Holy Prison

Chapter 840: Trouble is over

Wang Yuancheng. It has been a month since Wang Yuan Mansion blocked Wang Yuan City. In this month’s time, the experts in Wang Yuan Mansion had been searching frantically, but Chu Feng and the others were in the sacred prison space. Where could the experts in Wang Yuan Mansion find get!

"Patriarch, can no longer continue to blockade, maintaining the barrier requires a lot of energy, and many people in Wang Yuan City have opinions." Wang Family, an emperor-level powerhouse reported.

Wang Hao frowned slightly and said: "Unblock the blockade, pay attention to the news in this regard, if you find out, then report it to me immediately!"

"Yes, Patriarch. Patriarch, Wan Yaoling asked for peace talks, how do you respond to this?" said the Emperor God level powerhouse. "Talk to them, this time our Wang Yuan Mansion has suffered a lot of losses, let Wan Yaoling compensate!" Wang Hao said. "Patriarch, this, I'm afraid it will be difficult."

"We can talk as much as we can. Since they are asking for peace talks and want not to pay at all, it is impossible!" Wang Hao said solemnly, "If you don't pay the price, then Wang Yuanfu will not give up!"

"Patriarch, I will try my best." The Emperor God level expert said.

Wang Hao ordered to go down, and the blockade of Wang Yuancheng was quickly solved. Many people flocked to Wang Yuancheng. After the previous war, many people knew that Wang Yuancheng was a super battle city.

Battle city, this is something more tyrannical than the war mother ship, but the battle city is also hierarchical, above the infinite, like the ten thousand battle life and death zone, relatively large empires generally have a battle city, but such a battle city and kings A battle city like Yuan Mansion is incomparable.

Battle cities can basically be divided into small battle cities, medium battle cities, large battle cities, and super battle cities. Wang Yuan’s Mansion is a super battle city, and the life and death zone of ten thousand battles is mostly small battle cities, a small part is medium battle cities, and the number of large battle cities is extremely rare. As far as Chu Feng knows, it is a super battle city. nor!

A super battle city, if it is in the hands of a relatively powerful force, it represents tyrannical force. Wang Yuan Mansion is a relatively powerful force. Before this super battle city was revealed, if the power of Wang Yuan Mansion is one, then the power of Wang Yuan Mansion that owns this super battle city is estimated to have reached ten. !

Super Battle City, this thing is that many powerful people have more power than Wang Yuan Mansion. The attraction of Wang Yuan Mansion to many powerful people will be much stronger. After this war, there will definitely be Many powerhouses have joined Wang Yuan Mansion, and Wang Yuan Mansion's overall strength will be much stronger than before!

Chu Feng hadn’t expected such a result. He didn’t even think that Wang Yuan’s Mansion would have a super battle city, but he knew it a little earlier. If he didn’t know this, one day the super battle city would be against him. That's just a matter of cups. Without any preparation to face the attack of Super Battle City, the possibility of death is extremely high!

The blockade of Wang Yuan’s Mansion was unlocked for ten days. Chu Feng asked a Tianwei to appear outside. The appearance of the Tianwei did not attract anyone’s attention. The Tianwei appeared in Wang Yuancheng, and it didn’t take long. Teleport left Wang Yuancheng. Tianwei left Wang Yuancheng. This time Chu Feng did not let that one Tianwei rush to Hongye City quickly. That day Wei drove slowly. Along the way, Chu Feng caught many criminals into the holy prison space. Among them, with the continuous arrest of criminals, Chu Feng's merit points are constantly improving.

In Hongyecheng, Shi Han reached the small courtyard where Chu Long was staying. "Senior." Chu Long saluted. "Chu Long, don't look immortal, here it is." Shi Han threw a blood stone to Chu Long.

"This bloodline stone should have been hung by your brother, and I bought it for you." Shi Han said, Chu Long's eyes lit up, and he quickly dripped blood. After the blood was dripped, the spiritual sense really entered the bloodline stone.

"Xiaolong, Mom and Dad have already been rescued, and Team Yang has also been rescued. This time things have become a little bit bigger. Don't let people know about this. I will come over while practicing, and you will stay at ease. Home castle, I will be here in a few months!" Chu Feng only left a little message in the blood stone.

With a hint of joy on Chu Long's face, he put away the blood stone. "Good thing?" Shi Han said. Chu Long nodded slightly: "Well, thank you senior!"

"Stop senior, call me Uncle Shi from now on!" Shi Han said. Chu Long was flattered: "Yes, Uncle Shi. Uncle Shi, I don't know if you know about the Wang Yuan Mansion side?"

Shi Han looked at Chu Long with a smile but a smile: "Your brother did what happened on the other side. On the side of Wang Yuan Mansion, Wang Yuan Mansion first fought with Ten Thousand Demon Ridge, and then the Dark Elves joined in, and then the war Expansion, dozens of forces joined the battle group, countless deaths and injuries, the latest news, Wang Yuancheng turned out to be a super battle city, that super battle city was launched, and destroyed ten god-level powerhouses in one fell swoop. Hundreds of emperor-level characters!"

