How could that be?

Brother Xuan is his own backer. He is the big man he finally met. In the end, he is Chu Chen's younger brother?

No mistake.

He really cried to Peng Ze.

Originally thought xuange appeared, cry will be Chu Chen, did not expect instead is himself.

Not only to Peng Ze, but also to his bodyguards.

His boss's backer is Chu Chen's younger brother?

"Big brother, what happened?"

Zhang Xuan asks Chu Chen curiously. He hasn't seen Chu Chen for a long time since last time.

When he was at his worst, he helped himself to keep his dignity in front of his ex girlfriend. Zhang Xuan respected Chu Chen from his heart.

Chu Chen simply said what happened just now.


Zhang Xuan was extremely surprised and angry:

"who dares to move big brother?"

"Do you want to die from Pengze?"

"When will you be his support?" Chu Chen asks curiously.

"Backer, what backer, I just met him yesterday?" Zhang Xuan replied.

Xiang Pengze is the prince of yinguan entertainment after all. He didn't mean to refuse just now.

Did not expect that this boy, unexpectedly provoked own big brother, moreover also takes his status, the fox pretends the tiger power?

"Brother, it's up to me."

Zhang Xuan went to Xiang Pengze and said coldly:

"Xiang Shao, you are very good."

Hearing this, Peng Ze's legs softened and he immediately begged for mercy and apologized.

"Come on, help Xiang shaosonggu."

Zhang xuangen turned a deaf ear to Peng Ze. He called his men.

Soon, the scream came.

Solved the problem with Pengze and his men.

Zhang Xuan takes the initiative to invite Chu Chen and Xia Mengqi to dinner.

After dinner, Chu Chen and Zhang Xuan separated.

After playing with Xia Mengqi in Shuitian villa for a day, they returned to the eastern Hanhai.


[check in task, check in or not]

on the new day, Chu Chen just woke up and heard the sound of the system.

"Check in task?"

I haven't had such an easy task for a long time.

"Check in"

[successful check-in]

[congratulations on the acquisition of the 1.2 billion yuan luxury yacht sunrise]

soon, the information of the sunrise appeared in Chu Chen's mind.

The rising sun has five floors, including basketball court, cinema, wine cellar and so on. The most exaggerated is that it even has an apron!

"Not bad, not bad."

After reading the information of the sun, Chu Chen was very satisfied.

"With the rising sun, maybe I can go to the East China Sea to have a look."

Chu Chen's mind suddenly flashed an idea.

Donghai is a city next to Jiangzhou, which is more developed than Jiangzhou.

The angel Entertainment Group I just got is located in Donghai, and the headquarters of Jiangnan Musicians Association is also in Donghai.

With the Xuri cruise ship, it only takes chuchen three or four hours to go to the East China Sea.

Chu Chen can not only take the luxury yacht he just got, but also go to Donghai to inspect Angel entertainment. After all, he is the absolute controller of angel entertainment now.

Also, by the way, he won the honorary president of Jiangnan Musicians Association.

Why not kill three birds with one stone?

"To the East China Sea?"

Hearing Chu Chen's words, Xia Mengqi was surprised.

"Have you made a reservation?"

"We don't need a plane. We'll go on a yacht."

After that, Chu Chen calls Mo Yu Wan and asks her to find some people who can drive yachts.

Half an hour later, Chu Chen and Xia Mengqi set out.

Come to the seaside, looking at the luxury yacht sunrise, Xia Mengqi stay there.

Is this luxury yacht Chu Chen's?

How powerful is Chu Chen?

After seeing Chu Chen, the person that Mo Yu Wan arranges also came over.

"On the yacht."

At Chu Chen's command, the party boarded the yacht and headed for Donghai city.

More than three hours later, Chu Chen and Xia Mengqi, who were basking in the sun on the yacht, got up and arrived at Donghai.

After getting off the yacht, Chu Chen and Xia Mengqi go straight to Angel entertainment group.

After coming to Angel entertainment group, Chu Chen learned that he took 33% of the shares, most of which were Zhang Zimo's.

Originally, the system bought the shares from Zhang Zimo.

Now, chuchen is the largest shareholder of angel entertainment group, accounting for 51%, while the remaining shareholders, the largest one, only accounts for 13%.

Chu Chen naturally became the new president of angel entertainment group.

"President Chu, tomorrow, the library of Donghai Film Academy will be cut. The president of Donghai Film Academy wants the president to go."A vice president said to Chu Chen.

Donghai Film Academy is a famous university in Donghai.

Angel Entertainment Group has a close relationship with Donghai Film Academy. Most of the students who graduated from Donghai film academy work in Angel entertainment.

This library is funded by angel entertainment.

"Well, I'll go tomorrow."

Chu Chen nodded and wrote it down.

It's still early today. Xia Mengqi has just signed a contract and is still discussing with angel entertainment.

Chu Chen is bored and decides to go to Donghai Film Academy first.

The legendary film, media and other universities are all beautiful women, handsome men, and Chu Chen is also curious.

When leaving, Chu Chen drove a Mercedes Benz at will in the company garage.

Twenty minutes later, Chu Chen came to Donghai Film Academy.

Looking at the students who come and go in a hurry, Chu Chen has some feelings.

"It's true that beautiful women are like clouds, but handsome men are like rain. It's all bullshit."

What a handsome guy, even one tenth of his own.

Chu Chen gets off the car and is ready to take a walk in Donghai Film Academy.

As soon as he came down, there was a scream.

After seeing Chu Chen, some girls passing by were amazed.

"What a handsome little brother, why didn't I find out before?"

"Which department is he from? Does he have a girlfriend?"

"So handsome, those so-called handsome guys in our class can't compare with him at all."

Three beautiful girls who are closest to Chu Chen, as if they are little fans, rush over and ask Chu Chen curiously.

When they knew that Chu Chen was not a student of Film Academy, they nodded one after another.

That is, how could their college have such a handsome little brother?

Finally, the three of them took the initiative to show Chu Chen the way and visit the school.

Turn a circle, return to Chu dust parking place.

Then a red Lamborghini stopped.

Looking at the three girls accompanying Chu Chen, the boy in the Lamborghini suddenly turned green.

The three girls all have high facial values, and the one with the highest facial value is the boy's goddess. He pursued for a long time, but the goddess did not agree.

Now the goddess is close to the young people.

It makes the boys very angry.

Because this guy is more handsome than himself?

Can Shuai serve as a meal?

Money is the best.

In order to get the heart of the goddess, the boy decided to show his strength.

Not long ago, he just spent 15 million on a yacht.

I just arrived a day ago, and now I'm stopping at the seaside.

Showing off the car, showing off the house, it's all out of date.

Yacht is the best choice, it is the perfect symbol of the owner's identity and strength.

Thinking, the boy got out of the car and went to Chu Chen.

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