"Brother-in-law, you are so good."

"You have all the villas in the middle of the lake in Xinghewan. I'll take them."

"Brother Chu deserves to be a big man."

Came over, Yan Lexian and his friends said from the heart, they really convinced.

When they are ready to ask which villa Chu Chen bought.

A super car came slowly from a bridge.

In order to facilitate the travel of the villa owners, the developers specially set up delicate bridges on each island and on the bank, and asked special designers to build them, such as the ultimate crafts.


"Isn't this Yan Dashao?"

"Why did you come here when you didn't stay in Yan's courtyard?"

The sports car stopped next to chuchen and a young man stepped out of the car.

"What do you mean, Kangmo?"

Yan Lexian was angry and retorted immediately.

Kangmo, the third generation of a rich family, is an old rival to Yan Lexian.

"Ha ha, my meaning is very simple. Do you deserve this kind of place?"

Kang Mo asked arrogantly.

His uncle spent nearly a year, spent a lot of money and all his contacts, and finally bought a villa in the middle of the lake at a sky high price yesterday.

Although it is the smallest villa in Xinghewan Lake Island, it is proud of it!

Today, Kangmo is here to visit.

I didn't expect that when I left, I met Yan Lexian.

It's really good. It happened that he had no place to show off, so Yan Lexian took the initiative to send him to the door.

Do you deserve it?

Being stabbed in the heart, Yan Lexian suddenly blows up his hair.

"What do you say?"

"Kangmo, you've gone too far."

A few of Yan Lexian's friends and Kang Mo did not deal with each other and began to speak one after another.


Just when Kangmo is ready to continue to ridicule Yan Lexian, he suddenly notices Chu Chen and Yan Luoshui.

I didn't expect that Yan Luoshui, a famous beauty, had a boyfriend.

When this story is spread, many people will cry.

If you know that Yan Luoshui actually found a little white face, those young people will be very sad.

"Yan Luoshui, I didn't expect you to find a boyfriend who eats soft food."

Kangmo can't help shaking his head, for those who like Yan Luoshui young people feel sad.

In addition to being handsome, they are not as good as them in terms of background, contacts and financial resources.

As a result, these young people, who are laughing and scolding, are still defeated in front of such a small white face.

"Boy, if you get close to the big tree of Yan family, don't think you can enjoy the glory and wealth. The family struggle of Yan family is the fiercest among us."

Kang Mo sneered at Chu Chen and said:

"one day, you will be swept out by the Yan family."

However, Chu Chen didn't pay attention to him at all. At the moment, Chu Chen is busy punching in.


[do you want to clock in when you arrive at Star River]

"clock in."

[successfully clocked in]

[congratulations on getting No.1 to No.10 central lake island of Star River Bay]

with the sound of the system, No.1 to No.10 central lake island of Star River Bay, that is, No.1 to No.10 Central Lake Island Villas, are Chu Chen's.

The ranking of the islands in the center of the Xinghewan lake is based on the area.

No. 1 to No. 10 island in the middle of the lake is the Star River Villa area, the top ten Island, and also the largest 10 villas!

Now, they all belong to chuchen.

In terms of the area of Huzhong Island, chuchen's 10 Huzhong islands account for almost two-thirds of the total area of Xinghewan Huzhong Island, even more!

"You say that to me, then why are you here?"

"Do you deserve it?"

Yan Lexian scolds Kangmo.

Hearing this, Kangmo laughed and laughed happily.

He is waiting for Yan Lexian's words?

Yan Lexian, such a fool, really fell into the trap.

Ha ha ha.

"Of course I do. I just came out of villa 20. Do you think I do?"

Kang Mo answers Yan Lexian with pride.

"You guys, if you don't have a villa here, don't force it."

Since Yan Lexian didn't believe Kang Mo's words at all.

"And villa 20?"

"Why don't you blow it?"

They can't afford it, and they can't afford the villa in the middle of the lake. Can Kangmo afford it?


"Little love, tell them."

Kangmo's triumphant mouth.

In the Kangmo sports car, a woman with a face value of about 80 points came out."I tell you, villa No. 20 in Xinghewan has been bought by Uncle amo."

The woman came to Kangmo and opened her mouth.

"Did you hear that?"

Kangmo asked several people with pride.

"I'll go. I thought you bought it?"

"It was bought by the next helmsman of your family?"

Yan Lexian several people dislike the response.

"Your uncle bought it, not you, or your father?"

Kangmo exploded in an instant and retorted:

"what if it's not my father? It's my uncle, my elder."

"As for you, do you have any elders who have bought huxindao villas in Xinghewan?"

"Ha ha ha."

"None of our elders."

Yan Lexian spoke, more proud.

My brother-in-law is their peer. My brother-in-law has a villa here, which is much more worth showing off than his elders in Kangmo!

This is his brother-in-law!


Kang Mo thought Yan Lexian's words were over, subconsciously nodded and didn't agree.

"My elder didn't, but my brother-in-law did!"

Yan Lexian spoke.


Kangmo was stunned.

Yan Lexian said that his brother-in-law has a villa here. Are you kidding?

Isn't that a little white face?

Even if he is not a small white face, so young, how can he have the ability to buy the villa in the middle of the lake?

"Which villa did your brother-in-law buy?"

Kangmo doesn't believe it at all. He wants to expose Yan Lexian's lies.

Dare to act in front of him and fight!

Yan Lexian couldn't answer, so he asked Chu Chen.

"Brother in law, which villa in the middle of the lake did you buy?"

Chu Chen looked around, pointed to an island in the middle of the lake in the distance, and answered:

"that villa is mine."

All of them look in the direction of Chu Chen.

"Lake Island 10?"

Kang Mo's mouth is surprised.

"Isn't that villa 10?"

"You said you bought villa 10?"

Kang Mo turns his head and asks Chu Chen. He looks unbelievable.

"No, no, No."

Chu Chen shakes his head and prepares to correct Kang Mo's mistake.

Hearing this, Kangmo was relieved. It was not.

"And the island in the middle of the lake, the one... The one..."

Chu Chen pointed to the island in the middle of the lake in the distance and said in turn.

That... That... That...

watching Chu Chen constantly pointing to one island after another in the middle of the lake, all the people present were confused.

How much is this?

"How many islands in the middle of the lake have you bought?"

Kang Mo asked Chu Chen subconsciously.

"Well, not much, just 10 islands in the middle of the lake, Star River Villa area, half of them are mine."

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