"Owning a super battle city, Wang Yuanfu's demonstrated strength has soared tenfold. It is estimated that Ten Thousand Demons Ridge and other forces will compromise and cease the war."

"Wang Yuan Mansion has made the limelight this time, but it is not without a loss. Wang Yuan Mansion's one-hundred-year death row was invaded and all the people in it disappeared, and the one-hundred-year death row was self-destructed!"

Listening to Shi Han's words, Chu Long's eyes were full of shock. The movement Chu Feng made was really not small. "Chu Long, don't tell anyone about this. The Wang Yuan Mansion today is much more terrifying than before. If you want revenge, then it can't be now. Wait until your strength is much stronger." Shi Han said.

"Uncle Shi, this matter has nothing to do with Brother." Chu Long smiled. "It doesn't matter, all right, you don't have to frown every day in the future. A young man is a little older than me." Shi Han said, "Yan'er will come over later and talk to her well. She is getting worse and worse, and it is estimated that she will be bedridden in one or two years!"

"Yeah." Chu Long nodded.

Wang Yuan Mansion.

"Palace lord, I have news to report." A strong man of Emperor God level said loudly and authentically. In front of this strong man of Emperor God level is Wang Hao. People in the Wang family generally call Wang Hao as the Patriarch and belong to Wang Yuan Mansion. But people who do not belong to the royal family generally call Wang Hao the palace chief.

"Say." Wang Hao said indifferently. He was in a good mood at this time. In this war, Wang Yuan Mansion's strength was much stronger than before, but the Wang family's masters died in the war. It makes him depressed.

The imperial god-level powerhouse said: "Palace Master, I got a message. Chu Feng's younger brother Chu Long is now in Shijiapu, and he should have been in Shijia for a few months!"

"What do you mean?" Wang Hao frowned.

The imperial god-level strong man bit his scalp and said: "Palace lord, I caught Chu Long in Wang Yuancheng before, and I sent him to a hundred-year death jail. I didn’t expect that happened later. Palace lord, I am guilty. , I did not dare to tell the palace lord the first time that I have been investigating this aspect of things these days. I found Chu Long a few days ago. It turns out that he has never been to Wang Yuan Mansion these days. He has been in Shijiapu. ."

"You mean, the person you caught was not Chu Long, but a fake?" Wang Hao said. "Yes, Patriarch. Patriarch, I didn't expect that what I caught before was actually fake." said the Emperor God-level powerhouse.

Wang Hao said solemnly: "So, it is very likely that Chu Feng has been ruined for a hundred years! This Chu Feng has the ability to disappear for so long, thinking that he has left the abyss and returned to infinity. Ji ruined a hundred years of death row and saved his parents." "Patriarch, you can't assume that Chu Feng did it like this." An old man entered the room and said.

"My third brother, what's your opinion?" Wang Hao said.

The old man said: "Patriarch, although Chu Feng is not simple, he is only a king-shen-level cultivation base after all. I don't think he can do something like that. Maybe someone deliberately did this. Chu Long is now At the Shi family, and I know that the little daughter of the Shi family’s patron is close to him. If someone deliberately becomes Chu Long and comes over, it is very likely that our spearhead will be directed to Chu Feng and others. There will be some conflicts with the Shi family."

Wang Hao nodded slightly: "Well, third brother, what you said also has some truth. About this, they can find Chu Feng and they can verify it. Third brother, why don't you take someone to Shi's house."

"Okay!" The old man nodded slightly, "If it is found out that Chu Feng did it, what should I do?" Wang Hao said indifferently, "Let the Shi family pay someone, with the current momentum of our Wang Yuan Mansion, the Shi family will pay back Dare to protect them from failure"

"If the Shi family must protect it?"

"Be tougher. If the Shi family is still protecting, inform the family, then I will make a decision." Wang Hao said.

Although Chu Zhen and the others have been rescued now, many changes have taken place in Wang Yuan's Mansion. Chu Feng will let the Tianwei walking outside enter the restaurant to find people in the Dark Moon Tower to obtain some information about the king. The latest information from Yuan Mansion.

"Damn it." Chu Feng cursed secretly. In the latest information that he had just obtained, there was news that some powerful people in Wang Yuan Mansion went to Shi's house for unknown purposes, but Chu Feng knew better what the purpose of Wang Yuan Mansion was. It is very likely that Wang Yuan Mansion discovered that Chu Long was staying in Shijiapu, and if he knew this, he suspected that it was a relatively normal thing.

"Steward Long, let No. 7 speed up, and strive to get to Deshi's house within ten days!" Chu Feng said. The current Wang Yuan Mansion is not the previous Wang Yuan Mansion, and Chu Feng was a little worried that the Shi family would not be able to withstand the pressure and hand over Chu Long. "Yes, Master." Steward Long said, the order was passed, and the No. 7 Tianwei who was advancing with the holy prison outside immediately moved towards the direction of the teleportation formation.

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