"Fang Wen, what are you doing?"

The boy asked the most beautiful of the three girls.

"We accompanied my little brother around the campus. Shi Jingshan, do you have any feelings?"

"Well, I bought a yacht some time ago, just arrived, and now it's parked at the seaside."

"I just saw you. I'd like to invite you to play together."

Hearing Shi Jingshan's words, several girls were very surprised.


There are many rich childe brothers in their school. They are tired of sports cars, but they have never seen them. Have they ever boarded a private yacht?

Several girls are looking forward to it.

"All right."

Encouraged by her two companions, Fang Wen nods.

"Little brother, come with us."

"Yes, together."

Two girls said to Chu Chen again.

"Brother, let's go together."

Shi Jingshan also opens his mouth. Chu Chen is beside him, so he can pretend to be forced.

If Chu Chen left, no supporting role, the effect would be much worse.

Finally, Chu Chen agreed to them.

"Goddess Fang, take my..."

when she came to the car, Shi Jingshan wanted to invite Fang Wen to join her Lamborghini.

But before he spoke, Fang Wen had been on the Mercedes Benz where Chu Chen stopped.

Shi Jingshan's face became more ugly.

"It turned out to be a poor guy driving a Mercedes Benz."

After seeing Chu Chen's Mercedes Benz around, Shi Jingshan found that Chu Chen's car was just a C-class car with a mere three hundred thousand.

My Lamborghini is more than three million, which is ten times more expensive than this boy's Mercedes Benz!

In an instant, Shi Jingshan regained his confidence.

Fang Wen doesn't sit, but Fang Wen's two best friends should know which car to take.

It's a Lamborghini. It's just a broken Mercedes.

Get in your car.

Shi Jingshan thought of it in his heart.

"Shijingshan, what are you doing? Don't you drive fast?"

Just when Shi Jingshan was brain tonifying, a sound of governor's promotion came.

Shi Jingshan is determined to see.

Outside, in addition to him, no one, Fang Wen they all three on Chu dust's car.


Shi Jingshan nodded and turned around, his face more gloomy.

Finally, Shi Jingshan led the way and the group headed for the seaside.

On the shore, many tourists and passers-by gathered around a yacht, taking pictures and talking.

"I'll go. It's the first time I've seen such a yacht?"

"Five floors, it has five floors, my God!"

"How much is this luxury yacht?"

"100 million?"

"No, absolutely not. At least 300 million."

"300 million, what do you think? I've seen Mr. Bai's customized yacht before. It cost 500 million at that time, which is not half as big as this one. "

"It should be more than one billion."

Finally, a ship owner said confidently.

One billion?

Hearing this, people were confused.

Local tyrants and bosses play sports cars and watches, with tens of millions at every turn.

It's already awesome for them.

It turns out that compared with the billion plus luxury yachts in front of us, it's not worth mentioning.

"Do rich people play like this now?"

"It's terrible, a billion!"

Everyone said with emotion.

At this time, Chu Chen, Fang Wen and others also came here.

From a distance, they found a lot of people around here.


"This yacht is too luxurious, isn't it?"

"Five stories, bigger than many villas."

Came to the shore, looking at the luxury yacht, Fang Wen several people were completely shocked.

It's... It's amazing!

Such a big yacht.

In addition to Fang Wen, the other two girls are all admiring and envious of Shi Jingshan.

"Mr. Shi, your yacht is too luxurious."

"How much did you pay for it?"

"Come on, take us up and have a look."

They subconsciously took this yacht as the one Shi Jingshan asked them to visit.


Shi Jingshan coughed awkwardly.

At the moment, his mood is also very complex, it seems that this is not his yacht.

After a tour of luxury yachts, he finally found the word "sunrise", which made Shi Jingshan more sure.

"Well... This yacht is not mine. Mine is the one next to it."Shi Jingshan awkwardly pointed to a small yacht parked beside the luxury yacht.

This yacht has only two floors, and its area is one tenth of that of the one just now.

But it's also very expensive. It cost Shijingshan nearly 15 million?

Looking in the direction Shijingshan pointed out, Fang Wen was dumbfounded.


Is that very shabby yacht Shi Jingshan brought them to see?

Next to this luxury yacht, Shi Jingshan's yacht is brother in brother.

It's too low.

At the moment, Shi Jingshan is also very helpless, very hard to install a force, the result has not installed it?

And the car overturned?

The luxury yacht wasn't here yesterday?

Why did you stop by your yacht today?

At first glance, my yacht is good.

But now there's such a huge thing next to him. Compared with his yacht, his yacht looks incomparable.


Shi Jingshan sighed helplessly.

Looking at Fang Wen's dislike, Shi Jingshan immediately explained to himself.

"Ladies and gentlemen, my yacht is also 15 million?"

"For the average person, my yacht is already very good."

"Like this giant, its owner is at least the kind of super rich, worth tens of billions?"

"Or the kind of 40-50-year-old big man who can own this luxury yacht."

Shi Jingshan's meaning is very clear, he can have such a two-story yacht, is absolutely the best of his peers.

And the luxury yacht next to them is absolutely the one they can't touch in their life, which they can own or board.

As a result, he is already very good.

"Oh, what a pity."

"What Shi Jingshan said is also reasonable. We are not qualified to contact such a big man."

"I just can't get on this yacht to have a look. I'm really sorry."

Fang Wen several people open their mouths one after another, all reluctantly looking at the luxury yacht nearby.

"Don't talk about it. Let's go to my yacht."

Shi Jingshan took the initiative to change the topic.

"I want to go in and have a look. It's easy."

A voice came.

Hear here, a few people all turn to see toward Chu dust.

Chu Chen made a phone call.

Soon, someone on the luxury yacht came down and invited them in.

In the eyes of shock and expectation, Fang Wen boarded the ship.

In the same place, only Shijingshan was left.

What's the situation?

Doesn't he just want to pretend?

Why is it so hard?

He just said that this kind of luxury yacht is the kind of unattainable big people are qualified to own or board.

As a result, you gave us a call and let us go up.

What do you mean?

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