Holy Prison

Chapter 839: Meet relatives

"Miao Xian'er, start to self-destruct!" No. 5 turned into a streamer and left the hundred-year death jail quickly. In a very short time, No. 5 had already broken out of the hundred-year death jail!

In the hundred-year death jail, the guardians in addition to the strong people above the **** level, and some people below the **** level, now those who have reached the **** level strength leave, the rest of the people at this time have all their faces It was very ugly, and all the people held in the cells had disappeared!

However, the ugly faces of those people did not last long, and the harsh screams rang, and the hundred-year-old death jail weapon system became powerful. Under the attack of those powerful weapons, there was no living person in the hundred-year death jail. . "Warning, start self-destruction within ten seconds, warning, start self-destruction within ten seconds!" The piercing scream sounded within a hundred years of death row.

Under the ground of Wang Yuancheng, Wang Hao and other strong men's expressions changed. They noticed the changes in the outside world, and powerful divine consciousness quickly came out from the ground.

"Beware of War City!"

Above Wang Yuancheng, four huge characters appeared. These four huge characters were made by Number Five. After these five characters appeared, Number Five instantly entered the Holy Prison Space.

Wang Hao and the others revealed their spiritual knowledge, and they happened to see the four huge characters, and at the same time they felt the slight fluctuations in the space, but they did not succeed in tracking the fluctuations in the space. Divine consciousness spread to the hundred-year death jail, Wang Hao and others naturally discovered that the hundred-year death jail was empty, and the hundred-year death jail entered the countdown to self-destruction.

"Bastard!" Wang Hao and some other strong men secretly cursed in their hearts. Those four words could not be seen by the strong outside Wang Yuancheng. After Wang Hao gave the order, the inside and outside of Wang Yuancheng were isolated. Wang Hao and the others are angry because there is no one left in the hundred-year death row, and the hundred-year death row has gone into self-destruction!

The self-destruction is irreversible. The hundred-year death row will definitely be destroyed. Wang Hao and the others did not care about the self-destruction of the one-hundred-year death row. Their consciousness quickly continued to search in Wang Yuan City, but they found nothing in Wang Yuan City!

"Attack, give me an attack!" Wang Hao said angrily. The hundred-year death cell was empty. If the attack on those strong outsiders also failed, he would probably get sick!

Chu Feng was in the sacred prison space. Because Wang Yuancheng was shrouded in a powerful barrier at this time, the sky eye could not scan outside. However, through the sky eye, Chu Feng found that the entire Wang Yuan city trembled slightly in an instant.

"Attacked? It seems that the message has failed." Chu Feng's expression in the holy prison space changed slightly. The four words that were produced before the 5th were just doing his best. In fact, Chu Feng also knew those four words. The possibility that people outside can see is relatively low, but besides this, what else can be done? At this time, Wang Yuancheng's people couldn't get out, and at the same time, Transmitter couldn't get outside!

Wang Yuancheng trembled slightly, and the black light waves spread towards the strong outside Wang Yuancheng. Wang Bo's speed was too fast and too fast. Outside Wang Yuancheng, even the powerhouse at the Venerable God level had no time to escape, and the black light waves flashed. , The people below the god-exalted level all died instantly, even the powerhouses of the god-exalted level only supported a little more time. In the black light wave, their speed was reduced by countless times, just a short time. In two seconds, the ten powerhouses of the gods all died without any accident!

The people in Wang Yuancheng could see the situation outside. Countless people looked outside in horror. They saw the light wave, and they also saw that many strong men died without any resistance in the light wave!

"Wang Yuancheng mighty! The Wang family mighty!"

"Oh, it's cool, it's so cool, I killed so many powerful people all at once!"

"Wang Yuan Mansion, I want to join Wang Yuan Mansion!"

Countless people in Wang Yuan City screamed with excitement, and many of them looked ugly. There must be a lot of people in the power that the strong outside belonged to in Wang Yuan City. At this time they saw their own power. Many of the strong men in China died like that, it's strange that they can get better in their hearts!

"Check, find out what is going on in the hundred-year death jail! The barrier is open, so the **** who has taken away everyone in the hundred-year death jail must have not left!" Wang Hao said solemnly. Nothing happened to the death cell, so it was a perfect thing, but at this time the hundred-year death cell was empty, even though he had killed so many powerful people, he couldn't be happy!

If some people detained in a hundred-year death row go out in peace, the Wang family will definitely be attacked by some people without any scruples!

Take Chu Feng, for example. When Chu Zhen and the others were imprisoned in the death row for a hundred years, he did not dare to attack the Wang family unscrupulously. But now, Chu Feng dares, even if he kills countless people in the Wang family, the Wang family can take it. How is he.

