Huang Ruihan has to admit that Chu Chen is really good at playing and has a master's style.

But that's not what he wanted.

The scene he imagined was that Chu Chen came on stage and was despised and abused by countless audiences. At last, he was even smashed to make him roll down.

But now...

he's embarrassed.

"Damn it."

Looking at Chu Chen, Huang Ruihan was extremely venomous, like a poisonous snake hidden in the dark.

"Boy, you wait."

Put a cruel words, Huang Ruihan turned to leave.

When he came backstage, Huang Ruihan said to the female assistant:

"pack up and let's go."

After that, Huang Ruihan angrily walked out.

Just then a female clerk opened the door and was ready to come in.

Huang Ruihan walked forward, not paying attention at all.

They happened to bump into each other.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Although it was Huang Ruihan's fault, the female staff member had just graduated from university and was young, so she immediately apologized.


The next second, I haven't waited for the female staff to respond.

Huang Ruihan suddenly hit the girl in the face with a slap.

In an instant, a red palm print appeared on the female staff's face.

"Bitch, don't you see me going out?"

Huang Ruihan's domineering anger at the female staff.

Originally, because of Chu Chen, Huang Ruihan was very upset and had a fire hidden in his heart.

It happened to meet the female staff, so Huang Ruihan put the fire on her.


Huang Ruihan slapped the other half of the female staff in the face.

The female staff member, who had been beaten, was very aggrieved and tearful. She was slapped the second time and cried completely. She was weak and helpless.

"Slut, that is, I'm generous. I don't agree with you. Otherwise, I'll let you go today."

Huang Ruihan scolded and was ready to leave.



Two shouts came.

Yan Luoshui and Chu Chen came backstage.

Chu Chen after playing, and Yan Luoshui will and, did not expect just came in, saw such a thing.

Thus, Chu Chen and Yan Luoshui subconsciously opened their mouths.

"Mr. Yan."

The female staff member shed tears and spoke very wrongly.

Yan Luoshui quickly came forward to check her condition.

Chu Chen comes to Huang Ruihan coldly and blocks Huang Ruihan's way out.

"Now, apologize to her immediately."

Chu Chen rebukes Huang Ruihan without any doubt.

"What are you?"

After a look at Chu Chen, Huang Ruihan spat. Originally, he hated Chu Chen very much.

At this point, he tore his face.

After that, Huang Ruihan and his female agent are ready to leave.

"I want you to apologize to her!"

A cold voice came.

Standing there, a cold light flashed through Chu Chen's eyes.

"Let me apologize to her, she doesn't deserve it, and you don't deserve it..."

Huang Ruihan didn't take Chu Chen's words seriously and refuted them directly.


Huang Ruihan's words had not finished, and he was slapped directly.

This slap, Chu Chen used all his strength, the strength can be much bigger than this waste little fresh meat.

A slap down, Huang Ruihan directly turned around, head hard knock to the wall.

In a flash, Huang Ruihan was confused.

"Are you human? How can you beat our family?"

Looking at Huang Ruihan being beaten, the female agent immediately stands out and angrily rebukes Chu Chen.

Chu Chen sneered and replied:

"I'm human, and I don't usually hit people, but this time I'm not human."

Chu Chen seldom does it. He is a man of civilization.

Why use money to solve things?

But this time, Chu Chen couldn't help it.

It's just a second - and third tier little star. It's nothing. I dare to be so presumptuous in front of myself.

Don't mention a Huang Ruihan, even if he is a big star, dare to beat people in front of him, still so domineering.

Chu Chen will certainly teach him the truth of keeping a low profile.

"You will pay for it, pay for it!"

Pointing to Chu Chen, Huang Ruihan's female agent looks like a shrew.


Yan Luoshui can't help it. She slaps the female agent with the same hand.

"What are you to talk to him like that?"

Yan Luoshui scolds the female agent.At this time, Yan Luoshui showed her hegemony as a female president.

Looking at Yan Luoshui, she was completely frightened by Yan Luoshui's aura, and the female agent didn't dare to speak.

"I want you to apologize to her."

Pull the female staff over just now, Chu Chen sternly orders Huang Ruihan.

At the moment, Huang Ruihan also eased over and covered his face.

Looking at Chu Chen, he was extremely resentful.

"You dare to hit me, do you know who is standing behind me?"

Huang Ruihan scolds Chu Chen.

"You're dead, you're dead!"

While saying this, Huang Ruihan took out his mobile phone and was ready to make a call.

Hear here, know Huang Ruihan is a very popular star.

Despite being wronged and afraid of causing big trouble to Chu Chen and Yan Luoshui, the female staff member just said: "Mr. Chu, Mr. Yan, let's forget it...

" it's OK. "

Chu Chen waved his hand and said, "just let him fight. I'll see what waves he can make."

It was soon known by the staff outside.

"How dare Huang Ruihan hit people?"

"If you want to leave without apologizing, why not be a star?"

"Can stars be superior?"

Countless employees were filled with righteous indignation.

There are six or seven strong male employees took the initiative to stand out, came to the backstage, completely blocked the way out.

If you don't apologize today, Huang Ruihan won't leave.

"Sister Cui, I've been beaten. You must support me."

When calling, Huang Ruihan looks aggrieved and acts coquetry to the people inside.


Hearing this, sister Cui was furious.

"Where are you? Tell me that those who dare to beat me don't want to mix up?"

Sister Cui happens to be in Jiangzhou.

She knew that Huang Ruihan was also there. She wanted Huang Ruihan to accompany her in the hotel tonight.

Didn't expect that Huang Ruihan was beaten?

"I'm at...

Huang Ruihan told sister Cui the address.

"I'll be there in a minute."

Huang Ruihan has just followed her, and now she is in the red. Naturally, sister Cui attaches great importance to her.

Hang up the phone, Huang Ruihan pointed to Chu Chen, arrogantly said:

"you are finished."

"I tell you, sister Cui is a shareholder of Haojia entertainment, and her contacts are all over Tiannan province."

"When sister Cui comes, it's your time to die."

Haojia entertainment, the top three Entertainment Group in Tiannan Province, has assets of nearly 10 billion.

For many people, it's a giant.

Hearing this, the female staff became nervous.

"I'm waiting for your sister Cui to come."

Chu Chen sits down and opens his mouth lightly.

Just now, he also sent out a message, simple and clear - the whole network block Huang Ruihan.

Chu Chen wants to see if Huang Ruihan's Cui sister comes first, or Huang Ruihan is blocked by the whole network first!

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