Holy Prison

Chapter 2345: Tit for tat

"Useless things!" Huang Peng glanced at Pu Senjie and a hint of dissatisfaction flashed in his eyes. Of course, he didn't say this. According to Pu Senjie, he is also a second-class advanced powerhouse, although his strength is better than him. Weak, but not too weak!

Huang Peng spoke, everyone's eyes fell on Huang Peng, and Chu Feng naturally did the same.

"Brother Huang, do you have any advice?" Chu Feng said quietly. His call to Brother Huang made Huang Peng's heart block.

Chu Feng is a second-grade high-level cultivation base. Such a strong person is usually called Huang Peng Huang brother, but Chu Feng and Su Ling are good, if Chu Feng calls him Huang brother, wouldn't he be reduced to Su Ling A generation?

He was a brother with Su Jiang before, and he was down to the generation of Su Jiang's daughter. Huang Peng was so happy when he heard it. However, he couldn't fault him with what Chu Feng said.

"Chu Feng, you got the holy prison. Now you can't be so peaceful. You have to bear more before, but now you can relax." Huang Peng said quietly, "Do you want to hold on to the person you caught? "

"Why not?" Chu Feng sipped the tea and chuckled, "Even if they want to eat, I can afford it, let alone their cultivation is not bad, no need to waste food! They besieged me, they have to suffer the consequences. Doesn't Huang brother realize it should be like this?"

Huang Peng said quietly: "Chu Feng, you know that if you do this, you will have to bear the consequences! And it may be the consequences you cannot afford."

"Brother Huang is threatening?" Chu Feng narrowed his eyes, "Let me think about it, your son Huang Yuan, I seem to have killed it after being caught, you don't need to waste time here to go back!"

"Captain" Su Ling's voice resounded in Chu Feng's mind, "Huang Yuan is the first-rank master, do you want a little bit?"

"Don't worry, it's okay." Chu Feng said in a voice transmission. Su Ling nodded slightly and didn't say much. She was just afraid that Chu Feng would be impulsive. Since Chu Feng was sure, there was nothing left. She believed Chu Feng very much.

Huang Peng slapped a slap on the desktop in front of him and said coldly, "Chu Feng, don't shame you!"

"So many of us have gathered here, and it has already given you a face. What do you think you are now, the first-grade high-level, or have you become a superior master? Just become a master and will not put me in your eyes. Forget it! In the future, I am afraid that it will be a few masters, and you will not put it in your eyes!"

"Brother Huang, let me summarize it for you. When so many of you gather together, I will coerce me as soon as I come. Looking around, there is not an empty chair. This is what is called, give me a face?" Chu Feng sneered, "Brother Huang, I don't know what your so-called not giving me a face will look like!"

"Don't give you a face, you personally send our people to our house one by one!" Huang Peng said coldly, he is the first-rank master, and he still doesn't pay much attention to the second-rank master Chu Feng in his heart.

At that time, Chu Feng is expected to reach the second-rank perfection strength, but even if it reaches the second-rank perfection, there is still a lot of gap between Huang Peng's first-grade cultivation base!

"Brother Chu, Brother Huang, don't fire, don't fire!" said a blue-robed old man. The cultivation base of this blue-robed old man is stronger than that of the powerful ancestors of the Bauhinia family. He is the second-rank Great Perfection in strength, and the distance is the first-rank. The realm is only one step away.

"Brother Chu, you see that so many of us have come here, Brother Huang is a first-rank master, so you can save face." The blue-robed old man said.

Chu Feng glanced at the blue robe old man, Huang Peng sang red face today, and the blue robe old man sang white face!

The blue-robed old man is the head of the water family, and the water family is a very old family. There are several masters in the family who have reached the fourth rank!

"Brother Shui, it's because I don't give you face. I can't get rid of the depression in my heart. Brother Shui also knows that this depression will not stop, and it will have a relatively large impact on the cultivation base." Chu Feng said In a posture that everyone present basically understands, his right **** is bent and rubbed gently with his thumb.

There was a smile on Su Ling's face. Some people were afraid of bleeding. She knew Chu Feng better. Chu Feng didn't bother to speak like this for some small things. Since they had spoken, Huang Yuan and the others would never want to send him easily!

"The captain has just become the master, and his family is thin, so these guys are bleeding, just right." Su Ling secretly said in her heart. What she didn't know was that Chu Feng's family was not thin but rather rich!

Su Ling only knew that Chu Feng had caught a lot of people below the ruler, and those people had a lot of treasures, but in Su Ling's view, those treasures were basically not suitable for Chu Feng's current repairs; Su Ling didn't know. Yes, Chu Feng has caught a lot of masters, and many of them are the masters of the second-grade and third-grade cultivation base!

Hei Qing, the death ruler, the Wuxiang Demon Venerable, and the rulers of Emperor Shanhai who were caught by Chu Feng, all their treasures have entered Chu Feng's pockets!

