You know, this Steinway a-188 is manager Fang's favorite.

Usually even manager Fang would not give up the touch, put here, is to let people like piano appreciate.

Now, a hairy boy dares to touch this Steinway a-188.

Isn't this about death?

"Manager Fang, that's him."

Melancholy man hurriedly walked past, accuse Chu Chen to square manager.

"Get him and take him to the police station."

"Such people deserve the most severe punishment!"

After that, the melancholy man looks at Chu Chen with pride and arrogance, as if to say, you are finished, boy.

"Go away."

As soon as he finished, he was pushed aside by manager Fang.

Manager Fang excitedly walks to Chu Chen.

"Master, you play very well. This is the most wonderful music I have ever heard in my life."

Manager Fang took Chu Chen's hand and was very excited.

"To tell you the truth, I'm also a musician. I've met many great musicians and pianists, but compared with you, they are nothing?"

"It's terrible that you have made such achievements in piano when you are so young."

Manager Fang holds Chu Chen's hand and keeps praising him.

See here, next to the melancholy man directly confused?

What's the plot?

"Manager Fang, he moved your Steinway a-188!"

The melancholy man couldn't help saying.

"How about it?"

"This Steinway a-188 is for people like master. It's an honor for master to play with it."

Manager Fang retorted immediately.

The melancholy man was completely stupid.

This is...

How can this happen?!

"You're welcome."

Put your hands back, Chu Chen opens his mouth.

"No, no, no, you are too modest."

"It's a great honor for me to meet you." Fang Jing said from the heart.

And Chu Chen said for a while, to Chu Chen's contact information, manager Fang Zhiqu left.

Before leaving, he politely left Chu Chen a business card.

"Deputy Secretary General of Jiangnan Musicians Association?"

Looking at the business card, Chu Chen muttered.

Hearing this, Xia Mengqi is silly.

Jiangnan Musicians Association?

The manager just now is the Deputy Secretary General of Jiangnan Musicians Association?

You know, Jiangnan Musicians Association is the most famous music association in the south. Even in the whole country, it is the top three.

The members of Jiangnan Musicians Association are all famous musicians and real masters.

Chu Chen actually let the Deputy Secretary General of Jiangnan Musicians Association appreciate so much, which is enough to prove that Chu Chen's piano level has reached a terrible level.

"Let's go."

When the punch in task is finished, Chu Chen says a word to Xia Mengqi and goes out.

Xia Mengqi immediately followed up.

If it was before, she might be directly separated from Chu Chen, but now, knowing that Chu Chen is an extremely low-key piano master and a loyal fan of Chu Chen, Xia Mengqi will not leave even if she is killed.

Moreover, Xia Mengqi's mind came up with a bold idea!

With Chu Chen's leaving, those little fans also left one after another.

In such a large exhibition hall, only silly melancholy men are left.

At this time, three or four beautiful girls ran in.

They overheard the sound of the piano and were attracted by it. It took them a long time to find it.

"Little brother, did you play the piano just now?"

A girl asked the melancholy man curiously.

Hearing this, the melancholy man was stunned. What a beautiful little sister.

He looked around, except for him, all the people just left, so he nodded.

"It's me."

Said the melancholy gentleman.


"That's great!"

"It's a great piece. It's definitely a master."

These beautiful girls are all students in the Conservatory of music and are very sensitive to music.

After listening to the melancholy man's words, several beautiful girls looked at the melancholy man with admiration.

There was a faint smile on the melancholy man's face.

The haze disappeared and he became proud.

Although he missed the beauty with mask, he gained several beautiful female fans, and he was not at a loss.

Listening to the flattery of several beautiful girls, the melancholy man swelled up.

"No, no, I'm not good at it.""Master, you are too modest."

"That's normal?"

Several girls retorted.

Just as the melancholy man was preparing to go further and ask for wechat, a voice came.

"Don't be cheated by this swindler. The player just now is not him at all!"

The girl who recorded the video came in.

She forgot to take her things, so she came back to get them. Unexpectedly, she met this scum man cheating.

How can her idol God be impersonated?

So as soon as she came up, she directly exposed the lie of the melancholy man.

Hearing this, the melancholy man still refuses to admit it and wants to refute it, but his words haven't been said yet.

The girl directly took out the video just recorded.

After seeing the video, several beautiful girls in the Conservatory of music suddenly realized.

It turns out that the takeaway boy is the real master.

I feel so handsome just looking at my back!


"You liar

"Scum man, no, scum!"

Knowing that she had been cheated, several girls denounced the melancholy man one after another.

"Let's take a video and expose the liar."

"Don't let the other girls get cheated."

After that, several girls quickly took out their cell phones.

Seeing this, the melancholy man quickly covered his face and ran out.

But he's still late. His face has been photographed.

After shooting the video, several girls sent the video to Douyin and other short video websites, as well as the circle of friends.

Soon received numerous praise.

The melancholy man is thoroughly labeled as a liar, a scum man.

I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to tease his sister in the future.


Looking at several beautiful girls sending videos to the Internet, the girl who just gave Chu Chenlu the video screen brightened in front of her eyes.

The video of Chu Chen's back was also sent to the Internet.

As soon as the video came out, it soon spread all over the Internet!

For a time, the male god in his back and the music master became the symbol of Chu Chen.

Only ten minutes later, the number of videos played exceeded 100000.

Half an hour, over 1 million plays.

A few hours later, the broadcast volume is up to 10 million!!!

"Back man, we love you!"

"Male god, I'm surrounded by you. I'm so handsome only in my back. I'm afraid my face is more terrible!"

"Male god, I'm in love, you have to be responsible for me!"

"It's a pity that there's only a figure in the back, not a God's face!"

"Male god, I want to see your face."

Chu dust fire at the same time, also harvested countless loyal female fans, soon the number of female fans exceeded countless small fresh meat.

In an apartment in Jiangzhou, Xu Rongrong is bored and turns on Douyin.

I just saw this video.

At one o'clock, Xu Rongrong was shocked.

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