Holy Prison

Chapter 2334: Dominate the immeasurable robbery (1)

"Chu Feng, there are only four left alive." Huang Peng said quietly. Chu Feng stared at Huang Peng coldly: "Old things, among the first and second ranks, are you afraid of your least self-respecting status?"

"Also stiff!"

Huang Peng waved his hand, and a slap fell heavily on Chu Feng's face. The **** smell on his face felt very real. Chu Feng glanced at the corpses of Yilian and others on the ground, and his eyes were full of pain.

If, all this is true.

Chu Feng didn't dare to think about it. If this was discovered in reality, then even if he was alive, the dead Yilian and the others would not know when and how long they would be able to come back to life.

It takes two million merit points to resurrect Yilian and the others, and five million merit points to resurrect Zhong Tao each. How easy is it to earn so many merit points?

The Holy Prison is now an advanced weapon, and it only takes one million merit points to rise to the top weapon! For example, in the Eye-Tian-Hua-Tian-Tian Hand Medical Clinic, each enhancement requires only 200,000 merit points, but Chu Feng doesn’t know how long and how long it will take to reach 200,000 merit points, two million, five million. This is too much!

"Chu Feng, three seconds!" Huang Peng said quietly.

Chu Feng vomited towards Huang Peng with a mouthful of phlegm. The phlegm was spit out quickly and urgently, but of course it did not fall on Huang Peng. "It's a pity!" Huang Peng said quietly. He said with a wave of his hand, the blade flashed, Miao Xian'er was beheaded, and Bi Feng was also beheaded. Only Feng Bingning and Lan Wen were alive!

Chu Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He had a strong idea just now that Feng Bingning and the others will survive at least three, and now only two are left. He believes that all of this should be just crossing the catastrophe!

"Huang Peng, it's over, all this is just false, it's just my master Boundless Tribulation!" Chu Feng said quietly. "Heh... you said this is false? Then, you kill Feng Bingning and Lan Wen!" Huang Peng smiled lightly, "You should know that if this is false, you kill them all. Will change."

"If this is true, you have to live in pain forever forever!"

Chu Feng's face changed slightly, he knew that Huang Peng should be right. He pointed out that all this is false, like knowing that there is a door on the wall, and opening the door can get to the outside world, but this door has to be opened by him!

Feng Bingning and Lan Wen yelled, and a little panic flashed in their eyes, "Brother Feng, I am not afraid of death, but I don't want to die in your hands." Lan Wen whispered.

"Feng, do what you want," Feng Bing condensed.

Chu Feng thought, Yin Ming appeared in his hand, "Kill it, kill it!" Huang Peng said with a light smile.

"Drink!" Chu Feng yelled, Yin Ming flashed out two sword lights in his hand, and the two sword lights entered Feng Bingning and Lan Wen's bodies and shattered the sages in their bodies in an instant. !

"Broken it, the illusory world! Go to death, old bastard!" Chu Feng roared, and the sharp sword light fell on Huang Peng. This time, his sword light was not blocked, and the sword light was sharp, for a moment. He cut Huang Peng's body in half, "Break it for me!" Chu Feng roared in his heart, sword light and ferocious, Huang Peng's body was cut in half and turned into a cloud of blood!

As Huang Peng turned into a **** mist in the sky, the world around Chu Feng immediately collapsed. When the world collapsed to a certain extent, Chu Feng had a vision before his eyes, and he was already out of that illusory world.

Feng Bingning and their anxious calls came into their ears, and Chu Feng looked at Feng Bingning and their eyes were full of gentle colors, "Don't worry, I'm fine." Chu Feng's voice rang.

"You are all right, so good!"

Chu Feng's heart was warm, and the sadness that Feng Bingning had just died in front of them all disappeared. "Captain, pay attention, it looks like your master Boundless Tribulation has not passed yet." Zhong Tao said loudly.

"Yeah!" Chu Feng nodded to Zhong Tao and the others. From the memory just now, they were all dead, but now they are all in front of him.

Looking up at the sky, Chu Feng noticed that another rainbow light flew in the sky. The previous rainbow light was red, but now the rainbow light is pure blue!

The blue light flew to the top of Chu Feng’s head, and it turned into a mountain with a height of ten thousand meters in a short time. "Huh?" Chu Feng's expression changed slightly. The pressure is heavier!

Chu Feng shouted in his heart, the catastrophe just now is extremely dangerous, and now it is much safer in Chu Feng's view, at least it is clear and plain!

Trying to dodge, the mountain also moved, and Chu Feng was sensitively aware that with his movement, the pressure on the suppressed mountain became heavier.

"Can't flash!"

Chu Feng secretly said in his heart that he just flashed a little bit, so the pressure did not increase much. If the flashing distance is far, it is estimated that the increased pressure will be enormous!

