"Make it clear that the big man came to Jiangzhou some time ago, and now he is relaxing in Shuitian villa."

Hand respectfully to Pengze said.

"Well, I'll go to Shuitian villa right away and try to meet him tonight."

Nodding to Peng Ze, he went to Jiangzhou for the sake of this great man.

"By the way, Xia Mengqi, have you found it?"

The second reason he came to Jiangzhou is to find Xia Mengqi.

Xia Mengqi was the first to escape from him.

Dare to go against his wishes, Xia Mengqi is also the first.


the men were silent. They didn't expect it.


He scolded Peng Ze.

"Bitch, you don't want me to find you, otherwise, I will make you regret all your life."

With that, he showed a shadowy smile on Peng Ze's face.

"Let's go straight to Shuitian villa."

Order to Pengze.

In the evening, through the introduction of others, he was lucky to meet the big man, and the big man had a good impression on him.

In order to continue to have a good relationship with big people, Xiang Pengze stayed in Shuitian villa.


The next day, Chu Chen and Xia Mengqi drive to Shuitian villa.

He hasn't been here for a long time.

It's a good time to have a look at the development of the villa recently.

Chu Chen and Xia Mengqi play for a while, Chu Chen let Xia Mengqi stay here for a while.

He went to the villa headquarters to inspect the recent situation of the villa.

After that, Chu Chen left.

During the period, Xia Mengqi was hungry, so she went outside to buy some food.


On the street, to Pengze that hand to see the distance of Xia Mengqi, very surprised.

Got it!

Finally found it!

As the saying goes, "if you want to plant flowers, you can't blossom, but if you don't want to plant willows, you can make them shade." that's right.

Before he tried his best, he and his bodyguards turned Jiangzhou over, but they didn't find Xia Mengqi.

Did not expect to give up temporarily, accompany to less together Shuitian villa, but found Xia Mengqi!

"I'm going to make a great contribution."

I'm so excited.

"You, please go to less with people, I quietly follow Xia Mengqi, to prevent her from running away."

Xiang Shao said to his companions.

"Well, I'll be right there."

After that, the companion left quietly and went straight to Shao's house.


"Xia Mengqi is also in Shuitian villa?"

Hearing his words, Peng Ze was inspired.

Yesterday, he also said that if he found Xia Mengqi, he must make this bitch regret. He didn't expect to find it today.

"How dare you show up so openly?"

To Peng Ze bite a tooth, insidious say.


The next second, call Peng Ze and his eight bodyguards.

Soon, the bodyguards gathered outside the hotel.

Xiang Shao, with a group of bodyguards, angrily goes to the place where Xia Mengqi is found.

Ten minutes later, I saw Xiang Shao and a group of bodyguards coming.

His men ran to him.

"Xiang Shao, she's in it."

Pointing to the bowling alley in front of him, he said for sure.


With a wave of his hand and a cigar in his mouth, Xiang Shao walks into the bowling alley.

With a burst of noise, Xia Mengqi also noticed the abnormality.

"Xia Mengqi, where do I see you escape today?"

Before Xia Mengqi could react, an arrogant voice came.

The next second, Peng Ze rushed in with his bodyguards.

Looking at Xia Mengqi playfully to Pengze, like a poisonous snake.

In the face of Xiang Pengze, a group of bodyguards and other guests in the bowling alley, they are very nervous and scared.

They all retreated to the corner.

Xia Mengqi is also face big change, ready to run out from another exit.

However, Xia Mengqi turned her head.

The other exit was blocked by two fierce bodyguards to Pengze.

"Run, run again?"

To Peng Ze ferocious smile, in the heart incomparably proud.

I finally got this bitch.


Xia Mengqi got nervous, took out her mobile phone and was ready to make a phone call.

But to Pengze's that hand eye quick hand quick, grabbed Xia Mengqi's mobile phone, fell to the ground mercilessly.

"I still want to call. I'm dreaming."

He sneered at Peng Ze.Seeing that her mobile phone was broken, Xia Mengqi turned pale and nervous to the extreme.

Other guests see here, have shaken their heads, finished, the beauty is finished.

It's such a villain.

Oh, what a pity.

"To Peng Ze, I'll tell you that I've signed a contract. Now it's too late for you to ask me to renew it."

Xia Mengqi opens her mouth.

"Ha ha ha."

Xia Mengqi's words are not believed by Peng Ze.

"And you signed?"

"Today, I will have a look at Peng Ze. Who dares to sign a contract with you?"

"Who has the guts!"

It's arrogant to speak to Peng Ze.

"I don't know."

To Peng Ze's voice just fell, a faint voice came.

The next second, only to see a face explosion of young people slowly came out.

Even in the face of several vicious bodyguards to Pengze, the young people are still indifferent.


After seeing Chu Chen, he frowned at Peng Ze.

After thinking for a while, he didn't remember that there was such a number one in the entertainment industry.

"Boy, you're fine."

Looking at Chu Chen, he disagrees with Peng Ze.

"Dare to fight me, you are the first one."

The next second, to Pengze behind the two bodyguards stood out, slowly to Chu dust.

Seeing this, the other guests closed their eyes.

They knew that this young man would come to a terrible end.

They couldn't bear to see such a miserable scene.

So close your eyes, quietly waiting for the scream to come.


"It's killing me."

Finally, the scream came.

The crowd sighed and opened their eyes.

However, they were stunned by the scene they saw.

What's going on?

Originally they thought they would lie on the ground and scream, but now they are standing there intact.

Instead, the two tall bodyguards fell to the ground and screamed.

"Boss, it's settled."

Solved to Peng Ze's bodyguard, two people in black suit retreat, respectfully said to Chu Chen.

In order to protect the safety of Shuitian villa and prevent any hidden danger.

In addition to the bodyguards on the surface, plain clothes security guards are arranged in Shuitian villa. They don't need to wear security uniform.

Moreover, these plainclothes security guards are very skilled and have received special training.

"What did I think?"

Looking at Chu Chen's two men, to Peng Ze a face of disdain.

"Isn't there just two bodyguards?"

"Even if it's good, can it be more than us?"

Give Peng Ze a look, and the remaining six bodyguards walk to Chu Chen.

"More than people, right?"


Chu Chen clapped his hands.

The next second, twenty or thirty plainclothes security guards came in.

Directly surrounded Xiang Pengze and his bodyguards.

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