Chu Feng didn't care about external affairs at this time, and he was not in the mood to take revenge on the Wang family at this time.

In the sacred prison space, Chu Zhen and Yang Haifeng were in that small village. Just as they looked at everything around them in surprise, Chu Feng's figure appeared in front of them.

"Dad, mom, Team Yang!" Chu Feng exclaimed, holding back the excitement in his heart.


Chu Zhen Moxiu and Yang Haifeng cried out in surprise. "Brother Zhen, I, I'm not dreaming!" Mo Xiu said, pinching Chu Zhen hard.

"Ah, it hurts!" Chu Zhen yelled, "It's not a dream, it's not! Feng'er, it's really Feng'er!" "Dad!" Chu Feng cried out and gave Chu Zhen a heavy hug. Hug with Mo Xiu.

"Chu Feng, it's you, it's really you!" Yang Haifeng and Chu Feng patted Chu Feng's back heavily while hugging. "Team Yang, who else can I have?" Chu Feng smiled honestly. At this time, he was very happy. His action this time was quite perfect for him. Chu Zhen and the three of them were safe. Rescued.

Chu Feng and Yang Haifeng let go, and Mo Xiu hurriedly said: "Feng'er, Long'er, why didn't you see him?" Chu Feng's mind changed into Chu Long's No. 5 and appeared in front of him.

"Long Er!" Chu Zhen and the others exclaimed in surprise. "Master, old lady!" No.5 saluted as she was. "Feng'er, this" Chu said in shock.

Chu Feng smiled and said: "Dad, he is not a little dragon. He just turned into a little dragon before. The little dragon is in a safe place." Chu Feng said, waving No.5 and immediately disappeared in front of Chu Feng and the others.

"Dad, mom, Team Yang, you all sit down, what are you doing while standing. Sit down, I will cure your injuries first." Chu Feng said.

Chu Zhen's injuries were left by special items, but it was not difficult to cure them with the abilities of the nine-level medical clinic. Chu Zhen and the others sat down, and it didn't take long for their injuries to be completely healed.

"Master, I have received news that Fang Yun and Liu Yu have died." Steward Long's voice echoed in Chu Feng's mind at this time. "This news is slow enough." Chu Feng frowned secretly. Fang Yun and Liu Yu must have died a long time ago, but because the earth is too far apart, the news of their deaths took so long. Time is felt by the holy prison.

"Feng'er, really wasn't Xiaolong before?" Chu Zhen said. Chu Feng shook his head: "No, it's hard to save you in there. I can only think of such a way to let someone in and destroy the death row from the inside. Xiaolong is in a safe place at this time. That’s right, Dad, I’m telling you good news, Xiaolong’s spring is coming soon."

Mo Xiuxi said, "He found me my daughter-in-law?" "Not yet, but he fell in love with a girl." Chu Feng smiled, "Dad, mom, Team Yang, the outside is now blocked, I guess You will be here for a while. Then you will see Xiaolong."

Chu Zhen and the others nodded slightly. "Team Yang, don't know how the earth is going now?" Chu Feng took a deep breath. He was a little afraid to ask about this, for fear that the result would be too tragic.

Infinite People If many people in the abyss died, Chu Feng wouldn't be so impressed, but if many people on earth died, Chu Feng would feel uncomfortable. The powerhouse of Wang Yuan Mansion entered the earth because of him and Chu Long, and because of their deaths, Chu Feng was absolutely uneasy.

"A few people have entered the earth to kill. The earth now has about 10 billion people and more than 100 million deaths." Yang Haifeng sighed and said, "Our region of China has the worst deaths, and the province where your hometown is located is the worst."

Chu Feng's face was ugly, Yang Haifeng didn't elaborate, but Chu Feng estimated that at this time, there were not many people left in his hometown!

"Kill more than 100 million, why didn't they kill anymore?" Chu Feng said solemnly, he absolutely didn't believe it was their conscience. "I don't know the reason, but one of them died." Yang Haifeng said.

Chu Feng thought of something. Back then, the saint on the earth was defeated, but in the end the people on the earth did not die. Nowadays, it is obviously impossible for a Wang Yuan mansion to destroy the earth. Those who died are probably affected. The curse left by the saint before.

"Feng'er, we must take revenge on those who died. Some of them are our juniors. I didn't expect it," Mo Xiu said, tears down, and the tragedy at the time seemed to appear before his eyes. "Definitely, I will never let the murderers go, they will be retributed, I'm sure!" A fierce light flashed in Chu Feng's eyes!

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