Looking at the black people around, he changed his face to Peng Ze.

Originally, he thought he had eight bodyguards with him, which was exaggerated.

After all, a normal boss or something usually takes two or three bodyguards when he goes out.

I take eight bodyguards every time I go out to pretend to be forced.

However, after seeing Chu Chen's bodyguard, he immediately convinced Peng Ze.

Big brother, you are big brother.

I only have eight bodyguards, but you have twenty or thirty bodyguards.

You're awesome!

As for Xiang Pengze's bodyguards, they were even more scared at the moment.

Even if they can fight again, they can't resist these 20 or 30 people.

There are so many people. If one punches them at will, they are finished.

The two bodyguards who were beaten down just now were lying on the ground pretending to be dead.

This scene, who gets up, who is a fool.

As for the onlookers, they were even more shocked at the moment.

At the moment, all their languages come together, only two words - lying trough!

Go out with 20 or 30 men, absolute cattle.

Chu Chen spoke slowly:

"now, do you still think you are very powerful?"

Hearing this, he stopped talking to Pengze.

After a long time, he asked:

"who are you?"

Xiang Pengze really can't remember and dare not guess. He takes 20 or 30 bodyguards with him at any time. What is Chu Chen.

"Chu Chen, President of angel entertainment group."

"Angel entertainment group?"

To Peng Ze extremely surprised, whispered a word.

As a person in the entertainment circle, he is very familiar with angel entertainment.

Isn't the boss of angel entertainment group Zhang Zimo? Is he replaced?

It's too young.

He was envious of Peng Ze for a while.

When I became president at such a young age, I was just a vice president.

"President Chu."

Although he was a little polite, he didn't show much respect to Peng Ze.

Knowing Chu Chen's identity, Xiang Pengze is not so afraid.

Originally, he thought that Chu Chen with so many bodyguards, must be something super big.

It turned out to be just the president of angel entertainment.

He admits that his father's voice crown entertainment is not as good as angel entertainment, but it is also a large group with a total asset of 20 billion.

It's just a little worse than Angel entertainment.

After all, angel entertainment is no longer the top ten Entertainment Group in China.

"Well, I'm sorry about today."

"Let's go."

After that, Xiang Pengze wanted to leave here with a group of his subordinates.

However, surrounded by the plain clothes security guards of Chu Chen, they could not go out at all.

"Do you think it's possible to leave like this?"

Chu Chen coldly said to Peng Ze.

"First, you broke Xia Mengqi's mobile phone. If you want to compensate, you should pay 100 million."

"Second, dare to move Xia Mengqi, you should have a long memory."

Chu Chen's mood at the moment is not good, he just said yesterday, no one dares to move Xia Mengqi again.

Today, Xiang Pengze jumped out.

Chu Chen wants to take this opportunity to set an example to others!

After all, Xia Mengqi readily signed a contract with herself and got 33% of the shares of angel entertainment group, increasing her value by 10 billion yuan.

Chu Chen naturally has to keep his word.

"A hundred million?"

Xiang Pengze's face suddenly became ugly.

But in the face of Chu dust twenty or thirty bodyguards, to Pengze also dare not refuse.

"What does the second condition mean?"

Asked Peng Ze.

"It's easy. Break one arm and you can leave."

Chu Chen's insipid reply.


Xiang Pengze is not happy for a moment. He wants to break his arm. It's impossible. It's absolutely impossible!

"Boy, you are too much!"

"I can promise the first one. It's a great honor for you."

"Don't push an inch, otherwise, it's not good for you."

Xiang Pengze's face darkened and threatened Chu Chen:

"to tell you the truth, my backer is here. I'm a big man. If you go too far, I'll contact this big man."

"That's when you regret it!"

In order to frighten Chu Chen, he directly moved out the big man he just met.

His backer?

To be called a big man to Peng Ze is definitely not an ordinary person.Xia Mengqi is a little nervous.

I'm afraid I'm going to provoke some big people.

"No harm."

Chu Chen said a word to Xia Mengqi.

"Well, please bring out the big man, your backer."


To Peng Ze a Leng, didn't expect Chu Chen to dare to say so.

"Ha ha ha."

Xiang Pengze is laughing wildly in his heart.

I'm afraid Chu Chen is not a fool.

I'm so confident. When I see that big man, it's time for you to cry.

He is the prince of a 20 billion group.

But that big man is a prince of a 100 billion group.

No matter how powerful your angel Entertainment Group is, it's only 28 billion now.

Even at the peak, it's not just 80 billion.

Can it be compared with other people's 100 billion prince?

"Today I'll show you the big man."

To Peng Ze.

Finally, under the leadership of Xiang Pengze, they came to the villa area of Shuitian villa.

Stopped in front of villa 3.

Knock on Pengze's door, enter the villa and ask for his support.

Chu Chen and Xia Mengqi are outside.

"Chu Chen, let him apologize."

Xia Mengqi some nervous said.

See Peng Ze arrogant appearance, in case really is what super big person, Chu dust again have trouble.

Chu Chen shook his head.

This is Shuitian villa, his property. What big man is he afraid of?

Soon, footsteps came.

Xiang Pengze came out first, looking like a fox pretending to be a tiger.

"Brother Xuan, that's him."

After coming out, he pointed to Chu Chen and opened his mouth to Peng Ze.

Boy, you're done.

As soon as brother Xuan comes out, it's time for you to cry.

A young man came out of the villa slowly.

After seeing Chu Chen, the young man was stunned.

Chu Chen was also surprised.

Find Chu Chen surprised eyes, to Pengze couldn't help laughing.

You see, I'm scared by my backers.

Boy, you are a brain wreck.

It's just the president of angel entertainment group. I really think I'm a big man.

So horizontal.

Now you meet the real big man.

Crap, Pooh!

Even Xiang Pengze's bodyguards are very proud.

They're good at relying on less people!

The prince of 100 billion group, do you think it's tough?!

When he was proud of Peng Ze, brother Xuan, his backer, suddenly came forward.

Extremely excited, he said to Chu Chen:

"elder brother, what are you doing here?"

Nodded to Zhang Xuan, Chu Chen helplessly opened to Peng Ze.

He thought he was a big man who supported Peng Ze?

It's my little brother.

Next to him, he was stunned to Peng Ze when he heard Zhang Xuan's words.

Big brother?

This Chu Chen is the elder brother of his own backer?!!

Cry to Peng Ze!

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