Ten minutes later, Huang Ruihan's sister Cui arrived.

Sister Cui is a rich woman in her forties and fifties.

She is a director of Haojia entertainment group. She has been in the entertainment circle for more than 20 years and has accumulated a large number of contacts. She is honored as "sister Cui".

With Cui Jie, there are more than a dozen bodyguards in black. It's said that Huang Ruihan was beaten. Cui Jie specially called him.

"Who dares to beat our little yellow?"

"Who's the big man? Let me see."

While saying that, Cui Jie and a group of bodyguards rushed into the backstage.

Looking at Cui Jie and a group of bodyguards in black, the backstage staff were scared and stepped back in fear.

"Sister Cui, that's him, that's him."

See their own backer, Huang Ruihan ran to Cui Jie's side, pointing to Chu Chen, arrogant said.

Looking in the direction that Huang Ruihan pointed out, sister Cui was stunned. She was so handsome.

But now it's not about being handsome.

Cui Jie still has a lot of self-control. Now is the hottest time for Huang Ruihan. Can she create a lot of value?

Therefore, Cui Jie naturally wants to support Huang Ruihan.

"Is it you who beat Xiao Huang?"

Sister Cui asked Chu Chen with a sneer.

"So what?"

Chu Chen light answer.

"Good boy."

Cui Jie's heart rose a fury, just when she was ready to scold Chu Chen.

The assistant next to him suddenly came up.

"Sister Cui, it's bad. Something's wrong."

She whispered in her ear.

"What, what do you say?"

After hearing this, sister Cui's face changed greatly, and she looked unbelievable.

"Impossible, absolutely not?"

"How long has it been? How can it be so fast?"

Sister Cui shook her head again and again, but she still refused and did not dare to imagine.

"You see."

Assistant did not explain too much, directly took out the mobile phone, opened the microblog, handed it over.

"Shocked, Huang Ruihan's private life is chaotic and has improper relationship with female fans."

"Huang Ruihan has been treated many times."

Once opened, Huang Ruihan took up two of the top 20 microblog hot search lists.

Moreover, these two hot searches are still on the rise, and obviously have the potential to enter the top ten of the hot search list.

Cui Jie was directly confused.

"How could that be?"

With so many years of experience, Cui Jie immediately understood that Huang Ruihan must have been punished.

Besides, it should be a peer, otherwise, it's impossible to get two pieces of news that can make it into the top ten of the hot search list so quickly.

At this time, sister Cui's mobile phone also rang.

At first glance, it turned out to be a senior group of Haojia entertainment group.

"Huang Ruihan is blocked by the whole network."

At one o'clock, it was a message from the president of Haojia entertainment group.

Block the whole network!

Oh, my God!

What happened.

Just now, she didn't have anything to do before she came here. It's only ten minutes since she was directly blocked by the whole network?

So fast?

Just as she was thinking, the president of Haojia Entertainment Group opened her mouth.

"This is the decision of a big group in the circle. Lao Cui, remember to contact Huang Ruihan and ask him to compensate us for the liquidated damages."

Big shot?

Looking at the president's words, sister Cui was even more surprised.

What boss did Huang Ruihan offend?

When Cui Jie thought about it, she accidentally saw Chu Chen.

Looking at Chu Chen's calm appearance, elder martial sister Cui immediately understood.

Also right, under the protection of the group before, Huang Ruihan did not commit any major crimes.

If anything happens, it's just now.

The next second, sister Cui immediately flattered and laughed.

"I don't know the name of this gentleman?"


"It turned out to be president Chu. I've been looking up to you for a long time."

In the next second, Cui's words are amazing;

"I think what you did just now is right."

"It's very good of you to fight. If I were you, I would fight to death. Huang Ruihan deserves it!"

In a flash, the whole backstage people are confused?

What's the situation?

Isn't sister Cui here to support Huang Ruihan?

How did this happen?

"Sister Cui, what do you say?"

Huang Ruihan was confused at first and couldn't help asking sister Cui loudly.


However, Cui Jie answered him with a loud slap in the face.

"You guys, fight me to death."Pointing at Huang Ruihan, Cui ordered.

Huang Ruihan is completely stupid.

"Sister Cui, you can't do this. I'm your man. I'm still a star now!"

Yelled Huang Ruihan.

"Ha ha, you have been blocked by the whole network, don't you know?"

Sister Cui sneered and answered Huang Ruihan.


"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Huang Ruihan didn't believe it at all.

Cui gave her assistant a look, and she handed her cell phone to her.


At a glance, Huang Ruihan was scared to shiver, and his mobile phone fell to the ground directly.

"How could it be, how could it be?"

Huang Ruihan looks shocked.


Before he finished, Cui Jie's bodyguards began to fight. Huang Ruihan could not say anything but screamed.

It's worth sacrificing a Huang Ruihan to calm the anger of this great man.

"Mr. Chu, I have made a clear investigation of today's affairs."

"It's all Huang Ruihan's fault. Our company has dismissed him and is ready to take him to court in the name of breach of contract."

Cui Jie extremely polite to Chu Chen said.

The backstage staff were shocked.

What's the background of President Chu? It's hard for Cui Jie, who is so aggressive, to do so.

"By the way, in order to apologize, I'll pay for all the expenses tonight."

Cui added.

"Are you satisfied?"

"Ask Huang Ruihan to apologize to her." Chu Chen pointed to the female staff who was beaten next to him.

"Yes, yes."

Under the sign of Cui Jie, two bodyguards set up Huang Ruihan and came over.


"Yes... Yes... Bu... Qi?"

At the moment, Huang Ruihan, with a black nose and a swollen face, has lost his voice.

He regretted it to the extreme.

He shouldn't have called Cui Jie.

If he doesn't come, he apologizes and may leave.

Originally he thought the backer, will give him support Cui Jie came.

As a result, he was afraid to lie down and was carried out.

"Do you accept it?" Chu Chen asked the female staff,


Already frightened, the female clerk nodded.

"Go away."

He waved his hand. Chu Chen didn't want to see them.

"Yes, yes."

Quickly asked the assistant to pay all the expenses here, Cui Jie took Huang Ruihan to leave.


"Mr. Chu is a bull!"

"President Chu is powerful!"

Seeing Cui Jie and Huang Ruihan who were carried away, all the employees cheered.

Many female employees look at Chu Chen, but also beautiful eyes, adoration.

After the party, Chu Chen returned to the eastern sea.

In the evening, he received a phone call he didn't know.

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