I answered the phone. It's my teacher's mother.

It turns out that Mr. Gao left the hospital today, and his mother called to thank Chu Chen. After all, Chu Chen helped them find experts.

Because Mr. Gao and his teacher's mother had no respect, she asked her daughter Gao Shiyun to invite Chu Chen to dinner and express her gratitude face to face.

"It's very kind of you, madam."

In the end, Chu Chen agreed to the teacher's mother.

The next day, Chu Chen drove to the appointed place.

Gao Shiyun has been waiting there.

In order to express his gratitude to Chu Chen, Gao Shiyun specially ordered a private room, which was more grand.

Meet Gao Shiyun and walk into the restaurant together.

"Hello, 309 private room, Gao Shiyun."

Gao Shiyun said to the receptionist.

After checking, the waiter said:

"OK, please follow me."

With that, the waiter is ready to take Chu Chen and Gao Shiyun to Room 309.

But she was stopped before she left.

"Wait a minute, why don't I ask for a private room?"

"They have?"

The voice of a young man with the appearance of a dog.

"Do you know that my eldest brother is coming to dinner and doesn't even have a private room? That's insulting him."

The waiter quickly explained:

"I'm sorry, these two people have reserved a private room here before."

"Do you have any other private rooms that have been reserved and the guests haven't come yet?"

Asked the young man.

The waiter checked and shook his head.

"This is the last one. The other private rooms are full."

Hearing this, the young man looks at Chu Chen and Gao Shiyun.

There are no other private rooms. I'm sorry.

"I'll take your private room."

"Give me the key to the private room."

The young man said without any doubt.

This time, he invited his elder brother to dinner. How can he eat out?

Isn't this the face of big brother?

"Why should we give it to you?"

Gao Shiyun refutes.

With that, she was ready to go upstairs with Chu Chen.

But young people stand in their way.

"Do you know who my elder brother is?"

The young man said with pride:

"my elder brother is the prince of Xinhe company, Tan mengle and Tan Shao."

Xinhe company?

Hear here, no matter be Gao Shiyun, still a few waiters beside are all one Leng.

That's a billion dollar company.

Didn't you expect that this young man's big brother was so powerful?

"Sir, would you like to give him the private room?"

A waiter said to Chu Chen and Gao Shiyun.

"I've heard that Tan Shao is a famous dandy. He has a group of young men who do evil deeds."

"He's not something ordinary people like us can afford."

The waiter whispered to remind Chu Chen and Gao Shiyun.

"Ha ha, did you hear that?"

Young people are very proud to hear what the waiter said.

See, this is his big brother?

That's how it works.

"Xinhe company, Tan mengle, I really want to hear about it from where?"

Chu Chen couldn't help muttering.

He really had that impression.

"Eh, I didn't expect you to know my elder brother?"

The young man's eyes brightened.

"Don't you give up the private room when you know my elder brother is so powerful?"

"Give me the key to the private room."

He thought Chu Chen had heard of his elder brother's reputation, so he became more arrogant.

However, Chu Chen's next words, to let him embarrassed live.

"Maybe it's a little guy who didn't pay much attention?"

After thinking about it for a while, Chu Chen didn't want to think about it.

If he is really a big man, he should be impressed.


Not to mention Tan mengle's younger brother, even a few waiters were confused.

You're acting too much, aren't you?

The prince of the company!

You mean nobody?

Several waiters can't help shaking their heads. Although this little brother is very handsome, he has no brain?

They don't look at places or people.

"Ha ha ha."

Tan mengle's younger brother is laughing.

"Let's have a look. Here's a fool."

"I said that my eldest brother, Tan mengle, the prince of Xinhe company, was a nobody. I laughed to death."

Around a few guests can not help but look over."Prince of Xinhe group?"

"That's really a young master."

"After a few years, he inherited Xinhe company from his father. He is a big man worth more than one billion."

"He actually said that Tan mengle was a nobody?"

Looking at Chu Chen, these guests can't help shaking their heads.

"You'd better go."

"After a while, Tan mengle will come, but he will be in trouble."

Some people also advise Chu Chen to leave quickly, otherwise when Tan mengle comes, Chu Chen will be in danger.

Their voice had just dropped. Outside, a young man in a white suit came slowly to the door.

After seeing the youth, the young man walked over quickly.

It turns out that the young man is the prince of Xinhe group, Tan mengle.

"Big brother, just now someone said you are a small man."

"And he robbed the private room I prepared for you. It's too much."

Younger brother, the villain first complains and angrily rebukes Chu Chen.


Tan mengle was instantly angry.


"how dare you say I'm a nobody and rob my private room? I'm impatient?"

Seeing this, the guests shook their heads.

They feel sorry for Chu Chen.

It's the end of provoking such a dandy.

The waiter also retreats to one side, away from Chu Chen, for fear that Tan mengle, when Tan Shao finds Chu Chen's trouble, will affect him.

Beside Chu Chen, Gao Shiyun is also nervous. She takes out her mobile phone and is ready to call the police at any time.

"Big brother, that's him."

The younger brother quickly steps forward and points to Chu Chen.

Holding his head high and wearing a white suit, Tan mengle swaggered in.

Look in the direction of my little brother's finger.

The next second, Tan mengle seemed to be struck by thunder and froze in place.

Is... Is... He?!

Tan mengle's whole body trembled and he was stunned.


Did not stand firm, Tan mengle suddenly fell, fell a dog gnawing mud, as if kowtow to Chu Chen.

Seeing this, people were stunned.

"Brother, what's the matter with you?"

My younger brother rushed to help Tan mengle, but was pushed away by Tan mengle.

"Go away, you go away for me!"

Tan mengle was furious and scolded his younger brother.

How can this son of a bitch provoke this "immortal"!

He just escaped from this "immortal".

It turns out that Tan mengle was the dandy who made trouble at Zhou Xingwen's wedding with Ma Hezhi.

The family only spent 100 million to get him out of Chu Chen.

I didn't expect that it was only long before I met this "immortal"?

After the wedding, he naturally knew the horror of Chu Chen.

If you provoke him again this time, I'm afraid it won't be 100 million.

Tan mengle's mind whirled wildly and suddenly lit up.

Climbing on the ground, Tan mengle changed his posture and said:

"little brother Tan mengle, pay New Year's greetings to President Chu and wish him a happy new year ahead of time."

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