Holy Prison

Chapter 2344: tough

"There are so many people here," Chu Feng said quietly. "Captain, let me take a look." Su Ling reached out and took the invitation in Chu Feng's hand and looked at it.

"These people are shameless!" Su Ling said bitterly, "So many people have chased you after you, so now I am embarrassed to come and ask for someone!"

Chu Feng shook his head and chuckled, "I can't say that. It was profitable before. Now, some people may be juniors who really care about themselves. If they don't come, some people will have to be labeled as ruthless."

"Captain, you still speak for them. These guys gathered here, but there is no good intentions." Su Ling said, "If they are ready to come and ask for someone, why are they gathering like this? They are like this, just think of the time. You are forced to take out less or give nothing at all!"

"Ling'er, you are here, let me go and take a look." Chu Feng said.

Su Ling quickly shook her head and said: "That's not good, Sister Bing Ning and the others have confessed, I have to look at you! And if I am there, those people will have to be more or less restrained. No...It's not good for us alone. Let me call my father, second uncle and third uncle, and let them come and help."

"Don't!" Chu Feng said quickly.

"Ling'er, it's okay for you to go over it at once. Your father and others are not suitable for the past." Chu Feng said, "Moreover, there is Huang Peng on the other side. If your father is in the past, I will not be able to talk. If your father and the others have not gone there, if the trouble is too stiff, your father and the others can still come out to make a round."

Su Ling nodded slightly: "Well...I won't call my father them anymore, but I'm definitely going to follow it, you must not let me go."

"Let's go together." Chu Feng said with a light smile.

Landscape House.

Backed by mountains and water, the scenery is beautiful, and the master behind is a strong master, and the relationship with the Su family is so normal, so Su Peng and the others chose this place.

Holding hands, Chu Feng and Su Ling arrived near the Shanshui Tower in a short time. Many people gathered in and outside the Shanshui Tower. At this time, many eyes fell on Chu Feng and the others.

Before Chu Feng and the others arrived, a lot of people were talking about it. Chu Feng and the others arrived, and there was quiet near the Shanshui Tower. The news that Chu Feng was a second-grade high-level cultivation base has been spread. Not many people like this are daring to casually. talk!

"come in!"

A faint voice came from inside the Shanshui Tower. Chu Feng was not familiar with this voice, but Su Ling was familiar. "Captain, it's Huang Peng." Su Ling said through a voice transmission.

In the past, Su Ling was called Huang Peng, so she would respectfully bring an uncle, but now she doesn't have that kind of thought!

Chu Feng nodded slightly and took Su Ling's hand into the main building of Shanshui. It didn't take long for Chu Feng and the others to reach the top of the main building of Shanshui!

Chu Feng snorted coldly in his heart. As soon as he reached the top floor, Chu Feng felt a strong pressure, and those pressures were all pressed on Chu Feng!

Fortunately, Chu Feng's cultivation base is not low, and he has already had some preparations, otherwise he might make some fools under the terrifying pressure!

"Captain." Su Ling transmitted to Chu Feng with some worry. She did not endure the pressure, but it does not mean that she did not feel the pressure of those people on Chu Feng!

"It's okay." Chu Feng also said in a voice transmission. Under the terrifying coercion, Chu Feng stepped forward blankly and glanced at it. There were about four to five hundred people on the top floor, each with a master-level cultivation base. Those who are not at the master level cultivation base are not qualified to enter this hall at this time!

Four to five hundred people, including Huang Peng's first-rank masters, Chu Feng would die instantly if they shot them together. It was just coercion that Chu Feng could resist.

A look of surprise flashed in the eyes of many people including Huang Peng. They wanted to embarrass Chu Feng as soon as he came over, but they didn't expect Chu Feng to resist their pressure.

"Is the second-grade high-level cultivation base so strong in resistance?"

"Does Chu Feng's mental state cultivation not only reach the level of no heaven and earth, but an impossibility?"

There are not many idiots at the dominance level. In a short time, those at the dominance level have thought of a lot. For Chu Feng, many people are more afraid of it!

Ten percent dominates the second-grade high-level cultivation base, ten percent dominates, and the mental state cultivation level reaches the state of inability. If such a person can not sin, in fact, strong people like Huang Peng are not willing to offend, but now there is no way. , They all have important juniors in the hands of Chu Feng and must get them back!

"Maybe instead of gathering threats like this, it would be better to just bring things to find Chu Feng to redeem people." Many of the four to five hundred people secretly said in their hearts that their cultivation strength is much worse than that of Chu Feng, and their confidence is naturally insufficient.

Huang Peng and other people still have a lot of confidence in their hearts. Since they are offended, they are absolutely not afraid of offending!

"Heh... I didn't expect you to invite people over, and the guests would have to bring their own chairs." Chu Feng said quietly, he glanced, and there was no unoccupied chair on the entire top floor.

