Entering the crowd, Zhong Guanghui just saw Chu Chen.

"Brother Chu, why are you here?"

Zhong Guanghui goes to Chu Chen with enthusiasm.

"Brother Zhong, I also want to go to the appointed place, but it's a pity that someone wants to drive me and my friends out together." Chu Chen's helpless answer.


Zhong's face changed in an instant.

Brother Chu is his guest. Who is so bold.

Brother Zhong?

This Mr. Chu called his boss, brother Zhong?

Hearing Chu Chen's address to Zhong Guanghui, Guo Ji immediately affirmed his terrible guess just now.

This Mr. Chu is definitely a hundred billion rich man!

"Zhong... Zhong... Zhong Zong?"

Guo Ji's whole body trembles and says to Zhong Guanghui.

Looking at Guo Ji and the two or three security guards around him, Zhong Guanghui immediately understood.

"How dare you do this to my guests?"

Zhong Guanghui lashed out at Guo Ji, very angry.

Next to him, when he saw Zhong Guanghui, Guo wenle was even blacker. His legs softened and he was about to fall to the ground.

"Old Guo."

His companion helped Guo wenle up.

Others may not know Zhong Guanghui, but Guo wenle must know him.

This is a super big man, a hundred billion rich man.

Chu Chen is Zhong Guanghui's guest?

Liang Wenlun is such a jerk that he offended such an important person.

At the moment, Guo wenle has the heart to kill Liang Wenlun.


The next second, Guo wenle took the initiative to kneel down on the ground.

See this scene, around that a few childe brothers also kneel down one after another, they also realized that the event is not good.

So many big guys, it's all about Chu Chen.

This time they're really in big trouble.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Chu. It's all my fault. I shouldn't listen to Liang Wenlun's instigation."

"Please forgive me."

Guo wenle apologized and his voice trembled.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Chu."

"Mr. Chu, I'm sorry. It's all because of Liang Wenlun."

Kneeling on the ground, several childe brothers also apologized.

"Brother Chu, it's my fault. I'll take care of it."

Zhong Guanghui said to Chu Chen.

Seeing Chu Chen nodding, Zhong Guanghui expelled Guo Ji directly.


After hearing Zhong Guanghui's decision, Guo Ji screamed.

Pit father, his son is too pit father.

Next second, under the signal of Zhong Guanghui, several bodyguards came to Guo Ji and other people and slapped them in the face.

And informed their family.

More than ten minutes later, the family of these childe brothers all rushed to Chu Chen to make an apology.

Finally, Chu Chen and Zhong Guanghui left to play.


[punch in task: go to Meiyuan, time: 6 hours]

[task reward: a garden - Meiyuan]


Chu Chen, who is playing ball, can't help muttering when he hears the task of the system.

"Meiyuan, is brother Chu interested in Meiyuan?"

Next to him, Zhong Guanghui asked when he heard this.

"I haven't heard of it, and I don't know if brother Zhong knows this" plum garden "?

Chu Chen asked curiously.

Next to him, when he heard about "plum garden", Mr. Ge was interested and came over.

"Meiyuan, let elder brother Ge talk about it. He knows it best."

Seeing Mr. Ge coming, Zhong Guanghui opened his mouth.

"Brother GE has been salivating about Meiyuan for decades."

Hearing this, Mr. Ge said: "the plum garden is the treasure of the southern garden. The stone path in the middle of the garden is circling, the ancient trees are verdant, the Indocalamus is covered, the vines are hanging, the wild flowers are overgrown, and the scenery is simple and natural

"The layout of the whole plum garden is dense and natural. It is characterized by water, broad water surface, plain and natural scenery. It takes the pool water as the center, and the pavilions and pavilions are built around the pool. There are leaky windows and cloisters between them. It's very beautiful. "

"When Meiyuan was first built, it was a royal residence. Later, because of the change of dynasties, it fell into the hands of a rich family surnamed Mei. After transformation, it became the present Meiyuan, which has a history of hundreds of years."

Hearing this, Zhong Guanghui also said:

"modern villas and luxury houses can't be compared with these garden houses. Only garden houses like Meiyuan can symbolize wealth and status."

For these hundreds of billions of rich people, villas and luxury houses are nothing, and they don't like them.Only this kind of garden and homestead with hundreds of years of history can make them look sideways.

With a long history of precipitation of the courtyard garden, in order to match their value and status.

Like those quadrangles with a long history, they are now worth hundreds of millions.

"If brother Chu is also interested in Meiyuan, brother Chu doesn't mean anything else. Brother Chu should give up as soon as possible."

Zhong Guanghui is honest:

"throughout Donghai, there are countless rich people coveting Meiyuan, but its owners don't sell it."

To tell you the truth, even he coveted Meiyuan.

"Brother Zhong is right. I fell in love with Meiyuan twenty years ago. I have been in touch with the owner of Meiyuan for so many years. Even if it costs two billion yuan, people don't sell it."

Mr. Ge also spoke.

The words are full of helplessness and emotion.

The owner of the plum garden, who now lives abroad, has numerous assets and is worth hundreds of billions of dollars. People don't care about this money at all.

I don't want to sell the house.

Hearing the words of these two hundred billion rich people, Chu Chen is also very interested in Meiyuan.

The value of this plum garden is terrifying!

After playing, Chu Chen drove away and went straight to Meiyuan.

[arrival at Meiyuan]

[clock in or not]

"clock out."


[successful clock in]

[congratulations, you have become the new owner of Meiyuan]

from now on, this garden coveted by hundreds of billions of rich people is Chu Chen's.

Meiyuan, covering an area of 32 mu, has a total area of nearly 30000 square meters, including pavilions, small bridges and flowing water.

"Maybe this plum garden should be renamed Chu garden now."

Chu Chen murmured in a low voice.

Now the system has rewarded itself with a huge garden, will it reward itself with a super Siheyuan in Yanjing in the future?

In that case, he will have two different styles of gardens.

Thinking, Chu Chen came to Meiyuan and opened the gate of Meiyuan.

From now on, in Donghai, he has his own mansion.

If the news of becoming the new owner of Meiyuan spreads, I'm afraid it will shock those rich people in Donghai.

They can't get the luxury house with money, they just need to punch in easily, and they can get it.

System is cool!

Open life, cool to explosion.

In order to apologize, before Chu Chen left Guanyun golf course, brother Zhong mysteriously gave him a gift.

Anxious to punch in, he put it in the car, and now he can open it and have a look.

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