Holy Prison

Chapter 2335: Dominate the immeasurable robbery (2)

"This pressure is too terrifying!" Chu Feng smiled bitterly, dominating Boundless Tribulation. This is really not easy to overcome, especially in the future!

Chu Feng unleashed the sacred knowledge and scanned it with difficulty. The suppressed mountain above his head was still a thousand meters away, and a little dark blue appeared in the sky above the mountain.

The first third is light blue, the middle third is blue, and the back third is dark blue. Chu Feng is now moving from the middle third to the back third. change.

It is still possible to stop at this time. As long as it stops, Chu Feng will successfully overcome the catastrophe and become the Seventh-Rank Master! If he persists, and he wants to stop after a little while, he will get the third layer, and the third layer will have to pass one third!

Stop, it's impossible at this time. What is the use of the Seven-Rank Master for Chu Feng? If he becomes the Seventh-Rank Master, he will only need to be tortured by that time!

If he has high strength and is expected to become the son-in-law of the Su family, even if others make a move, they have to consider the reaction of the Su family. If he becomes the master of the seventh rank, and others deal with him, there is no need to consider the reaction of the Su family. Domination, can it still reach the third rank within one hundred and forty years of dominance?

There is no choice at all, Chu Feng can only stick to it, or become a relatively powerful master to dominate, or he will be wiped out under the immeasurable dominance!

With a deep sigh in his heart, Chu Feng raised his mental state cultivation base, and with the improvement of his mental state cultivation base, the terrible pressure was immediately relieved a lot.

Chu Feng's heart loosened, and his mental state cultivation was able to withstand that kind of pressure, which was much better. Otherwise, he estimated that he would have to use heavenly guards, use the power of the holy prison world, etc.

After the second level exceeds one-third, you can use the power of the world. If this is not the case, you want to overcome the tribulations. How can it be possible that ordinary people don't have something like a holy prison?

The first level, the second level, and the third level. Soon Chu Feng’s mental state cultivation level rose to the fourth level of the Heaven and Earth Sacred Heart. The state of mind reached such a level that the suppressed mountain peaks put pressure on him. Relatively small.

Chu Feng nodded to Feng Bingning and the others. They all breathed a sigh of relief. Just now Chu Feng's condition didn't look very good, and his face flushed red!

Time passed by, and it looked like it was falling ten meters per second. In one and a half minutes, the peak dropped 900 meters and it was only a mere one hundred meters from the top of Chu Feng!

Chu Feng's pressure was relatively light when he was a kilometer away, and at this time the pressure has become greater again, and this time it is the double pressure of the mood and the body!

Within one hundred meters, the speed of the mountain's descent was reduced once, and every second only dropped by one meter. Chu Feng clenched his teeth, and a message appeared in his mind. At this level, you have to stick to the peak pressure. Only ten meters above his head counts as the past, and Chu Feng can also persist within ten meters. Persevering a little more will naturally benefit.

It's just that, without using any other treasures, it's a question of whether you can stick to ten meters!

The deep blue light above the 10,000-meter mountain peak was shining. Every second, Chu Feng's pressure increased. When he was only 30 meters above Chu Feng's head, Chu Feng's body was already trembling a little.

"I can't hold it, it's impossible!" Chu Feng yelled in his heart, Yin Ming appeared in his hand and he was thrust into the ground. With Yin Ming's support, his body was stabilized a lot!

Twenty-five meters away, Chu Feng's face was flushed, and on his arm, the tendons were bulging! At 20 meters, the skin on Chu Feng's face couldn't hold up, and a **** mouth appeared.

With the first one, dozens of cracks, large and small, appeared on Chu Feng's body in a short time. The long cracks were 20 to 30 centimeters, and the small ones were 35 centimeters.

Feng Bingning's previously relaxed hearts were raised again, and Chu Feng's appearance at this moment looked terrifying! "Ten meters, I can't even hold on to ten meters." Chu Feng roared in his heart, his mood loosened and there were signs of a breakthrough towards the fifth level, but it would take time to truly break through!

Nineteen, eighteen, and seventeen Feng Bingning and the others counted silently. They were not too far away at the moment, and they received a little bit of information, and Chu Feng was within ten meters!

Blood was constantly pouring out of the wound, and the medical institute was trying its best to treat Chu Feng, but the speed of treatment at this moment was not as fast as the speed of body and mind damage.

However, the treatment provided by the clinic has improved Chu Feng's endurance a lot! Ten seconds passed, and the peak above Chu Feng was only ten meters away from him!