"Never mind, bring your own!" Chu Feng said that two grandmaster chairs appeared, and there was a small tea table in the middle of the grandmaster chairs, on which tea was steaming.

"Ling'er, sit down."

Chu Feng sat down, Su Ling also sat down, ignoring those people, Chu Feng picked up the teapot and poured a cup for himself and Su Ling and drank it leisurely.

The fragrance of tea can make people feel calm and indifferent, but Huang Peng and the others are not so calm when they smell the fragrance of tea. Chu Feng's attitude is beyond their expectations.

In Huang Peng’s estimation, although Chu Feng’s cultivation level is not low, they threatened that Chu Feng would be more interesting, and then they would provide a chair and talk about a little bit of conditions. Chu Feng would get a little benefit. Huang Peng and the others took the people away, and everyone was "happy". The situation today is obviously very different from what Huang Peng and others estimated.

The reason for this is that Huang Peng and others underestimated Chu Feng! Even Su Wu and the others do not have enough knowledge of Chu Feng's current strength.

Chu Feng's cultivation base, Chu Feng's holy prison, these Huang Pengs are known to them, but they don't know Meng Neng, even Feng Bingning and others don't know!

Meng Neng is the higher Chu Feng's cultivation base becomes, the stronger it is. With Chu Feng's current cultivation base, Meng Neng is not impossible even if it is enough to kill a character like Huang Peng!

Previously, when he was dominating the immeasurable calamity, Chu Feng's dream energy was exhausted, but after successfully crossing the robbery, Chu Feng's cultivation base improved, and his dream energy recovered a lot. Today, Chu Feng has about half of his dream energy and the remaining half , The time when three or four dominate the year should be able to recover!

It is naturally impossible for half of the dreams to kill a first-tier master like Huang Peng, but a second-tier master, even a second-tier great perfection powerhouse, Chu Feng is sure to kill!

Chu Feng is very clear about his own strength. With such a hole card, Chu Feng's self-confidence is naturally much stronger than Huang Peng's estimates!

Huang Peng gave a second-rank master wink, and the second-rank master coughed slightly and said, "Chu Feng, old man Pu Senjie, the cultivation base is the same as you, second-rank advanced."

"You have arrested a lot of our juniors. Now that things are over, can you let them go?" Pu Senjie's tone was firm and powerful.

Chu Feng drank his tea and didn't even look at Pu Senjie. Although he was a second-rank high-end, Pu Senjie would not be his opponent even though Pu Senjie had reached the second-rank advanced level for a long time.

"Chu Feng!" Pu Senjie snorted, his voice already contains anger, he is a second-rank high-ranking powerhouse, and he is rarely ignored in words.

Chu Feng glanced at Pu Senjie and said in a low voice, "Pu Senjie, can you not be so shameless as a human being? Tens of millions of people chase me down and get caught by me. How thick are your skins to come and ask Human? Pu Senjie, how many years have you reached the second-rank high-level cultivation base? How long have you been the master?"

"I'm still injured now, or else, let's practice now? Life and death is a matter of life and death. Only when one party dies, how about?"

Pu Senjie's face suddenly became gloomy, and the faces of the others were not very pretty. "Brother Pusen, you will take action to let the young people now know that they are a little better!"

"Brother Pusen, rely on you!"

"Brother Pusen, you have been the master for many years. You were already at the second-level high-level cultivation base a long time ago, and Chu Feng is not even the second-level high-level, and you are still injured. I am afraid of him.

Some of the people present had not so good relations with Pu Senjie. At this time, they all got courageous. Chu Feng and Pu Senjie duel, no matter which one died, they were happy!

Pu Senjie wanted to teach Chu Feng a lesson, but hard words did not come out of his mouth for several seconds. He knew that Chu Feng had a holy prison, and now he knew that Chu Feng's mental state cultivation might have reached an impossible state. Even if Chu Feng is injured, he and Chu Feng duel, the winning rate will not exceed 30%!

Thirty percent, this Pu Senjie still overestimated himself. If Chu Feng used Meng Neng, he and Chu Feng would have a duel with no one in ten thousand winning rate!

"Chu Feng, young man, don't be so angry. I came here today to solve problems, not to create new ones." Pu Senjie said, he chose to shrink, with a winning rate of less than 30%. He really didn't want to try. , If Chu Feng still has a hole card, he knows the winning rate will be lower!

A trace of disdain flashed in Chu Feng's eyes, so courageous, even if Pu Senjie's cultivation level would improve, he would never be able to reach the first-class level.

Following Pu Senjie's confession, the voices of those shouting fiercely all lowered. They wanted Pu Senjie and Chu Feng to make life and death, but they didn't want to make a life and death with Chu Feng!

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