Seeing this, other people in the private room were stunned.

What's going on?

These beauties are obviously from one box to another. They can't be Tuo.

That koniseg is really chuchen's!

For a moment, everyone seemed to be struck by thunder, especially Zheng Weiyan and Chen Yuyan.

"The car keys are real."

Zheng Weiyan swallowed a mouthful of saliva, his heart was full of shock.

After his family was demolished, he got 20 million yuan. From then on, he soared to the sky and became the best of his peers.

Now Chu Chen's car is more than 20 million. By comparison, he is a younger brother.


Dong Guanghao's face turns pale. He suddenly thinks that he once satirized Chu Chen in the group before, and he feels ashamed.

Looking at Chu Chen, Chen YuYan's mood is very complicated.

At this time, her cell phone rang.

Open wechat and see that in the anchor group, the boss of their brokerage company sent an urgent message.

"Inside news, inside news, the chairman of Shark Live has changed. Now the chairman of Shark Live is Chu Chen, who was Shenhao's" nothing brother "before!"

The boss of their brokerage company is a senior brother-in-law of Shark Live Broadcasting, and often gets internal information of Shark Live Broadcasting in advance.

Now when he says that, it means absolute authenticity.

"Who is Chu Chen?"

"Which boss is this? Why haven't you heard of him before?"

Innumerable people in the anchor group are very curious. Why did the boss of their boss change suddenly, and it's still a person they don't know?

In the group, only Chen Yuyan didn't speak. At the moment, her right hand was shaking with her mobile phone.

"Chuchen, are you ok?"

Chen Yuyan suddenly stands up and looks at Chu Chen.

"Yes, what's the matter?"

Chu Chen's subconscious answer.


Hearing the answer, Chen YuYan's body softened and fell on her seat.

She regretted it to the extreme.

"I'll go first."

Chu Chen doesn't want to stay any longer, and he wants to finish the task as soon as possible. Villa is the most important thing.

Finally get rid of the entanglement of those beauties, Chu Chen drives away.

Five minutes later, Chu Chen received the right order and went to the Manshi restaurant not far from here.


Several young men and women came out of Manshi restaurant.

It can be seen from the standing posture of several people that there are two couples among them, and only one girl is single.

Although the girl is single, she has the highest facial value among the three girls, with a score of more than 90 and a height of 1.75 meters.

She has long wavy hair and is better than a model in appearance and figure.

After coming out, two youths went to pick up the car, leaving only three girls.

"It's really plastic sisterhood. It's agreed that we'll have dinner together. How come we've brought boyfriends?"

Among them, the girl with the highest face value spoke.

"Angel, this can not blame us, who let you so good conditions, but do not find a boyfriend?"

Hearing Angie's complaint, Lu Wei explained.

"That's it." Cui Lili agrees.

The three are colleagues in one company.

Although the relationship is better, they still have a strong sense of comparison, especially in the face of angel, who is more beautiful and in good shape.

Although she is not as beautiful as angel, she has an excellent boyfriend.

"When did you find your boyfriend?"

Cui Lili asks Lu Wei curiously.

"I didn't know him for a long time. He pursued me crazily. If he didn't look handsome, I wouldn't agree."

Lu Wei has some ostentatious answers.

Lu Wei and Cui Lili both have boyfriends, but Lu Wei's boyfriend is obviously more handsome than Cui Lili's.

"Although my boyfriend looks average, his family runs a company. Just a few days ago, he bought a more than 1 million Porsche."

Cui Lili said not to be outdone.

Beside, listening to the comparison between the two, angel was very embarrassed.

"Angie, why don't you come with us and I'll let my boyfriend take you?"

Lu Wei suggests to angel.

"Angie, it's absolutely comfortable to ride in my boyfriend's car and just bought a Porsche. Let's go with him."

Cui Lili also spoke.

Angel naturally understood the meaning of the two people to show off, she would not agree.

"No, I have someone to answer."

Now, angel just wants master didi to come early.

Although understand Angie's meaning, but two people still pretend not to hear, ready to persuade Angie.

At this time, a unique roar of super running came.I saw a black ghost like sports car racing, directly stopped in front of them.


"My God

Looking at the super run in front of them, Lu Wei and Cui Lili cover their mouths in shock.

Angel is also very surprised, when Jiangzhou has such a luxury car!

The next second, koniseg's door slowly unfolded like a black wing, and the gas field burst!

Chu Chen got out of the car and recognized angel at the first sight.

"How handsome."

"Such a high face value?"

"Is he a prince?"

Cui Lili and Lu Wei show the expression of flower mania.

"Get in the car?"

Chu Chen looked at angel, light mouth.

Angel a Leng, after confirming the license plate of koniseg, this just got on Chu Chen's car.

The next second, koniseg starts and goes away.

In the same place, only Cui Lili and Lu Wei, who were shocked and amazed, were left.

What's the situation?

How did Angie have a boyfriend?

And so handsome, so rich?

Comparing her boyfriend with angel's, Lu Wei and Cui Lili look ugly.

In koniseg, Angie is still in a daze.

"Are you really a didi driver?"

Angie couldn't help talking.


"You've got more than 20 million koniseggs, and you still drive them?"

"I can't help it. I'm poor."

Angie rolled her eyes when she heard this.

Drive a koniseg, still say poor?

Damn rich people.

It took a few minutes for angel to recover from the shock.

Sitting in the co pilot, angel secretly took a look at Chu Chen, suddenly stunned.

Before angel's attention is on the koniseg, after all, no matter who, Didi taxi, actually hit a more than 20 million sports car, will be stunned.

Gudong, Gudong!

Looking at Chu Chen's side face, angel's heart beats wildly.

"Isn't that handsome?"

Angel quickly shakes her head and pulls herself out.

She hasn't been looking for a boyfriend. She has a high vision.

Now see Chu Chen, angel suddenly understand what is "see astringent..." no, is "love at first sight"!

"Can I add your wechat?"

Angel tries to calm down,.

"Well... OK."

Chu Chen agreed. After all, he was his first passenger.

After sending Angie downstairs, Angie is just going to invite Chu Chen to have tea, but she hasn't had time to speak.

"I'm going."

The next second, Chu dust galloped away.

Just now the sound of the system came up.

[task completed]

[congratulations on getting Yuetan Garden Villa 6]

now, Chu Chen wants to see what his first villa looks like!

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