As for music, Xu Rongrong knows something about it. After all, her idol is Xia Mengqi and Xia Xuejie.

Click on the video, a listen, Xu Rongrong stunned.

Master, this is definitely a master performance.

Although the video is only 20 or 30 seconds, but Xu Rongrong came to the shock is very big.

"It's amazing to be such a young master."

Xu Rongrong said from the heart.

"If only my future boyfriend were him."

Xu Rongrong fell into fantasy.

Half of the future she is looking forward to is a person with strength, connotation and achievements.

In an instant, she was also powdered by the male god circle.

"I don't know if God has a girlfriend?"

Xu Rongrong sent a comment.

After that, she watched the video many times.


Finally, Xu Rongrong suddenly surprised to find that this figure and Chu dust seems to have a little bit similar.

"No, I must have thought too much."

But the next second, this terrible idea was rejected by Xu Rongrong.

How can Chu Chen be such a great master who has no ambition, does not want to make progress and is content with the status quo?

And this figure male god is so young. She must have learned piano since childhood. She was with Chu Chen. She is very sure that Chu Chen can't play piano, or even any musical instrument.

"It's the same takeout boy, Chu Chen. Look at other people, how talented and connotative they are, and you...

Xu Rongrong can't help shaking her head.



In front of the art museum, Chu Chen was a little surprised.

Until now, he has not received the system prompt, said that he helped Xia Mengqi's task to complete.

It looks like it's a little close.

Just when Chu Chen wants to fool Xia Mengqi to stay with him and finish his task.

Xia Mengqi came out.

"Idol, wait for me."

Xia Mengqi a mouth, Chu dust muddled.


I'm not a male god. How can I become an idol?

"I didn't expect you to be a low-key piano master." Xia Mengqi is very emotional.

As a singer, she also loves music.

Just now, she watched Chu Chen play the piano, and also saw Chu Chen's love for music.

So she had a bold decision.

"Idol, take me as an apprentice." Xia Mengqi said excitedly.

She also likes the piano. When she meets Chu Chen, a master, she can't miss it.

Please accept me as an apprentice?

Chu Chen coughed a few times.

"Why should I take you as an apprentice?"

Xia Mengqi took a look around and determined that there was no one. Then she took off the mask and showed her perfect face.

Just when Xia Mengqi thinks that Chu Chen is going to be surprised and he is actually a big star, Chu Chen is indifferent.

"You don't know me?"

Xia Mengqi was very surprised.

"I don't know."

Chu Chen's direct mouth.

Besides knowing her name is Xia Mengqi, Chu Chen really doesn't know anything.

Hearing this, Xia Mengqi is helpless.

How can I say that I'm also a popular star? People also want face.

Little brother, although you are very handsome, no, very handsome, even if you don't know me, pretend to think about it.

You're embarrassing people.

make complaints about Xia Mengqi's Tucao.

"What are you good at besides being beautiful?"

Hearing Chu Chen's words, Xia Mengqi is very happy. After all, Chu Chen recognizes her beauty.

There are no girls who don't like to be praised as beautiful.

"I'm good at legs."

Think about it, Xia Mengqi a serious answer.

Chu Chen is covered with black thread. He pushes up his bicycle and goes forward.

Xia Mengqi hurriedly went after her and explained:

"it's a joke."

"Besides being beautiful and with long legs, I'm good at singing and cooking..."

hearing the last sentence, Chu Chen stopped and asked.

"You're a good cook?"

"Of course." Xia Mengqi is confident in her cooking skills.

"Come on up."

"All right."

Xia Mengqi quickly gets on Chu Chen's car.

Finally, Chu Chen takes Xia Mengqi to the eastern sea.

"Villa area is not generally not allowed to take out staff into it?"

Sitting in Chu dust car, Xia Mengqi asked curiously.

"It's not for the takeaway, but for the owner."owner?

Before Xia Mengqi reacts, Chu Chen has come to Villa No. 1.

"Here we are. Come down."

Chu Chen stops the car.

Here we are?

"This... This... This is your home?"

Looking at the No.1 sea view villa, Xia Mengqi was shocked.

She has seen a lot of luxury houses, but it is the first time that she has seen such luxury. The villa is at least three or four hundred million.

Chu Chen did not speak, just with practical action to answer Xia Mengqi.

Chu Chen opened the door of the villa.

Xia Mengqi is silly, with a strong curiosity, she went into the villa.

Looking at the luxurious decoration in the villa, Xia Mengqi was even more stunned.

"I'll go upstairs and change. You can cook."

Chu Chen opens his mouth.


How can I say it's also a guest?

Xia Mengqi is a little confused, but Chu Chen's eyes, she immediately obediently went to the kitchen.

you are a piano master. You has the final say.

A few minutes later, Chu Chen came down from upstairs.

See Chu dust after changing clothes, Xia Mengqi more stay.

This is a smart, rich and handsome man.

An hour later, Xia Mengqi's four dishes and one soup were ready.

"It's delicious."

Chu Chen tasted it.

"May I stay for a while?"


Seeing Chu Chen nodding, Xia Mengqi was very excited.

Although he did not agree to accept himself as an apprentice, if he can stay here, he will teach himself later.

If Xia Mengqi's fans know this, they will definitely cry.

Her goddess, Xia Mengqi, is so excited and happy to be someone else's "nanny" for the time being.

They're dead.

The next day, at noon, there was a knock on the door.

Chu Chen opened the door and saw that it was manager Fang of yesterday. Beside manager Fang, there was a serious middle-aged man.

"Hello, Master Chu."

After seeing Chu Chen, the middle-aged man spoke excitedly.

"Who are you?"

Manager Fang quickly explained:

"Master Chu, this is Mr. Chen Changqing, President of our Jiangnan Musicians Association."

"Hello, please come in."

Several people came in, Chen Changqing said the intention.

"Master Chu, I saw your performance. It's amazing."

Now Chu Chen's piano playing video has spread all over the Internet, and Chen Changqing naturally watched it.

Although it's only 20 or 30 seconds, as a professional, Chen Changqing already knows the level of chuchen's piano, which is absolutely a master.

"I'm here to invite you to join our Jiangnan Musicians Association. Of course, it's not an ordinary member, but a vice president."

Chen Changqing said sincerely.

Just came out of the room, heard Chen Changqing's words, Xia Mengqi was shocked.

Vice president of Jiangnan Musicians Association?!

Oh, my God.

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