After getting the specific address from Tang Miaomiao, Chu Chen contacted Angel Entertainment Group first.

Let them send some bodyguards. After all, they may have to face some gangsters just in case.

On the Hennessy snake, Chu Chen goes straight to the outskirts.


Tang Miaomiao's grandparents are primary school teachers. They teach and educate people all their lives. They are self-contained.

After retirement, the two old people lived in a small courtyard in the suburbs. They usually raised fish with various flowers and lived a peaceful and peaceful life.

However, such a rare tranquility was also broken not long ago.

Some time ago, the developer brought a group of people to Tang Miaomiao's mansion and asked the elderly to sell the courtyard to them at the price of 500 per square meter.

The elderly are not unreasonable people, but 500 per square meter is too small.

Even if it's the demolition money and their lifetime savings, even the down payment of urban houses is not enough.

And the old man has lived here all his life and has deep feelings. If he is not willing to leave, he refuses.

That day, the developer left, but the next day, a group of gangsters found the door.

The gangsters rushed in, smashed and even threatened to let them go to the hospital tomorrow if they didn't move away.

Today, it's even more excessive. The developers directly bring small gangsters and two excavators to the door.

No matter three, seven or twenty-one, I want to force the demolition directly.

Several of the old man's children, a large family all came.

Want to stop developers, developers did not speak, but directly a group of small gangsters with sticks called out.

"Your family is immortal."

"Get out of my way."

Brother Yu, the boss of the little gangster, yells wildly.

In the end, he even let his men do it directly and drove Tang Miaomiao and others to the corner.

"Manager Liu, I'm sure there's no one inside."

Brother Yu, the boss of the little gangster, said to the representative of the opening business.


"On the excavator, level this place directly."

The big bellied manager Liu ordered.


"Why do you tear down our house?"

"Do you have any royal laws?"

"I dare to do that in broad daylight."

Tang Miaomiao's relatives scolded one after another.

"Shout, whatever you like."

Little gangster big brother rain disdained sneer.

"Excavator, up."

Heard the rain brother and manager Liu's order, an excavator slowly to the courtyard.

See here, two old people in front of a black, almost fainted, incomparable heartache.

Where they've lived all their lives.


"It's all over."

"This is society. Without money and power, we can only watch."

Tang Miaomiao's relatives sigh one after another, and the language is full of helplessness.

At the moment, they can only watch their homes shoveled away.

I can't help it. Now I'm a butcher, and I'm a fish. These little gangsters are holding things. As long as they dare to move, they will fight.

Just now, Tang Miaomiao's uncle was severely beaten by a little gangster.

Finally, I couldn't bear to see that scene, and everyone closed their eyes.

There are also some onlookers around. They are residents here, and they are all called by the opening businessmen.

Developers is to set an example, let these onlookers obediently hand over the house.

"How hateful, these people!"

"It's lawless and unreasonable!"

Looking at all this, the onlookers began to talk in a low voice, and they were very angry.

But also helpless, can only look at all this.

The excavator came forward slowly, ready to start.

At this time, a black figure suddenly rushed out.

Chu Chen drifts and stops the Hennessy viper in front of the courtyard.

After seeing Chu Chen's Hennessy snake, the excavator just ready to dig stopped.

Sports car!

It's a sports car!

He can't afford to lose his fortune if he accidentally scratches it!

After seeing Chu Chen's sports car, everyone on the scene was stunned.

Although they don't know what brand it is, they don't need millions of sports cars.

Suddenly found no sound, was rushed to the side of Tang Miaomiao and others have opened their eyes.

Looking at the scene in front of me, I also stare in my mouth.

Under the gaze of everyone, Chu Chen gets off the car slowly.

"You go on." Chu Chen said a word to the excavator driver.

Hearing this, the excavator driver not only did not continue, but stepped back.I can't stand it. I can't make it.

"Well done!"

"Good boy!"

Seeing this, those onlookers couldn't help clapping their hands and feeling proud and elated.

On behalf of the opening business, manager Liu frowned.

As for brother Yu, he came directly to Chu Chen with a group of little gangsters.

"What do you do, little thing?"

"Move the car quickly."

Brother Yu relies on a large number of people, yells and threatens Chu Chen.

In the rain brother's signal, the little gangsters have come forward, holding weapons, not good at staring at Chu dust.

"What if I don't move the car?"

Chu Chen calm mouth.

"If you don't move the car, ha ha, I will beat you to move the car."

Brother Yu's face was overcast.

"When to move the car, when to stop!"

"Do it for me."

"Get rid of this kid."

Next second, brother Yu waves his hand and orders his men loudly.

Hearing this, these little gangsters clenched their weapons one after another, ready to fight.

The onlookers began to speak.

"Get out of here."

"Run, young man."

"You can't provoke them. Run."

These onlookers kind mouth, afraid of Chu Chen hurt.

"Xiaochen, get out of here."

"Brother Chen, get out of the way."

After seeing Chu Chen, Tang Miaomiao's father, that is, Chu Chen's third uncle, and Tang Miaomiao, quickly shout to Chu Chen.

It's too dangerous. These little gangsters are really cruel.

Seeing, these ten evil little gangsters are about to rush to Chu Chen.

At this time of great crisis, ten black Land Rovers came at a gallop and suddenly stopped nearby.

The next second, 70 or 80 bodyguards in black suits and agile skills rushed down one after another.

These bodyguards are carefully trained and cultivated by angel entertainment group. Although it can't be said that they are one to ten, it's not a problem to deal with three or four normal people one by one.

The purpose is to ensure the safety of angel entertainment, protect all kinds of artists and maintain the order of the concert.

You know, the entertainment industry is a mess. Everything can happen, just in case.

Seven or eight black suit bodyguards get off and stand up.




After seeing Chu Chen, all the bodyguards bowed one after another.

For a time, the voice was loud and powerful!

Seeing this, everyone was scared and completely stupid.

What's going on?

What's the situation?!

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