size of marbles, and they look crystal clear. How can ordinary people think that they are compressed by two powerful quasi-dominant powerhouses?

"Huang Peng, you Huang family, everyone must die!" Chu Feng roared wildly. He felt that his anger was about to drown himself. One was his wife and the other was a teammate. The two died in front of him!

"Ten seconds later, the second batch of two people!" Huang Peng said quietly, "You are too unpleasant. There was only one at a time. You asked for it!"

Chu Feng called out in his mind, "I can't resurrect Qin Ying and them." Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind, "There are too few merit points!"

"It takes two million merit points to resurrect Qinying, and five million merit points to resurrect Bi Feng." Miao Xian'er said, "Chu Feng, the rest of the holy prison space, do you want to appear outside together? Those fierce beasts"

"It's useless." Chu Feng said in his mind, "The first-rank master is too strong, and the power in the entire holy prison space will not be Huang Peng's opponent if all the power is gathered!"

"Huang Peng, Grandpa Su controls the order. This action is a big violation of the order. You have to think about it. Then, you may die!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

Huang Peng said quietly: "That's not a problem you need to care about. You have four seconds left. After four seconds, two people will die! Three, two, one, zero!"

The blood splashed, and the sill leaves and Miao Feiying's head flew high, their heads fell to a distance of one or two meters in front of Chu Feng. There was no fear in their eyes, but there was a thread for this world. Nostalgia! There are so many beautiful things in this matter worthy of their nostalgia, death, they still don't want to!

"Old bastard, there is a kind, you kill me directly to deal with Bing Ning and them, what a first-class powerhouse!" Chu Feng's eyes were cracked and roared from his throat!

Huang Peng stood with his back and smiled lightly: "It's painful? You still have time to kneel. After all, you still have several wives alive, and Bi Feng and the others also have three alive!"

"You have the ability to resurrect. When the time comes, work harder, it is still possible to resurrect Miao Feiying and others! Chu Feng, you still have five seconds to think about it!"

Chu Feng took a deep breath and said solemnly, "Huang Yuan, this time I can't become the master, can I? You destroy my master Boundless Tribulation like this. I don't know when I will usher in the next Boundless Tribulation."

"Then you have to ask God!" Huang Peng said quietly, "You are wasting time. Five seconds have passed, and they have to die two more!"

Chu Feng shouted.

"What's the matter?" Huang Peng said solemnly, and Feng Bingning and the others did not immediately have an accident. "Huang Peng, that's it, you can retreat!" Chu Feng said coldly.

A funny look appeared on Huang Peng's face: "Chu Feng, do you know what you are talking about? What qualifications do you have to let this seat retreat? This time, it is Kadi, Yin Qianqian!"

"Huang Peng, you are not really Huang Peng, you are just my master of the Immeasurable Tribulation, or just the first dominator of the Immeasurable Tribulation, go away." Chu Feng said quietly.

"Heh, it's really funny!" Huang Peng looked at Chu Feng with sarcasm on his face, "Chu Feng, only four people died, did you have a problem with your mind?"

Huang Peng’s words fell, Yin Qianqian and Cardi were all frozen in ice, Huang Peng waved their hands gently at them, they fell to the ground when they were frozen, and suddenly, both of them fell. Become countless little ice particles!

"Chu Feng, the start of a new round of timing is also ten seconds." Huang Peng said quietly, "You can continue to think all this is fake, don't regret it then."

Chu Feng asked Miao Xian'er in his mind, "Chu Feng... this, Tianyan did not find any false elements, and sister Qianqian and the others have already" Miao Xian'er said with a sad voice, "Sister Qianqian and their soul jade slips It's broken."

Chu Feng's holy knowledge swept into the holy prison space, Feng Bingning, Lan Wen and other female soul jade slips were still good, and Yin Qianqin Qinying and others, the soul jade slips were already broken!

A trace of confusion flashed in Chu Feng's eyes. Is it true or fantasy?

If it is true, he does not compromise, Feng Bingning and the others will all have to die; if it is illusion, he compromises, it is estimated that this time the master of immeasurable calamity will fail!

"If all this is just a dream, this is my place!" Chu Feng took a deep breath and closed his eyes, "I want, Bing Ning and them, live at least three!"

"I want them to live at least three!"

Chu Feng quickly strengthened this thought in his heart. With the strengthening of this thought, Chu Feng's face became very pale, pale and frightening!

Now that the dead are Miao Feiying, Yin Qianqian, Qin Ying, and Feiye, those who are still alive are Feng Bingning, Lan Wen, Miao Xian'er, and Yilian. If the four die two more, the number will drop to three. Less than people.

"Chu Feng, have you considered it?" Huang Peng said quietly, "Twelve people, but half of them are dead now, and again only four are alive."

"You have three seconds left!"

Three seconds passed quickly, Huang Peng snorted coldly, Yilian died, Zhong Tao died, the two died not immediately but in screams!

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