Meiyuan is famous in the East China Sea, but no one has ever been in it. Several relatives of Chu Chen walk in carefully for fear of damaging something.

Chu Chen was in front of him, introducing the scenery of plum garden to his grandparents.

Looking at the pavilions, small bridges and flowing water inside, my grandparents exclaimed from time to time.

As for Chu Chen's relatives, they were even more surprised.

"Xiaochen, did you really buy Meiyuan?"

As an old Donghai native, my grandfather naturally knew that the price of Meiyuan was too high to describe.


Chu Chen nodded: "the scenery here is very beautiful. If grandparents like it, they will stay here for a few days."

"Cousin, you are so good."

Tang Miaomiao was very emotional. His eyes were full of worship for Chu Chen. His cousin was powerful.

As for Chu Chen's other relatives, they are not talking at the moment.

Bought the plum garden!

Oh, my God!

I'm afraid it will shake the whole East China Sea if it's spread. It's crazy.

Looking at the huge plum garden, they were shocked. It is said that at the earliest time, it was a royal residence.

Chu Chen actually bought a palace?

Is this the chuchen they know?

As for Tang Shizhen and his second aunt, they are even more numb.

Now, they no longer have any doubts, and dare not have any doubts.

If Gu Shengkang is wrong, what else can they doubt now that they are in the plum garden?

It's not the owner here. Can Chu Chen bring them in for sightseeing?

This is not a residence. This is a palace. Only the ancient princes and ministers are qualified to live here!

Too big, too shocking!

At the moment, both Tang Shizhen and the second aunt lowered their heads in shame. They were really looking at people in the crack of the door.

"Xiaochen developed and became the master of Meiyuan."

"I used to think that Xiaochen is not simple, but now Xiaochen really soars to the sky."

"Not only have you become friends with hundreds of billions of millionaires, but also have such a big house."

"Xiaochen is powerful."

Relatives speak, a pair of worship and envy Chu dust appearance, which is the second aunt boast the most powerful.

Chu Chen heard these flattery and did not say anything, just concentrate on accompanying grandparents.

On the same day, my grandparents stayed here for one night. Of course, my cousin Tang Miaomiao also quarreled to stay.

Chu Chen has dozens of rooms here, no matter how many people are not afraid.

The next day, Chu Chen drove to the airport.

I just sent my grandparents home, and they asked him to meet someone at the airport.

Grandma said that grandma Lu's granddaughter came back today. Grandma Lu is old and inconvenient to come to pick her up. She asked Chu Chen to help her.

Chu Chen agreed.

Chu Chen waited for a long time, a woman with sunglasses and a face value of about 80 slowly came over.

"The air quality of any place is so poor that it's not as good as the United States, not even the devil."

As she walked, the woman complained.

Far away, she found Chu Chen.

"Are you Chu Chen?"

Come over, the woman impolitely looked up and down Chu Chen, the first impression is OK.

"Lu Manrong?"

Chu Chen opens his mouth.

Now he understood what grandma meant.

This may be the idea of grandma Lu and grandma Lu. The old people all hope that the younger generation will get married and have children as soon as possible.

Know each other have suitable offspring, so want to let Chu Chen and Lu Manrong know.

"When you see the lady giving so many presents, don't you offer to help?"

Lu Manrong stares at Chu Chen and asks.

She is used to being flattered by her pursuers and licking dogs, which makes Lu Manrong very proud.

If you think you are more beautiful, you can do whatever you want.

"No obligation. The car's out there."

Chu Chen doesn't like Lu Manrong. He says a word lightly and goes out directly.

Looking at Chu Chen who didn't help himself, Lu Manrong's face became worse.

"It's no wonder there's no girlfriend."

Lu Manrong murmured in a low voice, so he had to walk out with his salute.

When she saw Chu Chen's galloping, she was even more disgusted.

"If it's not a Lamborghini or a Ferrari, it should be a Porsche or something."

Lu Manrong thought Tucao, I really do not know why grandma make complaints about what she knows.

It's not comparable with her ex boyfriends.

After all, Chu Chen had to take him home. Lu Manrong restrained himself and didn't say what was in his heart.Chu Chen is driving in front, and Lu Manrong sits in the back. As soon as he comes up, Lu Manrong comes to the point:

"what do you do?"

"I've done Didi, I've also delivered takeout, and I don't have a stable job at present."

Lu Manrong's face changed slightly and asked more directly:

"do you have any savings?"

Hearing this, Chu Chen thought for a moment:

"I don't have much savings, but I should not be poor."

His assets are shares of major groups, luxury houses, luxury cars and so on, and his deposits are really not much.

Not much savings?

Not poor?

"Ha ha, you can really talk big."

Lu Manrong gave a sneer.

"I'm afraid you've bought this Mercedes Benz with all your money."

"What bothers me most is the poor pretending to be rich."

Lu Manrong sarcastically said, of course, if the rich pretend to be poor, she doesn't care.

Lu Manrong just finished, Chu Chen suddenly stopped.

"What's the matter?"

Lu Manrong asked discontentedly.

"The car seems to be broken."

After that, Chu Chen gets out of the car.

Lu Manrong also came down curiously.

At this time, while Lu Manrong is not paying attention, Chu Chen takes Lu Manrong's trunk out of the car and closes the door.

The next second, Chu dust away.

He left lumanrong where he was.

Bitches are hypocritical. He hasn't despised Lu Manrong yet. Is she still qualified to despise herself?

Looking at Chu Chen leaving himself, Lu Manrong is angry!

"Asshole, you asshole!"

Stay where you are, Lu Manrong yells.

"Scum man, poor force, you still look for a girlfriend?"

"You're not as good as a spare tire for me."

Looking at the empty surroundings, Lu Manrong was so angry that his whole body trembled. Chu Chen left himself in the suburbs like this?

The more he thought about it, the more angry he was. Lu Manrong picked up the phone and asked grandma why she had found a poor man to know.

On the phone, hearing Lu Manrong's question, Granny Lu was also very angry.

Actually left his granddaughter on the road, or a poor force?

Thinking, Granny Lu goes to question Chu Chen's grandmother.

"My nephew is not poor. Even Meiyuan is his."

Grandma defends, someone says Chu Chen, she is not happy of course.

Then she showed granny Lu the picture she took in Meiyuan yesterday.

"What, that plum garden belongs to your nephew?"

Granny Lu was surprised.

Back home, grandma Lu immediately called Lu Manrong.

"Grandma, what do you say, Meiyuan belongs to chuchen?"

Hearing grandma's words, Lu Manrong was stunned.

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