"It seems that Jinsha Equestrian Club can go to different horse farms and select different horses according to its membership level."

Before the Jinsha Equestrian Club, a younger generation of the Yan Family spoke.

"We are not members here. It seems that we can only go to the non member area."

"It's a pity that it's my first time to come to such a high-end Equestrian Club?"

Others were filled with emotion.

"Don't be upset. What do you think this is?"

A young man slowly took out a glittering membership card from his pocket.

This young man is Yan Tao, the son of Yan Luoshui's second uncle.

It was for Yan Tao, the second uncle of Yan Luoshui, that he made suggestions to master Yan, called Yan Luoshui back, and let Yan Tao take the post of Yan Luoshui.

"Gold card?"

"Gold card of Jinsha Equestrian Club?"

The others were extremely surprised. They didn't expect that Yan Tao had the gold card here.

"I'll go. As far as I know, if you want to get the gold card here, at least you'll be a billionaire or something?"

Some people feel that they are all the younger generation of the Yan family. Some of them are even in school. They spend all the money of their families, and they don't have much money at all.

"Brother Tao is so powerful that he can get the gold card here."

"Definitely the first of us."

Everyone began to brag about how powerful Yan Tao was.

Yan Tao showed a proud smile on his face and pretended to be successful.

In fact, he was the one who first proposed to come to Jinsha Equestrian Club.

As for the reason, of course, he just got a precious gold card.

Among these people, even some of the people he knew in Hangzhou didn't have gold cards.

Yan Tao glances at Chu Chen and Yan Luoshui with satisfaction. Seeing that they don't speak, he is more happy in his heart.

It seems that they are scared by themselves.

Finally, under the influence of Yan taojinka, they came to a vast racecourse.

Because of the gold card, Yan Tao chose a thoroughbred horse.

Other people are not members, can only choose ordinary mixed race horse.

For some people who can't ride horses and equestrian skills, Yan Tao specially selected several intermediate coaches.

"Brother Tao, how do you charge here?"

Someone asked curiously.

"For ordinary people, the charge is 4888 per saddle hour. I'm a gold card member and can get a discount, about 4000 per saddle hour"

Yan Tao responded that the equestrian club charges by saddle hour, that is, 45 minutes.

Hearing this, people are even more surprised, how expensive.


[when you arrive at Jinsha Equestrian Club, do you want to punch in]

at this time, Chu Chen's ear rings the sound of the system.

Originally before coming, Chu Chen received a new punch in task, that is to come to Jinsha Equestrian Club.

"Clock in."

[clocking success]

[task completion: congratulations on winning the top equestrian skill]

in an instant, a large amount of knowledge about equestrian skill and horse racing poured into Chu Chen's mind.

Now, he is a well deserved equestrian master.

Yan Tao chooses the horse, and others begin to choose.

Yan Luoshui and Chu Chen also walked in the past.

After looking around, Chu Chen shook his head. These horses didn't enter Chu Chen's eyes.

Yan Luoshui didn't either.


"Look at that horse!"

"How beautiful

"It's beautiful."

In the distance, a staff member passed by with a pure white horse. The white horse's super high appearance immediately attracted everyone's attention.

It's beautiful.

"If only I could ride it?"

"I envy you so much."

Especially a few little girls, the eyes are extremely yearning.

Even the Yan Luoshui beside, also some heart.

"Want to ride?"

Chu Chen opens his mouth.

"Easy, I'll go to the staff."

Chu Chen's words immediately attracted everyone's attention.

In addition to the Yan family, there are several other guests in the golden member Racecourse also look at Chu Chen.

If they are right, the place where the white horse appeared just now should be the special zone for Platinum members.

Of course, only Platinum members can ride that white horse.

"Ha ha ha, you're killing me."

"What do you think?"

Several young people of the Yan family were laughing.

"I tell you, that white horse is one of the top horses in Jinsha Equestrian Club. It is said that it has a quarter of the blood of BMW."

"Even the Platinum members may not be able to get there sometimes.""Don't dream, boy."

Yan Tao opened his mouth with disdain on his face.

At the beginning, he thought Yan Luoshui had found a childe?

I didn't expect to be a hick who didn't know anything.

I really don't know the sky is high and the earth is thick.

Chu Chen asks Yan Luoshui to wait here. He goes to the place where the white horse passed just now.

In fact, to help Yan Luoshui bring back the white horse is just a purpose of Chu Chen.

There is also a purpose, that is, he also wants to find a reasonable horse.

After all, Chu Chen has just won the top level equestrian, and he also wants to ride a horse.

It's just that the horses here are so bad that Chu Chen doesn't like them.

In situ, there are two beautiful guests with outstanding appearance.

At this moment, looking at Chu Chen leaving, a long haired beauty shook her head:

"such a high face value is white."

"How could you expect that white horse?"

Next to her, her companion, a short haired beauty, also gloated:

"I'm curious, what does it look like when he comes back in a moment?"

Anyway, it's going to the theater, so what about schadenfreude.

Five minutes later, Chu Chen's figure slowly appeared from the top of a hill.

In an instant, all people's eyes fell on Chu Chen.

At the moment, Chu Chen is riding a black horse, slowly coming here.


"Sure enough, I didn't get the white horse."

"I only got a black horse. What a bull."

The crowd jeered.

"It seems that Yan Luoshui has no threat in the future."

Yan Tao opens his mouth. In his heart, Chu Chen has been labeled as not knowing the greatness of heaven and earth.

The two beautiful guests were also sarcastic.

Just when people lose interest and are ready to do their own business.

Suddenly, on the top of the hill, a white figure appeared slowly.

All of a sudden, people's eyes widened.

The white figure came out slowly from behind the hill and appeared in front of the people.

White horse!

That's the white horse!

At the moment, the white horse was following Chu Chen, because there was no one to lead him, so he walked slowly.

He got it?

Did he really bring back the white horse with a quarter of BMW's blood?

How is that possible?

In everyone's shocked eyes, Chu Chen rode a black handsome horse, followed by the white horse, slowly came here.

In fact, not long after coming to Jinsha Equestrian Club, Chu Chen thought where he had heard of it.

Before, brother Zhong told him that his group not only has golf courses, but also various equestrian clubs.

This Jinsha Equestrian Club is owned by brother Zhong.

As the top crown member, getting a horse is a piece of cake.

See Chu Chen to come over, in an instant, all the people on the scene surrounded to come up.

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