With the appearance of the rising sun, Yan Lexian and his friends are stupid.

"What is that?"

"Why is there such a big yacht?"

Next to Yan Lexian, a young man with a surprised face pointed to the rising sun.

"This is a yacht, our one..."

another childe agreed.

Although they are all rich and have seen a lot of big scenes, they have never seen such a big and luxurious yacht.

In the face of such a huge thing, Yan Lexian quickly let people put their three yachts obediently on the shore.

In front of such a behemoth, what force do they pretend to be? Isn't that their own death?

After stopping, Yan Lexian and some of his friends stood in the bow of the ship, staring at the front. They wanted to have a look at the owner of the huge ship.

Seven or eight minutes later, the rising sun slowly stopped at the port.

Chu Chen and Yan Luoshui come out of the yacht and walk to the shore.


Next to a few small yachts, Yan Lexian and others all startled jaw.

That... That... Isn't that cousin Yan Luoshui?

How could it be her?

How could she get off this luxury yacht?

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

Looking forward again, this time, they noticed the Chu dust beside Yan Luoshui.

I'll go. How handsome?

After seeing Chu Chen, Yan Lexian and other people had a deep sense of inferiority.

They all say that they are rich childe brothers, but after seeing Chu Chen, how do they feel that Chu Chen is the kind of young man?

"This yacht must belong to her cousin and her boyfriend."

Yan Lexian suddenly realized.

This may be the only reasonable explanation!

Hearing Yan Lexian's words, people were even more shocked.

This huge ship belongs to Yan Luoshui's boyfriend. Who is his boyfriend.

I have such a luxury yacht.

It's terrible!

"How much is it?"

Someone couldn't help asking.

Their yacht is 20 million. I don't know how much the yacht is bigger than theirs. How much is it?

"Hundreds of millions?"

"More than a billion?"

People dare not guess. The more they think about it, the more terrible it is!

For a moment, people began to fill Chu dust's various identities.

No matter what, it's just two words - Bull force!

"Do you see that?"

"This is my brother-in-law. How about it? It's powerful."

Yan Lexian burst out laughing and looked very proud.

Seeing this, his friends turned black one after another.

You took us and got three 20 million yachts. Don't you want to give your future brother-in-law a chance?

As a result, he changed his face faster than turning a book, which is like a little brother-in-law fan?

This is the grass on the wall.

"Sister, brother-in-law, brother-in-law, I'm here."

In the eyes of several people surprised, Yan Lexian showed a bright smile on his face, shouting to Yan Luoshui and Chu Chen.

While saying this, Yan Lexian anxiously gets off the boat and runs to Yan Luoshui and Chu Chen.

Seeing this, a few of his friends were completely stupid.

They took it!

On the thick skinned, or Yan Lexian cattle force.

Even Yan Lexian, the leader, is going to kneel and lick his brother-in-law. What are they doing?

Think of, these several big young also get off the boat one after another, politely walk to Chu Chen.


After seeing Yan Lexian, Yan Luoshui is stunned and explains to Chu Chen.

"Sister, brother-in-law is good."

Yan Lexian ran over and spoke politely.

"What are you doing here?"

"Well... Well, I came here with some friends. I didn't expect to meet you."

Yan Lexian was stunned and quickly made up a reason.

"This is the brother-in-law of the future, Yushulinfeng, with an extraordinary demeanor and a good appearance like Pan an..."

looking at Chu Chen, Yan Lexian flattered him and used all the idioms he had learned all his life.

"You're welcome, Xiao Xian."

Chu Chen opens his mouth.

Yan Luoshui is a promising cousin. He likes to tell the truth so much.

Yan Lexian's friends also came over and said hello to Chu Chen and Yan Luoshui.


[task release: clock in Xinghewan, task time: within 2 hours]

[task reward: 10 islands in the middle of the lake]


See here, Chu Chen eyebrow a pick.This reward is actually ten islands in the middle of the lake?!

Is it such a big deal?

Chu Chen took out a mobile phone search, Star River, suddenly a Leng.

Star River Bay, hidden in a large forest park, is a huge lake with many islands in the middle of the lake.

Every island in the middle of the lake covers a large area, even the smallest one needs more than ten mu.

The most important thing is that star river has now been opened into a high-end villa area.

An island in the middle of a lake has only one villa. The whole island is the area of this villa, like a separate small world, like a paradise.

Rich people's life is so simple!

You know, this kind of Lake Island villa is very difficult to build.

And still in places like Hangzhou, housing prices are extremely high.

An Island villa in the middle of a lake, the price is outrageous.

The island in the middle of the lake in the Star River Villa area is limited, and a total of 20 villas have been built.

System is really generous, a hand, directly sent their own half villa area!

Just happened to come to Hangzhou, no place to live?

"Brother in law, you're new here. I recommend you to live in Siji of Xizi lake or Fayun aman. It's not expensive for one night. It's only six or seven thousand."

Yan suggested.

"No, I have a villa in Hangzhou."

Chu Chen opens his mouth, what hotel to stay in, and how to do his punch in task.

The time limit is only two hours.

Hearing this, let alone Yan Lexian, even Yan Luoshui was very surprised.

Chu Chen has a villa here?

"Brother-in-law, you just came here. Would you like to drive my car first?"

Yan Lexian gives Chu Chen the key to his Lamborghini car with great insight.

Chu Chen with Yan Luoshui, opened the Lamborghini, toward the star river.

Yan Lexian is sitting in a friend's car, closely behind.

They also wonder, what does Chu Chen's villa look like?

Half an hour later, they came to star river.

"I'll go. Is my brother-in-law's villa in Star River?"

"The villa in the middle of the lake, brother Chu is so awesome."

Following Chu Chen, Yan Lexian and his friends were shocked.

They never thought that Chu Chen's villa was in the legendary Star River.

Any villa in the middle of the lake is sky high.

Star River Villa area is famous in Hangzhou!

They haven't been here. They don't have enough identity.

Money is not the most important thing.

The most important thing is that you can't buy the villa in the middle of Xinghewan lake.

There are only 20 villas in the middle of the lake in Star River Bay. There are so many big people in Hangzhou that the competition is fierce.

Chu Chen, an outsider, was able to buy a villa in the middle of the lake.

It's so well connected!

They admire it to the utmost.

After arriving, a few people get off to visit Chu Chen's villa.

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