Zhong Guanghui, after all, is one of the hundreds of billions of rich people. The gift given by Zhong Guanghui should not be simple.

Thinking, Chu Chen took out the gift given by Zhong Guanghui from the car.

This is a long brocade box with exquisite packaging. I'm afraid the brocade box on the outside can sell for hundreds of thousands.

Chu Chen opens the brocade box, sees the thing inside, slightly nods, and he guesses almost.

It should be a painting.

Looking at some yellow mounting, it should be hundreds of years old.

Open it gently and it turns out to be a picture.

The painting is bamboo with inscription beside it.

"The painting of bamboo and stone in autumn wind"

Chu Chen murmured that the name of this ancient painting was "bamboo and stone painting of autumn wind".

Looking down, Chu Chen was even more stunned when he found the name of the painter.

"Zheng Banqiao, this is Zheng Banqiao's bamboo and stone painting of autumn wind?"

"This painting is 300 years old." Chu Chen sighed.

According to Chu Chen, at a large auction, Zheng Banqiao's painting of autumn wind standing aloof sold for 13.8 million yuan.

Chu Chen estimated that the price of his "autumn wind bamboo and stone painting" should also be around 15 million.

"Coincidentally, I took it as a gift."

Chu Chen's grandparents live in the East China Sea. When they come to the East China Sea, Chu Chen naturally wants to visit the two old people.

My grandfather likes antiques, calligraphy and painting. He went there by himself and just took this picture of bamboo and stone in autumn wind as a gift.

The next day, Chu Chen drove to the neighborhood where his grandparents lived.

Take the bamboo and stone painting of autumn wind and Chu Chen goes upstairs.

Knock on the door to go in, looking at the person of a room, Chu dust some Leng.

Why so many people today?

"Second uncle, third uncle..."

Chu Chen called one by one and finally came to his grandparents.

"Here comes Xiao Chen."

Grandma is very excited. I haven't seen Chu Chen for a long time.

My grandfather came over happily.

When Chu Chen asked, he realized that Tang Shizhen, the cousin of Chu Chen's second uncle, was going to bring her boyfriend.

It is said that Tang Shizhen's boyfriend graduated from a famous university. He is young and promising. He has become a department manager in his twenties, and his salary is 80000 yuan a month.

Out of curiosity, most of the relatives came to see what Tang Shizhen's boyfriend looked like.

"Grandfather, grandmother, I brought you a present."

With that, Chu Chen took out the painting of bamboo and stone in autumn.

"Xiao Chen, just come here and get some presents." Grandma is not very happy.

Chu Chen slowly opened the "bamboo and stone painting of autumn wind", and other relatives also looked at it one after another.

"Zheng Banqiao?"

Grandfather was very surprised when he saw the signature of the painting.

Is this Zheng Banqiao's painting?

All relatives were equally surprised.

Although they have never seen Zheng Banqiao's paintings, they have all heard of them.

It is said that any painting of Zheng Banqiao will cost millions.

Chu Chen and his family, we all know, is almost among them, the poorest one.

Now, how could Chu Chen give millions of gifts at random?

"Xiaochen, how much does this painting cost?"

"I think it should be 15 million."

15 million!

Everyone took a breath.

Oh, my God, this is the amount of money they can't imagine in their whole life!

"Xiaochen, why do you have so much money to buy it?"

Grandma asked with some worry.

"Grandma, I didn't buy this painting of bamboo and stone in autumn wind. A friend gave it to me."

Chu Chen tells the truth.

From a friend?

What friend can give 15 million things.

Such friends, I also want to, give me a stack!

"This painting must be fake!"

At this time, Chu Chen's second aunt opened her mouth and believed it very much.

"Mother is right. It must be fake."

My cousin Tang Shizhen echoed.

Hearing this, people suddenly realized.

Yes, they were all bluffed by "Zheng Banqiao" and "15 million" just now.

On second thought, can Chu Chen, or Chu Chen's family have so much money?

And Chu Chen said that this painting was from a friend. Who believed it!

Why don't they have such friends?

"Xiao Chu, they are all from his own family. Why do you want to show off?"

Chu Chen's five aunts also spoke.

"I don't think this painting is fake."

My grandfather has been collecting these antiques for some years, and he has some experience in identification."Dad, you must be an old eye... Wrong."

As soon as my grandfather finished, my second aunt spoke directly. Originally, she wanted to say "old eyes are dim", but she thought it was not appropriate, so she read it wrong.

"Grandfather, this is a 15 million painting. Can Chu Chen afford it?"

Cousin Tang Shizhen also spoke.

Chu Chen had a bad relationship with his cousin since childhood.

"I think this painting is real. It's wonderful."

At the scene, except for her grandparents, only her cousin Tang Miaomiao, who had learned to draw since childhood, supported Chu Chen.

"Wonderful, you are so naive."

Tang Shizhen shook her head.

Tang Miaomiao also wanted to retort, when grandma said:

"I don't care what's true or false, as long as it's from Xiaochen, it's the best."

"Yes, I'm going to hang it up."

With that, grandfather carefully hung up the picture.

Listen to these relatives, Chu Chen is also lazy to explain.

When the painting came to an end, Chu Chen and his cousin chatted with each other.

Tang Shizhen received a message.

"There's ten minutes to go. Kang Sheng is coming."

Tang Shizhen announced to everyone that she was very happy.

"Is Shizhen's boyfriend coming?"

"So fast?"

"Shizhen, I heard that your boyfriend is a manager in a big company. Is that true?"

Chu Chen's five aunts can't help asking.

"It's not a big company, Anyuan group. Its monthly salary is not much, only 100000."

Hearing this, Chu Chen's second aunt opened her mouth and looked like a show off.

"What, Anyuan group? It's a 10 billion group. Isn't it a big company?"

"The monthly salary of 100000 is already a lot, but the second sister-in-law's requirement is still too high."

"Shizhen found a boyfriend."

Other relatives said enviously.

Hearing these words, the second aunt and Tang Shizhen showed a faint smile on their faces. Although they didn't say anything, they were happy in their hearts.

"Xiao Chen, you will learn from your brother-in-law in the future!"

The second aunt began to educate Chu Chen.

"Yes, Xiaochen, your parents will be very happy if you can have one tenth of your brother-in-law in the future."

Chu Chen's five aunts also echoed the way.

"Chu Chen, he'll forget it?"

Tang Shizhen sneered and disdained Chu Chen.

Tang Miaomiao, a cousin who always worships Chu Chen, wants to speak for Chu Chen.

Then the doorbell rang.

Open the door, a handsome young man came in, it is Tang Shizhen's boyfriend Gu Shengkang.

After seeing Gu Shengkang, these relatives went up one after another and said hello warmly.

Gu Shengkang responded one by one.

Suddenly, Gu Shengkang accidentally noticed Chu Chen sitting there chatting with Tang Miaomiao, and his face suddenly changed.

Why is Mr. Chu here?!

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