The towering mountain was suppressed, and under the mountain, Chu Feng was just a little bit, Feng Bingning and their hearts were all raised. The 10,000-meter-high mountain, generally speaking, with the cultivation base of Chu Feng and the others, the mountain can be wiped out with a single breath, but in the current situation, it is not a normal situation!

From among the ten thousand-meter-high peaks, Feng Bingning and the others felt terrible pressure!

The mountain is suppressed for hundreds of meters every second, and in a minute, the distance to the top of Chu Feng is only two to three kilometers. At this time, the pressure Chu Feng feels is already terrifying!

The peak was suppressed to two kilometers above his head, and Chu Feng already had an urge to escape. At this time, the speed of the mountain's decline was much slower, and it fell by more than ten meters in a second.

"I want to hold the mountain down? The pressure on this mountain is so terrifying. If you don't use the power of Heavenly Guardian, I am afraid that it will not be able to support it." Chu Feng secretly thought, but Chu Feng did not immediately use Heavenly Guardian. Make up your mind. If it is not a last resort, you will never use the power of the Heavenly Guardian. According to some of his information, the first two layers are best not to use that power but rely on your own cultivation base and will to resist the past. The strength will be higher when it comes.

There are single and multi-layered masters of Immeasurable Tribulation. Chu Feng previously thought that he might be a single Domination of Immeasurable Tribulation. Now the second layer has appeared, and it is naturally multi-layered.

Gritting his teeth and holding on, Chu Feng felt that the cells in his body were groaning when the mountain was only 1,500 meters away. The pressure was too strong!

Under Chu Feng's feet, the place where he was standing didn't have any influence, that kind of power only acted on him!

"On the other side, what is it?" Someone asked in astonishment. There was a little blue in the distant sky. The pure blue looked very intoxicating.

"It's such a beautiful blue light, is there any strange treasure appearing?"

Hongyang and the others also looked in that direction. "This" many people's expressions changed slightly, "This seems to be someone who is dominating the immeasurable calamity, the second level!"

The multi-layered Domination of Immeasurable Tribulation is divided into seven levels. After passing the first level, and then one third of the second level, you can actively suspend Domination of Immeasurable Tribulation. When it comes to becoming Dominant, it will be seven. Product dominates!

Going through the second level, the third level through one-third, becoming the master is the sixth-rank master, and so on, in the end, if you cross the seventh level, you will directly become the first-rank master!

It's just that it's too difficult to directly become the first-rank master, let alone the first-rank master, it is very difficult even to directly become the second-rank master and third-rank master!

"Looking at this, this level of Domination, Immeasurable Tribulation has already passed one-third, if those who cross the Tribulation give up now, then they have successfully become the Dominator!" said a quasi-dominant-level powerhouse, his eyes showed envy. Lulu, become the master, even if it is only the seventh-rank master, that is far from the quasi-dominant master!

"It is estimated that it is almost two-thirds. After two-thirds, the master of this level, Immeasurable Calamity, cannot stop actively. This person wants to directly become the master of the sixth rank!"

Dominating the immeasurable calamity is like this. When you reach the second level, you can stop at one third of each level. If it exceeds two-thirds, then this calamity must be completed, and the next calamity also needs It takes one third to end!

As long as one level is added, the cultivation base will be one grade higher when the time comes, but how many people who cross the Tribulation have that confidence? Many second layers stop after one third.

For a long time, many people can actually become masters and survive, because they want to become more powerful after they become masters, and they will be wiped out under immeasurable dominance!

"Is it Chu Feng who crossed the robbery?" A voice rang, and the voice around him suddenly became much smaller.

"No, he becomes the master? The fierce beast also wants to dominate the immeasurable calamity, I don't think it is him, but a certain fierce beast is dominating the immeasurable calamity!"

"The fierce beast does not survive early and late, so we ran into it just then?"

Hongyang and the others had a gloomy face, "I have a feeling that this is not a fierce beast, but it is probably Chu Feng who is crossing the calamity!" Hongyang said in a deep voice.

"What should we do? Should we destroy it in the past, or should we contact outsiders to destroy it?" Huang Yuan said with annoyance. Lan Zhuo shook his head: "Contacting the outside world, with our current people, I'm afraid that some of us can't get in touch... Even if we can get in touch, it will probably take a long time. At that time, the people who crossed the tribulation had already been through the tribulation. !"

When they were in the world of Tumeng, Hongyang and the others contacted the outside world, and now they can do it too, but such a connection requires strength, and now Hongyang only has 300,000 people!

"We are heading in that direction. If Chu Feng is really going through the catastrophe, we will try our best to destroy it!" Hong Yang said in a deep voice.

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