Guo Haoran, who fell on the ground and pretended to be unconscious, was beaten and kicked by several bridesmaids before he could react.

As a result, I was really knocked out.

In the end, they didn't change the ballroom, and the wedding went on.

After dinner, Chu Chen left the banquet hall first.

Outside, Fei Yongning has been waiting there.

"Where are the people?"

Dare to be on his turf, want to ruin his brother's wedding, good.

"Mr. Chu, I have locked them together."

Under the leadership of Fei Yongning, Chu Chen meets Ma Hezhi, who is already black and blue.


After seeing Chu Chen, how many people are puzzled by Ma Hezhi?

They don't know Chu Chen's identity.

"You don't know what you are."

Fei Yongning kicked Ma Hezhi:

"this is the owner of Xilan International Hotel, general manager Chu."

In an instant, Ma Hezhi and several other dandies fully understood.

Why are those big people here.

As the owner of Xilan International Hotel, he is worth billions.

"I warn you, let me go."

After knowing Chu Chen's identity, Ma Hezhi was not too afraid, but relieved.

It's just a boss of Xilan international hotel. It's OK. It's not like Xue haoqian's 10 billion manager.

"Although you are the owner of Xilan International Hotel, I am also the prince of Mahalanobis group. My father's worth is similar to you."

"We are not afraid of you, not to mention my brothers, who also have great influence in their family."

"You are definitely not our opponent."

Ma Hezhi threatens Chu Chen.

"If you know the truth, you should apologize to us and pay 10 million for the medical expenses."

"Otherwise, you will regret it all your life!"

When Ma Hezhi finished, his friends echoed.

"Yes, let us go, or...

" let us go and apologize. "

Chu Chen sighed and said helplessly:

"originally, I wanted to deal with you. You just gave me an idea."

"In fact, apart from the owner of Xilan International Hotel, I don't have many identities. I'm just the president of Junlin group, the owner of Shuitian villa and the vice president of angel Entertainment Group..."

Chu Chen said a series of identities flatly.

At first, Ma Hezhi didn't think so.

But the more he listened, the more shocked Ma Hezhi was. In the end, he was confused.

He was scared.

Elder brother, is this not much identity?

Can you finish in one minute?

"Soon, you can go home."

Chu Chen said to Fei Yongning.

"Now you contact the families of these people and say that they smashed things in Xilan International Hotel and were detained."

"You don't want to take them away unless you pay them $100 million."


After hearing Chu Chen's words, Ma Hezhi was confused.

They admit that they smashed things.

But it's only a few hundred thousand at most. You want one hundred million!

"By the way, he's going to be treated differently, 300 million."

Pointing to Ma Hezhi, Chu Chen added.


Ma Hezhi screamed.

"It's not fair. It's not fair."

After processing, Chu Chen leaves.

Soon, the first "parent" came.

It was ma Hezhi's father, Ma Tongren.

"Dad, did you really pay 300 million?"

"Son of a bitch, it's OK for you to make trouble at ordinary times. Today, you have provoked president Chu."

Ma was very angry with his son.

300 million, this is 300 million!!!

It's gone.

Not only that, his business has been greatly affected.


Regardless of Ma Hezhi's face, in front of everyone, especially Ma Hezhi's younger brothers, Ma's peers slapped MA in the face.

"From now on, no one is allowed to step out of the house for three years!"


Being unable to go out for three years is more painful than killing Ma Hezhi.


At the end of the wedding, Chu Chen finally stays and chats with Zhou Xingwen.

"Old Chu, thank you very much this time."

Just now, Du Jianbai and his wife told him that they had completely recognized his son-in-law.

Of course, Zhou Xingwen knew that it was because of Chu dust.

Without Chu Chen, he couldn't fulfill his request to his father-in-law and mother-in-law."Between brothers, why are you so polite?"

For Chu Chen, this is really a small thing.

"You can't make much money from your previous work. Go to Shuitian villa later."

Chu Chen has a look. There is still a lack of a deputy director in Shuitian villa. Zhou Xingwen just went there.

Finally, Zhou Xingwen agreed.

Chu Chen left first. At his command, those luxury cars drove back one after another.

Chu Chen's konisege and others also returned to the garage of Yuetan garden villa.

Chu Chen drove Aston Martin back to the eastern sea.

"It's time to buy a piano."

Looking at some empty living room, Chu Chen muttered.

The next day, Chu Chen is going to the mall to have a look at the piano.

Hearing this, Xia Mengqi also put on a mask and beret and asked to go with Chu Chen.

Twenty minutes later, they came to the mall.

In a high-end piano shop, Chu Chen looked around, but there was no suitable one.

Finally Chu Chen ordered a kuhnbosendorfer grand piano.

This kind of piano needs to be customized, and it needs to be built by top piano designers overseas. The process is very exquisite.

As for the price, it's not expensive, 20 million.

After booking the kuhnbosendorfer grand piano, Chu Chen and Xia Mengqi leave.

Now that she's here, Xia Mengqi happens to buy some clothes.

"Chu Chen, what do you think of these shoes?"

In a shop, Xia Mengqi saw a pair of men's shoes for Chu Chen.

"Not bad."


"How about this dress?"

In order to please Chu Chen, let Chu Chen teach himself piano, Xia Mengqi but under the blood.

As long as Chu Chen nods, Xia Mengqi will buy it.

Looking at all this, many customers and clerks in the shop were stunned.

Do you look at their girlfriends?

Especially the boys in the shop are envious of Chu Chen.

When I go shopping with my girlfriend, I always buy things for her.

But when I got here, it was my girlfriend who bought things for my boyfriend.

Well, that's the contrast.

Because of this boy's appearance explosion, he looks very handsome?

The gap.

"Other people's girlfriends."

A young man in the shop was very emotional and envious.

He couldn't help thinking about yesterday.

Yesterday, my girlfriend went shopping and told him she had bought something for him.

It moved him a lot.

After a long time, my girlfriend went shopping and finally bought something for herself.

"I bought you a pair of shoes for 18888."

His girlfriend said to him.

He was deeply distressed.

But after all, it was his girlfriend's first time that he took the initiative to buy a gift. 18888 was 18888, and he recognized it.

However, when his girlfriend took out the shoes he had bought carefully.

He's just stupid.

What the hell is a pair of slippers?

"I bought you shoes and gave you a bag. If you wear shoes, I will stay."

Holding a Hermes bag in her hand, her girlfriend said shyly.

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