This is one of the top horses in Jinsha Equestrian Club.

It is said to have a quarter of the blood!

They are not qualified to see a bloody BMW, but it's good to see a horse with a quarter of its blood with their own eyes.

Just now, chuchen's long haired beauty was shocked.

Did she miss it?

Is this little brother with high face value a big man?

As for the short haired beauty who gloated and wanted to see Chu Chen make a fool of herself, she was stupid.

How could that be?

Did he really bring this white horse?!

Although equally surprised, the two beauties still walked past.

They haven't seen the white horse up close for a long time.

Yan Tao stands in the same place, looking at Chu Chen who is riding a horse.

Is he dreaming?

Chu Chen, a country bumpkin, actually brought the white horse here.

With doubt, Yan Tao came over.

"I'll go."

"It's amazing. I'll take it!"

Around Chu Chen, countless people spoke.

"How did you bring this horse here?"

Yan Tao can't help asking Chu Chen.

Hearing this, everyone's eyes once again all put on Chu Chen's body.

"Maybe it's because I'm handsome."

Chu Chen in order not to cause a sensation, said.

"After listening to me, the female staff member gave it to me temporarily."

Hearing this, people were embarrassed for a moment.

If someone else said that, they would laugh.

How is that possible?

But Chu Chen said so, it's really possible.

The main reason is that he is too handsome. As long as he opens his mouth, it is difficult for a woman to refuse.

The female staff member was attracted by Chu Chen's beauty, so she secretly lent the white horse to Chu Chenqi.

This is probably the most reasonable explanation.

Everyone nodded and understood.

At this moment, people are not interested in Chu Chen.

Don't you just rely on your face?

Because they can't do it, they dislike Chu Chen even more.

Without paying attention to those people, Chu Chen gives the white horse to Yan Luoshui.

Yan Luoshui rides on his horse and follows Chu Chen.

These people's eyes were attracted by the one-quarter sweaty BMW, and they didn't notice Chu Chen's black handsome horse at all.

This is a real sweat BMW!!!

Jinsha equestrian club just bought it at a high price from abroad. Except for individuals, other customers don't know. Jinsha equestrian club has got a real sweat BMW.

Sweat BMW, that's a national treasure.

It's almost extinct in China. Most of the hard-working BMW in China is from abroad.

Every horse is sky high!

This one Chu Chen rode.

It can be called the top horse of Jinsha Equestrian Club, no one!

After seeing Chu Chen's crown card, people from Jinsha Equestrian Club immediately recommended the horse to Chu Chen.

With the crown card, let alone riding, even if Chu Chen asked for the horse, they didn't dare to refuse.

Chu Chen is riding a bloody BMW in the racecourse.

"Chu Chen, are you interested in a contest?"

Yan Tao rode over and said with provocation.

Chu Chen caused a sensation just now, which made him very shameful.

Yan Tao wants to establish his prestige in front of everyone again!

"Not interested." Chu Chen shook his head.

"What, afraid?"

Yan Tao sneers, thinking that Chu Chen is afraid of him.

"I'm afraid. I'm really afraid. I'm afraid it's not good to bully you."

Chu Chen is honest.

He now has the best equestrian skills of the system, plus the bloody BMW he is riding.

Hanging force in hanging force.

Chu Chen can take part in world-class horse racing!

Chu Chen is an upright man. How can he bully others?

"Bully me?"

"Who gave you confidence?"

Yan Tao sneered.

Yan Tao has been learning horse riding and equestrian since he was a teenager. Now it has been seven or eight years, and he has made some achievements.

In Jinsha Equestrian Club, Yan Tao is also a famous master.

Now it's said that by a man who depends on his face.

Yan Tao felt provoked.

"Let's see."

"I compete with Chu Chen. Chu Chen says he's afraid of bullying me. Is that funny?"

Yan Tao cried out.

Everybody look again.

They admit that the beauty of Chu Chen beats Yan Tao.But equestrian racing, they don't think so.

Many of the guests here, or the people of Yan's family, know that Yan Tao's equestrian level is very high.

"I'm asking you again in front of everyone. Do you dare to compete?"

Yan Tao spoke again.


Since the words say this up, Yan Tao from seek dead road, also can't blame him.

I am already very modest.

"From here to there, whoever comes first wins."

Pointing to the front, Yan Tao opens his mouth.


They come to the starting point, ready to start.

At this time, just now the two beautiful guests also looked over.

"This time, I bet the handsome little brother will win."

After what happened just now, the thought of long hair beauty has changed.

"An Hermes bag, bet?"


"What do you think, he can win Yan Tao?"

The short haired beauty who was just gloating asked with a sneer.

Because of what happened just now, the more she looked at Chu Chen, the more disagreeable she was.

"Yan Tao is a famous expert. That boy can't win at all."

"I bet five hermes bags."

Short hair beauty's credulous mouth, directly from one Hermes, increased to five.

"Well... Well, I'll bet five, too!" The beauty with long hair hesitated for a while and nodded.

Little brother, you must win!

"Three, two, one, the game begins!"

As the race began, the two horses rushed out.

Almost in an instant, Yan Tao was left behind by Chu Chen.

Chu Chen's bloody BMW, like lightning, rushes forward rapidly.

Yan Tao's purebred horse is far behind Chu Chen.

Finally, Chu Chen waited leisurely for a while at the end.

Yan Tao just arrived.

Looking at Chu Chen, everyone looks silly.

Although some people thought that Chu Chen might win, they didn't think it was a rolling win.

Chu Chen simply hanged Yan Tao.

"He won?"


Just bet Chu dust must lose of short hair beauty at the moment state of mind thoroughly explosion.

Crush, Yan Tao was crushed!

Are you mistaken!

"I won, five hermes bags."


The beauty with long hair is very happy.

As for Yan Tao, his eyes are dull now and he is scared.

Win, Chu Chen really won him, and it's still rolling!

He can't take it.

I really can't take it.

Especially looking at people constantly touting Chu Chen, Yan Tao is envious.

Originally Chu Chen's position was his.

In the distance, three or four young men and women rode slowly by.


Suddenly, the first young man suddenly noticed Chu Chenqi's bloody BMW.

"How can a horse like that be in the golden member area?"

"That's an insult to it!"

After that, the youth went straight to the dust of Chu.

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