The next second, in the eyes of all relatives surprised, Gu Shengkang quickly walked to Chu Chen.

"Hello, Mr. Chu. I'm Gu Shengkang of Anyuan group."

Gu Shengkang introduced himself to Chu Chen. He also knew Chu Chen yesterday. Of course, he knew Chu Chen unilaterally.

Yesterday, at Guanyun golf course, he accompanied his clients to play ball. Unexpectedly, he came across that scene.

Chuchen is a hundred billion rich man, Zhong Guanghui's friend!


Sitting there, Chu Chen nods slightly to Gu Shengkang.

"Chu Chen, how can you speak to Sheng Kang? Don't get up quickly."

Looking at Chu Chen sitting there and talking to Gu Shengkang, the second aunt suddenly became angry and yelled at Chu Chen.

At this time, Chu Chen did not speak. Gu Shengkang turned around and angrily denounced his future mother-in-law:

"how can you talk to Mr. Chu?"

Looking at the angry Gu Shengkang, all the people present were confused.

Especially the second aunt and Tang Shizhen are stupid. They are obviously helping Gu Shengkang to speak. Why does Gu Shengkang scold himself in turn?

"Gu Shengkang, what are you doing?"

Tang Shizhen asked Gu Shengkang angrily.

"What are you doing? How can you be disrespectful to Mr. Chu?"

Gu Shengkang didn't give Tang Shizhen any face at all and refuted directly.

How can you be disrespectful to Mr. Chu?

Gu Shengkang's words make everyone confused?

Chu Chen, what's wrong with being disrespectful to Chu Chen?

To a younger generation, they need to be respectful?

Chu Chen is not a big man?

"Disrespectful to Chu Chen, so what? Isn't he an ordinary man?"

Tang Shizhen was puzzled and asked:

"how do you know Chu Chen?"

Ordinary people?

Is Mr. Chu an ordinary person?

Gu Shengkang sneered in his heart. He is really a group of people who have no eyes.

"Yesterday, I was lucky to see Mr. Chu and Mr. Zhong playing at Guanyun golf course, so I got to know Mr. Chu."

"President Zhong, what President Zhong?"

"The owner of Guanyun golf course, 100 billion rich, Zhong Guanghui, Zhong Zong."

Although they have never heard of Zhong Guanghui, they all know Guanyun golf course.

Moreover, the identity of a hundred billion rich is enough to frighten everyone.

How can Chu Chen play ball with a hundred billion rich man?

Oh, my God!

People were scared, Chu Chen is what identity, what qualifications and unattainable hundreds of billions of rich play together.

"The painting of bamboo and stone in autumn wind was sent by Zhong Guanghui." Chu Chen added.

Is the painting of bamboo and stone in autumn wind from Zhong Guanghui?

Given by hundreds of billions of rich people, it can't be a fake.

The painting of bamboo and stone in autumn wind is an authentic work worth 15 million yuan!!!

Everyone was shocked by this conclusion.

It's terrible!

People looked at the picture of bamboo and stone in autumn wind hanging there. Their eyes were full of awe, and they almost worshipped.

For a moment, they looked at Chu Chen and didn't know what to say.

After learning that Chu Chen is actually Tang Shizhen's cousin, Gu Shengkang is more respectful to Chu Chen, and his heart is more excited and happy.

He was lucky enough to have a relationship with Mr. Chu!

"Xiaochen, there is no place to live in Donghai. Don't stay in any hotel. Just stay here."

Grandfather suggested.

He thought Chu Chen had stayed in a hotel before.

"Grandfather, I bought a house in Donghai and have a place to live." Chu Chen explained.

The crowd was even more surprised.

Chu Chen actually bought a house in Donghai?

Where does he live?

"Xiaochen, you must be careful about buying such a big house."

"No, I'll see if there's any problem in the house you bought later."

Grandfather is not at ease.

For most ordinary people, buying a house is a super big thing, we must be careful.

My grandfather was afraid that Chu Chen was young and was trapped.

"Xiaochen, your grandfather is right. Now those developers only focus on making money and have no conscience."

"Grandma will come to help you later."

Grandma also spoke.

"No problem." Chu Chen nodded.

"Brother Chen, count me in. I also want to know where you live so that I can visit you later."

Cousin Tang Miaomiao volunteered.

"Count us in."

"We want to see it, too."

The other relatives also spoke.

They all want to go to the house Chu Chen bought to have a look. Although they say that they help Chu Chen, they actually want to see what the house Chu Chen bought looks like.Where it is, it's just worth money.

They still didn't believe what Gu Shengkang said just now.

How can Chu Chen be qualified to play with the hundreds of billions?

Hundreds of billions of rich people still give things to Chu Chen?

In their eyes, it's a myth.

Maybe we can see something from the house Chu Chen bought, or expose Chu Chen.

"All right."

Chu Chen finally agreed to come down.

After dinner, they set out.

Chu Chen takes his grandparents and Tang Miaomiao to gallop and walk in front of him.

"Mercedes Benz?"

Seeing Chu Chen's car, Tang Shizhen's face is satirical.

"I don't believe it. Chu Chen and the 100 billion rich are friends. What else do they drive?"

It's just a Mercedes Benz. For the rich, it's a garbage truck.

"I also think Sheng Kang is mistaken."

The second aunt shook her head and said:

"does Chu Chen have that qualification?"

"When I saw his house in a moment, it was all revealed."

Soon, under the leadership of Chu Chen, people drove to the house Chu Chen bought.

However, looking at the direction of Chu Chen's opening, everyone was very surprised.

"Where doesn't seem to be a residential area?"

"I don't understand."

More than 20 minutes later, Chu Chen stopped his car before Meiyuan, and his grandparents came down.

Tang Miaomiao, grandparents, looking at the plum garden in front of him, was very surprised.

Several other relatives followed. After getting off the bus, they looked at the plum garden in front of them.

There were puzzled eyes on their faces.

"Chu Chen, what are you bringing us here for?"

"Yes, this plum garden is private and not open to the public. Xiaochen, if you want to visit it, you'd better go somewhere else."

Tang Shizhen even questioned Chu Chen:

"don't you want to take us to see the house you bought? What are you doing here?"

"Don't try to divert your attention." The second aunt agreed.

Even my grandparents were puzzled.

Why did Chu Chen bring them here.

Chu Chen did not answer them, but came to the plum garden and opened the lock.

"This is the house I bought in Donghai."

"Welcome to my home, once the plum garden, now the Chu garden."

Turning around, Chu Chen introduces himself to the public.

In an instant, there was only horror in the hearts of the people!

Plum garden?

Chu Chen actually bought the once Royal Palace, the famous big garden, Meiyuan?

How much does it cost? Billions, billions or billions?!

Although they have never been in, as Donghai people, they have heard the story of Meiyuan.

"Come in, grandma."

With that, Chu Chen welcomed her grandparents in, followed by Tang Miaomiao.

Others, however, looked at Meiyuan for a long time.

For a long time, they walked into the plum garden carefully with excitement and tension.

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