Brother Yu and his more than a dozen little gangsters are pale and shivering at the moment.

They can also bully ordinary people, in the face of real trained bodyguards, they are as if the mouse met the cat, scared to the extreme.

It's not necessary for Chu Chen to say that he saw Chu Chen's eyes.

Seventy or eight bodyguards swarmed up in less than 20 seconds.

Rain brother and his more than a dozen younger brothers, all black and blue on the ground, constantly scream.

"Well done!"

"Good boy!"


Those who had been forced to come here, very frustrated onlookers have screamed.

Shout loudly, to Chu dust worship to the extreme.

Tang Miaomiao and his family are shocked to see Chu Chen.

God, what is Chu Chen's identity.

Actually called so many skilled bodyguards.

As for the representative of the developer, manager Liu, he was also scared at the moment.

But soon, he was relieved.

Who is he? He is the manager of Hongyuan real estate. Who dares to do anything to him?

At the thought of the Hongyuan real estate behind him, manager Liu straightened his back and went straight to chuchen.

"Boy, who on earth are you?"

"How dare you meddle?"

Manager Liu scolds Chu Chen.

"Give you a chance and get out of here, or you'll regret it all your life."

"To tell you the truth, I'm from Hongyuan real estate."

Manager Liu takes out Hongyuan real estate to scare Chu Chen.

"Hongyuan real estate?"

Hear here, Chu Chen eyebrow a pick.

He had never heard of the company before.

But yesterday, four or five companies in succession, encouraged by Eason entertainment, took advantage of the great crisis of angel entertainment and terminated their cooperation with angel entertainment, making Angel entertainment worse.

Among them, there is Hongyuan real estate.

Hongyuan real estate is a real estate company with total assets less than 10 billion.

However, unlike ordinary real estate companies, the main business of Hongyuan real estate is to build various studios and small and medium-sized film bases.

Today, Chu Chen declared war on Eason entertainment. The first thing to clean up is the four or five companies that fell down yesterday.

Hongyuan real estate is one of them!

Heard Chu Chen's words, manager Liu thought Chu Chen was scared, more proud.

It seems that this boy also knows that their group is powerful.

"Boy, get your men out of here."

"Otherwise, I'll call the boss right away and ask him to send more people."

Hongyuan real estate has a lot of thugs.

"Even if the king Lao Tzu comes, he can't stop me."

"Today, I have to tear it down. Whoever dares to stop it is against Hongyuan real estate!"

Manager Liu is arrogant and overbearing.

Hearing this, the onlookers were filled with emotion.

HTC real estate is really powerful and has a strong relationship. Ordinary people are just ants in front of HTC real estate.

"Forget it, little brother, you'd better go."

"Get out of here."

"HTC real estate, we can't afford it."

These onlookers reminded Chu Chen not to mess around.

Without the small gangsters to stop, Tang Miaomiao and others also came to Chu Chen.

They also advised chuchen that Hongda real estate is absolutely a behemoth for them.

Chu Chen didn't answer them, but looked at manager Liu and asked faintly:

"your group is very powerful?"

"Of course."

Manager Liu replied with great pride.

A big group with a total market value of 7.8 billion, you say it's a bull.

"Very good. Your group is going bankrupt soon."

This morning, he has used all the resources in his hands and started to attack these companies.

After hearing about this, the elder brothers Chu Chen met in Donghai, Zhang Xuan's father and others, also took action one after another.

The first target is Acer real estate.

I think it's almost there.


"Son of a bitch, how old are you? If you say bankruptcy, our company will go bankrupt."

Hearing Chu Chen's words, manager Liu burst into laughter, as if he had heard a big joke.

"Why don't you go to heaven..."

However, before he finished his words, his mobile phone suddenly rang.

"The company is bankrupt. Come back quickly."

Just picked up the phone, immediately came his immediate boss, vice president Qian's words.

Bang Dang!

Manager Liu's face suddenly changed. For a moment, he didn't take his cell phone well.The phone fell to the ground and fell in two.

"Bankrupt, really bankrupt?"

Manager Liu murmured out of his mind.

At the moment, he was really scared.

Just because of what the guy said just now, their company with a total assets of 78.8 billion, then the bull company, will go bankrupt?

Manager Liu's mind is blank at the moment, like a walking corpse.

Hongxin real estate is bankrupt!

Listening to manager Liu's muttering, everyone present was also stunned.

"Hongxin real estate is really bankrupt. We don't have to move."


"Young man, you are so good!"

All the onlookers are crazy.

Chu Chen is their Savior!

They gathered around one after another to thank Chu Chen from the bottom of their hearts.

And Tang Miaomiao's relatives, looking at Chu Chen at the moment, are also grateful and awed.

Wonderful cousin, who is it.

It's terrible.

So let the grand trust real estate bankrupt?!

Hearing that the company went bankrupt, manager Liu's men scattered in a crowd, and the little gangsters were also thrown far away by Chu Chen's bodyguards.

After a while, Chu Chen drove away with his bodyguards.

The bodyguards returned to Angel entertainment, and Chu Chen went straight to Jiujian Pavilion.

Jiujian Pavilion is a famous high-end Chinese restaurant in Donghai.

Today, Zhong Guanghui invited Chu Chen for dinner.

Said to apologize to Chu Chen for the last time, after all, it happened on his site.

In fact, Chu Chen didn't care too much, but he couldn't stand elder brother Zhong's warm invitation, so he agreed.

When he comes to Jiujian Pavilion, Chu Chen stops and walks inside.

"Chu Chen?"

In front of Jiujian Pavilion, Chu Chen meets a young man with gold rimmed glasses.

After seeing Chu Chen, the youth made a voice of exclamation.

"Wan Jingying?"

Chu Chen was also surprised.

Wan Jingying is Chu Chen's college classmate, but after only half a year, his family arranged for him to study abroad.

Wan Jingying's family is famously rich.

"Why are you here?"

Wan Jingying asked curiously.

"My grandfather is in the East China Sea."

"As for you, haven't you studied abroad?"

"Why is it in the East China Sea?"

Chu Chen asks curiously.


hearing Chu Chen's question, Wan Jingying showed a faint smile.

Just returned home, actually met an old classmate, do not pretend to force, show off, how can it work?

At the beginning of school, Chu Chen's popularity was over him.

Now is a good time to be proud:

"I was studying at Stanford University in the United States, and I got my doctorate not long ago, so I came back."

Wan Jingying is a serious boaster.

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