[task release]

[become didi driver, complete an order, time: 24 hours]

[task reward: a set of Yuetan Garden Villa]

Yuetan garden?

This task reward is actually the villa of Yuetan garden?!

Yuetan garden, the most luxurious villa in Jiangzhou, is built around the famous linyue Lake in Tiannan province.

Unlike other villas, Yuetan garden has only 18 villas. When it was first built, a villa cost $88.88 million.

Now several years have passed, the villa price of Yuetan garden has increased several times, and it is not sure that you can buy it if you have money.

Where does Chu Chen live?

It's a timely mission.

On the way to lijingxuan, Chu Chen can pick up an order.


It's a pity that Chu Chen didn't meet the right order in the evening, so he came to lijingxuan directly.

"I'll go. Is this the legendary koniseg?"

"How cool

When Chu Chen's car appeared in front of lijingxuan, it immediately attracted countless eyes.

Although Jiangzhou sports cars are not uncommon, they are mostly Ferrari and Lamborghini with a total of two or three million.

There are very few super runners like koniseg!

"I'll go. How handsome!"

"I'm in love."

"I've even figured out the names of our children."

See Chu Chen, immediately attracted bursts of screaming, countless girls crazy.

Lijingxuan, in box 666, Chen Yuyan, Dong Guanghao and others have come.

"Chen Banhua, are you beautiful again?"

"Yes, now we Chen Banhua is a big anchor, hundreds of thousands of attention?"

Many people around Chen Yuyan, constantly touting.

"Brother Yan is also an ox pen. Now it's really soaring."

Next to Chen Yuyan, a young man in a suit is holding a glass of red wine.

He is Zheng Weiyan. He was very ordinary in the class before. I didn't expect that this meeting was his best.

After his family was demolished and 20 million yuan was allocated to him, he dropped out of college and spent money to get involved. Zheng Weiyan joined a real estate company and became a department manager.

Even Dong Guanghao looked at Zheng Weiyan with admiration.

Just now he was beside Chen Yuyan. Now he takes the initiative to step aside.

"Brother Yan is not only handsome, but also promising. He will definitely be a big boss in the future. Don't forget his wealth."

Dong Guanghao spoke.

"Little things, little things."

Listening to the praise, Zheng Weiyan waved his hand. One of the leading members of the party was Zheng Weiyan.

"By the way, Chu Chen hasn't come yet?"

Looking around, Dong Guanghao said.

"It can't be that you've done a bad job and have no face, can you?"

"I saw Chu Chen a few days ago. He was delivering express."

At this time, Chen Yuyan added.

Express delivery?

Chu Chen, a famous school grass-roots figure surrounded by countless girls, is actually delivering express. It's a big joke.

Hearing this, many boys gloated and laughed.

Click, the door of the room opens, Chu Chen comes in.

In an instant, everyone's eyes are all focused on Chu Chen's body.

"Something's delayed. It's late."

Chu Chen opens his mouth.

"Can't it be that the express delivery is late?"

Dong Guanghao said.

"Who's delivering the express? I'm definitely opening Didi."

What's going on?

Hear Chu Chen's words, public a Leng, this and deliver express delivery to have what difference?

"Oh, since you drive Didi, what kind of car do you drive?" Dong Guanghao continued.

Chu Chen shakes the car key in his hand, too lazy to explain.

After seeing the car keys, many people still don't understand.

They haven't even seen the key to an ordinary super run, let alone koniseg's.

"Chuchen, that's your mistake."

Zheng Weiyan stood up and said with great dissatisfaction:

"we meet just to get together and talk about the past. How can you use a lighter to hold the car keys of koniseg in order to install pressure?"

I don't believe it even if I kill him. Chuchen can afford koniseg!

Chen Yuyan also disdains cold hum, she also does not believe Chu Chen's car key is true, when she has no brain?

Drive koniseg, drive Didi, send express?

Is there a hole in the brain?

Click, the compartment door opens again.

A thin boy came in.

"Did you see that?"

"Did you see that?"

As soon as he came in, he asked excitedly.All of them immediately turned their attention from Chu Chen to this boy.

"I came up just now. Guess what I saw?"

The thin and weak boy said with yearning and admiration:

"I saw a more than 20 million koniseg parked downstairs."

"More than 20 million sports cars, what a big dog!"

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

what else did the thin boy want to say, but he was surprised to find that no one spoke except himself.

"What's the matter with you?"

At the moment, all people's eyes fall on Chu Chen's body.

Is it true?

Does chuchen really have a sports car worth more than 20 million yuan?

No, it's impossible.

Chu Chen clearly said that he was driving Didi, how could he have a sports car of more than 20 million?

Yes, it must be a coincidence. There's a koniseg parked outside.

Thinking of this, everyone relaxed.

There was a knock on the door and the thin man opened it.

Three or four beauties who are far above Chen Yuyan come in.

"Finally, little brother, are you really here?"

"Little brother, you are not only handsome, but also your koniseg. Can you take us for a ride?"

"That's it."

Three or four top-notch beauties are playing coquetry around Chu Chen.

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