Spend 18888 to buy a pair of slippers, gave a Hermes bag?

Who believes that.

Young people's mentality is collapsing at the moment.

You spend 18888 to buy a Hermes, just Hermes, needless to say to buy him a gift.

Let him happy in vain, the result is only a pair of slippers.

The young man cried.

At the moment looking at incomparable enthusiasm, take the initiative to buy things for Chu Chen Xia Mengqi.

He was even more envious, even more sour than five Jin of lemon.

Look at other people's girlfriends. They are gentle, generous and kind to their boyfriends.

It's mainly long legs, and it's beautiful.

Although wearing a mask, can only see part of the face, but Xia Mengqi's high face value is still unable to cover up.

This is someone else's girlfriend in the legend.


Because Xia Mengqi is escaped, so she did not take extra clothes, even in the villa, she wore a white shirt of Chu Chen.

Today, Xia Mengqi naturally wants to buy some clothes.

They came to Prada's store.

Looking at Xia Mengqi, prada store, many men who accompany their wives, girlfriends, or special female friends, it seems.

Long legged beauty.

For a moment, they were stunned and had their own ideas.

Can come to Prada store, these men's value is not low.

When they are ready for further action, they find Chu Chen who is one step slower than Xia Mengqi.

Looking at two people pick clothes together, several men feel pity one after another.

Famous flowers have their own owners, ah.

The main reason is that the host is still so handsome, which makes some men feel ashamed and dare not go to chat up.

They can only look at Chu Chen, "eat lemon", envy.

Only a one meter nine high, some handsome young people do not think so.

He is also very handsome and has money.

This man looks like a little white face.

He wants to find a way to get the long legged beauty's wechat.

Although he has a wife, he also has a girlfriend.

Do you have a wife or a girlfriend?

Yesterday, his wife went abroad to travel, today he accompanied his girlfriend to go shopping.

Just when young people are thinking about how to fancy Xia Mengqi's wechat.

My girlfriend came over and said:

"honey, I've chosen two prada bags. It's 132000."


The young man took a look at Xia Mengqi and Chu Chen not far away, and a light flashed in his mind.

So he said out loud on purpose:

"it's only over 130000, and you can't even spend a million. Are you ashamed?"

Sure enough, the young people's words immediately attracted the attention of most people in the shop.

In particular, a few women who come here alone are even more attractive to young people.

A million?

Already many, in Jiangzhou some ordinary community, can buy a house.

As a result, you don't want to spend a million dollars on your girlfriend?

Is this human language?

Enjoying the admiration and shock, the young man looks at Xia Mengqi and Chu Chen.

But found two as if did not hear his words in general, actually still busy with their own things, choose clothes.

It's a little frustrating for young people.


Can't you do that?

I can't attract the attention of this long legged beauty.

Since the curve is close to no good, then he will point directly and take the initiative to go up to wechat.

Just as the young man was about to do it, two more people came into the shop.

A man in a suit, more than 30 years old, and a man dressed as a shop assistant.

"Manager Lin, that's Mr. Chu."

Pointing to Chu Chen, the shop assistant said.

"Mr. Chu, I'm the owner of the piano shop next to me."

The man in suit walked over politely.

"Just now, you're sure you didn't make a mistake. It's going to cost 20 million to buy a kuhnbosendorfer grand piano?"

The man in the suit asked.

Just now, he was not in the store. Chu Chen was received by this clerk.

Back in the store, the clerk told the manager about Chu Chen, which shocked the manager.

To buy 20 million pianos?

You know, not to mention in Jiangzhou, or even in Tiannan Province, such a large order can not be found in a year.

They only have one branch here, and their head office has hundreds of branches all over the country, and they also have business overseas, cooperating with some big companies.

Such a large single order has not appeared for a long time.20 million for a piano?

What's the situation?

The manager doubted whether there was something wrong with the order, so he and the clerk looked for it in the mall for a long time and found Chu Chen.

He wants to ask in person.

When the manager said this, the whole store was dead.

20 million?

This young man actually wants to buy a 20 million piano?

Is he super rich and handsome?

Instantly, countless women looked at Chu Chen Leng, and a few even took the initiative to give Chu Chen eyes.

Compared with him, the young man who just said he couldn't spend a million yuan is nothing at all.

The young man who just stretched out his foot and was ready to go up to Xia Mengqi's wechat directly froze there, with his right foot in mid air.

The whole person is stupid.

20... 20 million pianos?

Is there any mistake?

Compared with 2000, one million is nothing.

The next second, he immediately closed his feet, no longer close to Chu Chen and Xia Mengqi, but back again and again.

It's terrible.

No, No.

He wants to stay away from this mysterious local tyrant.

"Honey, I've chosen it again. I bought 768 thousand things this time. Although they can't meet your requirements, they are quite a lot."

The young man's girlfriend came over.

"I've asked the clerk to pack all the bags, and now it's up to you to pay."

"Honey, you are so kind to me. I love you so much."

My girlfriend is very excited and happy.

Hearing this, the young man froze again...

confirmed with the manager of the piano shop that he did not make a mistake.

The manager of the piano shop was shocked and excited, with a large order of 20 million.

He can only say that Mr. Chu is awesome!

After shopping, Chu Chen and Xia Mengqi return to the eastern sea.

In the afternoon, Chu Chen drives out to Yan Luoshui's company.

Recently, several big orders have been negotiated. Yan Luoshui is going to celebrate. She has a big banquet hall to hold a party.

At the request of countless employees, especially female employees, Yan Luoshui invited stars to meet their requirements.

These big orders were signed so smoothly because of Chu Chen. Yan Luoshui invited Chu Chen to come.

Twenty minutes later, Chu Chen came to Yan Luoshui's company.

Come to Yan Luoshui's office, the door is open, Chu Chen found Yan Luoshui is sitting there worrying, very angry.

Dong Dong Dong.

Chu Chen knocked on the door and came in.

"What's the matter?"

After seeing Chu Chen, Yan Luoshui immediately smiles.

"Well, it's not because of the big star."

Yan Luoshui very helpless mouth.

This star is only at the level of the second and third tier. Yan Luoshui is very polite. He ordered a presidential suite for him and sent someone to pick him up.

It turned out to be a problem.

That star actually played a big card and said a lot of rude and excessive demands!

This makes Yan Luoshui very upset, and the party will start soon.

What are you doing at this time?

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