At nine meters, eight meters, and at the seventh meter, the blood on Chu Feng's body was gushing out quickly, "This pass, end here!" Chu Feng's thoughts spread out. He didn't intend to use this pass. It’s a good thing to hold on to Heavenly Guardian, this level with his strength is already very good. Using Heavenly Guardian to hold on, the benefits may not be more!

As Chu Feng's thoughts spread, the huge mountain peak turned into an intoxicating blue light above his head, and the blue light suddenly entered Chu Feng's body.

At the first level before, the red light also entered Chu Feng's body, but when the red light entered, Chu Feng was not so clear!

As the blue light entered, Chu Feng felt cool all over his body, the burning sensation of each wound disappeared completely, and all the wounds disappeared completely in a very short time.

"The third level, I don't know how terrifying it will be." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, he has a clearer understanding of the hardships that dominate the immeasurable calamity. The general quasi-dominant level powerhouse can survive the seventh level. It is very good to pass one-third of the sixth floor and become a seventh-Rank Domination-level powerhouse. The chance of dominating the Immeasurable Tribulation is extremely low!

Not to mention other places, there are tens of thousands of quasi-dominant-level powerhouses in the Sovereign Purgatory today. Even if Hongyang and the others are added, when the time comes to cross the catastrophe and become the master, thirty is considered very good.

To dominate the immeasurable calamity, the general quasi-dominant-level powerhouse has a success rate of less than one in a thousand, and if a holy-sovereign-level powerhouse dominates the immeasurable calamity, the chance of success is less than one in ten thousand.

Chu Feng has a high chance of success. That's because he has something like the holy prison. How many things are there in the whole world? Even if it is an ordinary master weapon, an ordinary quasi-dominant powerhouse can possess such a treasure?

The weapon of dominance, this thing does not even have some powerful masters! Without the dominating device, the general strength of such a dominating power is worse than that of the same level!

The second layer of Domination Boundless Tribulation only took a minute, and another ray of rainbow light appeared on the horizon. This time it was a ray of green rainbow light. When the green rainbow light came over, a green lake was instantly formed on top of Chu Feng.

"This level is interesting." Chu Feng's eyes lit up, and a message appeared in his mind at this time. There were small fishes in the green lake. In this level, he caught small fishes. Fish, if he caught three hundred fish, he would have passed a third, if he had caught 600 fish, he would have passed two thirds, and he would have passed the level of 900 fish.

In the green lake, the number of small fish is not only 900 but 1,000. Every time you catch one more, they move faster in it, making it more difficult to catch.

"I catch it!"

Chu Feng's sacred consciousness invaded the green lake, but in the green lake, there was no small fish. "Damn, what kind of plane?" Chu Feng raised his mental state, but there was still nothing. Discovery.

Without immediately opening his heavenly eyes, Chu Feng entered the green lake. With the induction of his body, coupled with the induction of his mood, Chu Feng sensed a little bit.

There are small fishes in the green lake, but it's ah, those small fishes run too fast, finally Chu Feng found a stationary one, he shot instantly, using the treasure at the fastest speed He shot, but the little fish slipped out several meters in an instant when his claws approached!

"The first level is the demon barrier, the second level is the test of the strength of the body and mind, and the third level should be considered for shooting! Consider the coordination of body and soul." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart.

Not in a hurry, Chu Feng calmed down and fumbled slowly. After a few hours, Chu Feng's eyes flashed, and he used various methods with all his strength. Under the siege and interception, one piece was no more than three inches long. He caught his little green fish.

"Small, you are still running." Chu Feng said with a smile, and a little suction came from his palm. The little green fish was sucked into his body by him, and he was catching the green fish. At that time, Chu Feng knew that it would be beneficial to absorb the green fish. Sure enough, after absorbing the green fish, Chu Feng felt a little sublimation of his soul. That feeling was as if some of his soul had been stained before. Dust, the green fish absorbed a little dust!

Forgetting the time, Chu Feng caught it with all his attention. A few days later, there were already more than two hundred little green fish caught by Chu Feng. At first, it was easier to catch, but now it is hard to catch. When his luck was a little bit close, Chu Feng couldn't catch a little green fish after an hour of hard work!

It took a few days for the Chaos Profound Sea, Hong Yang and the others finally rushed over. If they hurried at full speed, of course they would be faster, but they didn’t dare to drive at full speed. It was normal to arrive on the Chaos Profound Sea a few days later.

"It's not our immortal burial, but the chaos mysterious sea or the demon corpse." Lan Zhuo frowned. If it is in the fairy burial, it would be better, not in the fairy burial, this is troublesome.

Hongyang frowned and looked at the Chaos Xuanhai. Now the calm Chaos Xuanhai looked like a terrifying beast that had chosen someone to eat, and opened its huge mouth just waiting for them to enter!

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