"Brother Shui, you guys, let's open the skylight to speak up. Don't delay everyone's time. If you want to redeem someone, pay the ransom. As long as I am satisfied, you can take the person away. Otherwise, you will be embarrassed." Chu Feng Ping said softly with the tea.

When these words were spoken, many people looked at Huang Peng, Chu Feng said so clearly, if Huang Peng didn't say anything, they wouldn't say anything more, after all, Chu Feng's identity and strength are terrifying!

"Chu Feng, let out Yuan'er." Huang Peng said solemnly, as he said a piece of white jade appeared in his hand.

Everyone at the scene looked at the white jade. White jade is a precious jade, but it is considered a treasure to those below the master, even if it is a seventh-rank master, such precious jade is not very attractive.

"Brother Huang, it looks like Huang Peng, he's already dead...it seems like this, how about going to the Sovereign Purgatory to find the corpse, Brother Huang?" Chu Feng smiled lightly, "This piece of jade, just look at it. I won’t accept Huang’s heirlooms."

Huang Peng's face was cold and he said, "Chu Feng, you really want to make an enemy of my Huang family?"

"Heh...Brother Huang, don't be like an angry little daughter-in-law, okay?" Chu Feng said lightly, "I was besieged and killed by tens of millions of people, not Huang Yuan, right? Or, let Huang Yuan try to be hunted down in my world. In my world, there are absolutely no tens of millions of Sovereign-level quasi-dominant-level powerhouses, and his security will be much higher."

"I'll ask again, Chu Feng, are you ready to be the enemy of my Huang family? Yes, or no, don't talk so much nonsense!" Huang Peng said coldly.

"It's up to you, I'll do it casually." Chu Feng's eyes flashed coldly. Before seeing Huang Peng, Chu Feng thought he shouldn't be so bad. After all, he was friends with Su Jiang before. , Sure enough, it's not as famous as meeting.

If people change, they can become unrecognizable in a relatively short period of time. Huang Peng has changed for a relatively long time. It is not strange that Huang Peng has changed from before to what he is now!

"Brother Chu, Brother Huang, there is no need to get stiff, everyone takes a step back. If this world is turbulent, it is not a good thing for everyone." Another second-Rank Dominant-level powerhouse is playing round the field. The product master can still speak, and the third product master can't speak at the moment.

Chu Feng said in a low voice: "In the Sovereign Purgatory, tens of millions of people besieged and killed, it is not easy for me to survive."

"Senior Hongyi and Senior Tu Tian also know that I am not easy, so I gave a good thing, but I didn't expect...Brother Huang, it seems that you already think that you are better than Senior Hongyi and Tu Tian."

Huang Yuan's expression changed slightly. If this word reaches Hongyi and the others, and if Hongyi and the others are dissatisfied with him, the consequences will be serious. Throughout the ages, there have been many First-Rank masters, but, There are only so few in control!

Huang Yuan thought of Lin Tian. Lin Tianxiu was much stronger than he is now, but in the end he ended up like that. Long Bai and Tumeng, both of them are stronger than him, and neither has a good end!

Although no one passed it clearly, but who was there did not know that Lin Tiantu and the others had problems because of Hongyi or Tu Tian?

"Huang Peng"

At this moment, Hongyi's voice sounded in Huang Peng's mind, "Let go and fight with Chu Feng, what's wrong, Tu Tian and I are on your side."

"Huang Peng, let it go."

Just after Hongyi's voice transmission, Tu Tian's voice transmission also came to Huang Yuan's mind, "Take a good test of Chu Feng's strength, if you have a chance, kill Chu Feng and kill the killer, you have to pay attention."

Huang Peng said in his mind, a faint smile appeared on his face. Since the two controllers support him, what else is he afraid of?

"Chu Feng, it's this piece of white jade, do you let them go or not let them go?" Huang Peng said solemnly.

A hint of surprise flashed in Chu Feng's eyes. He estimated that Huang Peng would change his attitude, but he didn't expect Huang Peng to be so tough!

Some other people's eyes also flashed with surprise. According to their understanding, Huang Peng should not react like this.

"Chu Feng, Huang Peng should have just received the transmission of Hongyi and Tu Tian." Su Wu's voice resounded in Chu Feng's mind, "With their support, Huang Peng won't have too much scruples when he makes a move. You can compromise a little. can."

"Master Su, I have always compromised many times. This time, I don't want to compromise!"

"With my current strength, there is no need to compromise too much. I will not give Huang Peng a mobile phone meeting for the time being. When he wants to make a move, maybe I will give him a surprise!" Chu Feng said in his mind.

Su Wu's voice rang again: "The Su family is on your side, but you have to be certain to succeed. Your cultivation base will exceed Huang Peng, so it will take a long time! During this time, Huang Peng will definitely Do everything possible!"

"Master Su, thank you very much, I know. You just need to make sure that Senior Hongyi will not take action against me." Chu Feng said in his mind.

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