Anyway, now his posture is similar to kowtow, so tan mengle adapts to circumstances.

New year's greetings to Chu Chen, although it is still five or six months before the new year.

But don't delay your early New Year's greetings.

I'm so polite. Shouldn't this "immortal" be hard on himself?

Tan mengle was very nervous.

He vowed that he would educate the mentally handicapped boy hard in a moment.

He's so smart, how can he recruit such a mental handicap to be a younger brother?

It's an insult to him.

"Little brother Tan mengle, pay New Year's greetings to President Chu, and wish president Chu a happy new year in advance!"

Hearing Tan mengle's words and looking at Tan mengle's actions, all the people present were stunned.

What's the situation?

How can tangxin and the prince of the company do this?

Five or six months in advance, kowtow to new year?

The guests looked at each other without understanding.

The waiter retreated to one side with a blank face. What happened just now?

Is her eye wrong?

Is this the prince of Xinhe company?

As for Tan mengle's younger brother, he was frozen in the same place, with an incredible look.

This is his big brother?

That can't, arrogant big brother?

The prince of Xinhe group?

No kidding?

My younger brother became suspicious and couldn't accept the appearance of Tan mengle.

As for Gao Shiyun, looking at the mobile phone ready to dial out, he was at a loss.

"Do you know the rules so well?"

Looking at Tan mengle kowtow to himself, Chu Chen is very surprised.

No, Tan mengle knows the rules so well. He should be polite himself.

So Chu Chen quickly touched the pocket, but did not find any cash.

So he asked Gao Shiyun next to him.

"Do you have any cash with you?"

Gao Shiyun looks for it, and finally finds several pieces of steel.

Chu Chen took one of them and said to tan mengle on the ground:

"nephew Tan Xian is very polite. It's the lucky money that uncle Chu gave you."

With that, Chu Chen handed over a piece of steel.

I have a polite nephew for no reason, really...

nephew tan?

Uncle Chu?

The crowd is more sluggish.

You seem younger than Tan mengle.

"Poof Pooh."

Beside, the waitress couldn't help laughing.

"Boy, are you insulting my elder brother?"

Tan mengle's younger brother is even more angry, denouncing Chu Chen.

If his elder brother is the nephew of Chu CHENXIAN, what is Chu Chen himself?


With so many grandfathers younger than himself, Tan mengle is naturally unhappy. No, he is very unhappy.

The next moment, so that Tan mengle little brother never thought of is.

His usual domineering elder brother took a piece of steel from Chu Chen with great excitement. He looked scared, even very excited and happy.

Then something happened that I didn't expect.

"Thank you so much, uncle Chu!"

"Uncle Chu is so kind to me."

Taking the coin, Tan mengle was ecstatic, not only did not feel angry because he had an uncle.

On the contrary, he was overjoyed and excited.

Don't say Chu Chen is a generation higher than himself and becomes his uncle. Even if he is a little higher, why not be his grandfather?

He is so happy to have such a powerful "elder".

"You're welcome."

Chu Chen replied at will.

Tan mengle was so polite that he couldn't remember.

If he had known that, he should have collected less money from Tan mengle that day. Instead of 100 million yuan, he only needed 99.9999 million yuan.

After that, Chu Chen turns around and Gao Shiyun goes upstairs.

In situ, leaving only a face of muddleheaded people.

What a situation!

Originally, they thought that the young master Tan mengle would teach chuchen a lesson.

Unexpectedly, in the end, Tan mengle kowtows, pays new year's greetings to Chu Chen, and even recognizes an "Uncle"?

It's just incredible.

I'm afraid there won't be such a plot even in the movie?

As a result, it appeared in front of their eyes.

Dog blood, dog blood!

Several onlookers shook their heads and left.

And Tan mengle's younger brother looks at Tan mengle with disgust.He doesn't have such a big brother?

How can you be so spineless?

If it's him, it won't be like this even if he's killed?

Be a man, backbone is the most important!!!

Respectfully watching Chu Chen leave, excited Tan mengle extremely respectfully put Chu Chen to a dollar away.

Turned around, but found a look of disgust at his younger brother, Tan mengle's face suddenly changed.

I was despised by my younger brother?

It's my uncle's.

"Do you know who he is?"

Asked Tan mengle.

"Who is it?"

Little brother looks puzzled.

"Do you know my elder brother Ma Hezhi?" Tan mengle asked again.

"Of course, brother Ma, that's a real big shot."

When it comes to Ma Hezhi, my younger brother has become extremely adored and yearning.

"The prince of Mahalanobis group..."

but before he finished, Tan mengle's words made him stupid.

"Not long ago, Ma Hezhi was beaten black and blue because he offended a super big man. His family lost 300 million yuan, which made him come out."

"And because of this, Ma Hezhi was punished for not going out of the house for three years."

"It's him that Ma Hezhi offended

Tan mengle was filled with emotion.

When it comes to Ma Hezhi, he has a sense of superiority. You see, Ma Hezhi lost 300 million, but he only lost 100 million.

Uncle Chu is just right with himself.

When my younger brother thought it was like this, Tan mengle asked again:

"do you know yuan Yunfa, Ren Feihan and Xue haoqian?"

Hearing these three names in a row, my little brother nodded abruptly.

Although in his eyes, Tan mengle, Ma Hezhi are all big figures.

But compared with these people, it's not worth mentioning at all.

Even their parents should be respectful when they see them.

These three are all big figures in the business circles in Jiangzhou. Which one has no assets of 10 billion.

"It's the three big men who are so powerful. When they see Chu Chen, no, it's uncle Chu. They are all flattering and polite."

"You say, how awesome is he?"

Tan mengle asked his younger brother.

After hearing this, I was shocked.

Oh, my God!

"Grandfather, you are my grandfather Chu."

The next second, the younger brother quickly changed his tongue and called grandfather directly.

It's not too much for such a big man to call grandfather.

Looking at the little brother called grandfather, Tan mengle nodded with satisfaction, very proud in the heart.

I'm really ignorant.

Chu Chen called his nephew, he can blow for a year!

No, it's a lifetime!

Thinking, Tan mengle and his younger brother happily found a seat and prepared to eat.

Uncle Chu is in the private room. Of course, he doesn't deserve to go to the private room. It's good to eat outside.

After dinner, Chu Chen and Gao Shiyun go downstairs.

Surprised to find that Tan mengle is still there.

After seeing Chu Chen, Tan mengle and his younger brother took the initiative to stand up and greet him.

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